Timeline Sample Clauses

Timeline. Contractor must perform the Services and deliver the Deliverables according to the following timeline:
Timeline. The SEA will have one year, from the date of its XXXXX award, to award funds. Any funds not awarded by the SEA within one year of receiving its award will be returned to the Department to be reallocated to other States consistent with the CARES Act.
Timeline. Unless a district is already operating under a plan to increase en- rollment, not later than May 1 of each year TEA shall notify a dis- trict if it is an affected district. The district must enter into an agree- ment to develop a plan to increase enrollment by August 1 of the year in which it receives notice from TEA. Education Code 29.904(b), (c)
Timeline. By October 1, 2019, each Party shall bind itself to the Trust Fund Agreement(s). The Trust Agreement will include: • How trustees are appointed and removed • Terms of a trustee’s appointment • Quorum requirementsMeeting requirements • Powers/ability to call a special meeting of the board • Votes and quorum requirements • Liability provisionsSpecific provisions outlining the necessary authority for the trustees to manage and administer the State Worker Training Fund and Program • Investment provisionsInvestment standardsEnforcement mechanisms for the Contribution Agreement • Specific provisions outlining terms for amendments, mergers, termination of the trust • Establishing benchmarks and metrics. The Trust will produce an annual progress report beginning June 2021 that includes an operating plan for the upcoming year and a report back on the operating benchmarks and metrics for approval by the State’s CCO and the Unions’ Executive Director. By December 1, 2019 the Parties will use best efforts within the legal framework of the Trust Board to adopt a detailed plan for Training Fund operation, including establishing specific training objectives, performance benchmarks, expected outcomes, and hire a Director. By February 1, 2020 the trust will set up a minimum of one (1) pilot and a goal of two (2) based on budget and plan.
Timeline. Contractor must perform the Services and deliver the Deliverables according to the following timeline: A. Begin performance of the Services at any JBE facility or at multiple facilities in an identified region simultaneously within three (3) days, or less depending on severity of issue, of receiving a service request.
Timeline. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, a faculty member’s current portfolio shall be submitted to the appropriate xxxx by July 10 and the faculty member shall meet with the xxxx for review before October 15. Faculty members may elect to complete their review during the summer, but are not required to do so.
Timeline. The Panel shall conduct a grievance hearing no later than forty-five (45) days after receiving the initial position statements from both the Grievant and Respondent, and shall transmit its written decision to the Grievant, Respondent, AAUP, and the University Contract Administrator no later than thirty (30) days after the hearing. The timeline may be extended by agreement of the Parties.
Timeline. Classification on the salary schedule is for the full contract year. No change in classification shall be made for professional credits earned except as provided below:
Timeline. 3.1.1. Prior to May 9 either the Board or the SSEA may request negotiations. 3.1.2. May 10 – Written evidence required showing the Association represents more than 50% of the certificated professional employees in the District. Without such evidence negotiations with the association will not occur for the upcoming school year.
Timeline. If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision at Level III, the grievant may, within five (5) days of the receipt of the decision at Level III, Appeal to President or Vice Chancellor, appeal the decision on the appropriate form to the Chancellor. Copies of the appeal statement shall also be sent to the immediate supervisor, the Level II and III administrators, the President or Vice Chancellor and the Union. This statement shall include a copy of the original grievance and response, and a clear, concise statement of the reasons for the appeal. Disciplinary dismissal appeals shall contain a statement of the facts giving rise to the appeal, the names of all administrative personnel involved, the reasons for contesting the dismissal and a statement of requested remedy.