Timeliness of First Visit Sample Clauses

Timeliness of First Visit a) The Contractor shall ensure that each beneficiary be offered a first appointment within 15 days of referral or request for service for non-urgent services.
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  • General Education Requirements for Azusa Pacific University Requirement Helpful Hints & Comments First-Year Seminar Course must focus on orientation to college academics while maintaining instruction in orientation, transitions, and holistic wellness. Typically, a 3-unit course. Not required for students who transfer in 30+ units. Writing 1: The Art & Craft of Writing Any first-semester composition course. Often titled "Freshman Composition," "College Composition," or "Reading and Composition." Must include basic research skills and a research paper. Writing 2: Genre, Evidence, & Persuasion Courses titled "Critical Thinking," "Advanced Composition," etc., that follow a basic freshman level writing course. These courses involve the use of logic, critical thinking, rhetoric, and advanced composition. In addition, genre-specific writing courses will introduce students to the genres of writing, rhetorical moves, and forms of evidence in a specific discipline. Possible courses include: Writing in the Humanities, Writing in the Social Sciences, Writing in the Arts, Writing in Theology, Writing in Business, Writing in Nursing, etc. Must include a research component. Writing 3: Writing in the Disciplines This category focuses on preparing students to be professionals in a field by being independent thinkers capable of constructing their own knowledge, including producing polished writing products in the genres of writing that students are likely to use in their future professions. Most courses in this category are required for the specific APU major and are therefore not likely to be fulfilled by a student's transfer work. Oral Communication Any Public Speaking or Oral Communication course. Must contain at least 3 individual public speeches. Also, communication courses in Interpersonal, Small Group, Argumentation and Debate, and Intercultural areas are acceptable (however, some majors may require Public Speaking). Cannot be taken as a hybrid course. Personal Wellness Any physical activity course with a cardio component and instruction in fitness principles. This includes individual activities, team sports, dance, yoga/mat exercise courses, and intercollegiate sports. Activities with limited physical activity such as badminton, golf, bowling, etc. will not fulfill the requirement. Quantitative Literacy Any course from the Math department of the transferring school that has a prerequisite of Intermediate Algebra. However, certain majors require College Algebra. Please refer to the APU catalog to determine whether or not your major requires College Algebra. In addition, Statistics and Applied Statistics courses (e.g. "Statistics for Behavioral Sciences") with an Intermediate Algebra prerequisite will meet this requirement. Biblical, Theological, & Philosophical Formation- Philosophy Requirement Must be a broad philosophy course such as Intro to Philosophy, History of Philosophy, philosophy-based Logic, Critical Thinking, and Ethics. All other courses must be evaluated by the Department of Theology & Philosophy for transfer. Humanities- History, Literature, & Fine Arts Requirement Must choose one course from each discipline (3 courses total): History, Literature, and Fine Arts. History courses must be survey courses in world, western, or U.S. history (typically split into two time periods). Literature courses must be broad, surveys of literature that explore the literary genres of fiction, drama, and poetry. Fine Arts courses must be broad, survey courses in Art, Music, Drama, or Theater (sometimes History of Cinema, Drama, or Theater courses) covering approximately 100 years. These must be lecture courses and not studio or applied courses such as drawing, painting, singing, piano, etc. Examples of acceptable courses from these categories include (but not limited to) World Civilizations to 1648, Intro to Literature, Art History, Music Fundamentals, etc. Social Sciences One course from the following disciplines: Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Anthropology, Communication Studies, or Political Science. Examples of courses include (but not limited to) Intro to Sociology, General Psychology, Intro to Criminal Justice, Cultural Anthropology, Mass Media, etc. Natural Sciences One course: lecture and lab component required. Any basic course in the life or physical sciences. Examples of courses include Fundamentals of Biology, General Biology, Fundamentals of Chemistry, General Chemistry, Introduction to Astronomy, Physical Geology/Geography, Fundamentals of Physics, General Physics, Oceanography, Zoology, Marine Biology. Biology and Chemistry labs cannot be taken online. However, certain majors require specific science courses. Please refer to the APU catalog to determine whether or not your major requires specific science courses.

  • Public Posting of Approved Users’ Research Use Statement The PI agrees that information about themselves and the approved research use will be posted publicly on the dbGaP website. The information includes the PI’s name and Requester, project name, Research Use Statement, and a Non-Technical Summary of the Research Use Statement. In addition, and if applicable, this information may include the Cloud Computing Use Statement and name of the CSP or PCS. Citations of publications resulting from the use of controlled-access datasets obtained through this DAR may also be posted on the dbGaP website.

  • Response/Compliance with Audit or Inspection Findings A. Grantee must act to ensure its and its Subcontractors’ compliance with all corrections necessary to address any finding of noncompliance with any law, regulation, audit requirement, or generally accepted accounting principle, or any other deficiency identified in any audit, review, or inspection of the Contract and the services and Deliverables provided. Any such correction will be at Grantee’s or its Subcontractor's sole expense. Whether Xxxxxxx's action corrects the noncompliance shall be solely the decision of the System Agency.

  • Certification Regarding Prohibition of Boycotting Israel (Tex Gov. Code 2271) If (a) Vendor is not a sole proprietorship; (b) Vendor has ten (10) or more full-time employees; and (c) this Agreement or any agreement with a TIPS Member under this procurement has value of $100,000 or more, the following certification shall apply; otherwise, this certification is not required. Vendor certifies, where applicable, that neither the Vendor, nor any affiliate, subsidiary, or parent company of Vendor, if any, boycotts Israel, and Vendor agrees that Vendor and Vendor Companies will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “boycott” shall mean and include refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. When applicable, does Vendor certify? Yes

  • General Education Requirements Students who intend to transfer to SUNY Buffalo State College with an A.A. or A.S. degree, will be considered as having fulfilled general education/Intellectual Foundations as long as they complete the 30 credits and 7 of 10 areas of SUNY-GER requirements prior to the start of their studies at SUNY Buffalo State College. Students should have successfully completed the SUNY-GER Basic Communication requirement with a grade of “C” or better, the mathematics requirement, and 5 of the remaining 8 categories. The student is responsible for fulfilling the SUNY Buffalo State College Diversity requirement.

  • Project Monitoring Reporting and Evaluation The Recipient shall furnish to the Association each Project Report not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar semester, covering the calendar semester.

  • MONITORING OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 19.1 Monthly status reports During Operation Period, the Concessionaire shall, no later than 7 (seven) days after the close of each month, furnish to the Authority and the Independent Engineer a monthly report stating in reasonable detail the condition of the Bus Terminal including its compliance or otherwise with the Maintenance Requirements, Maintenance Manual, Maintenance Programme and Safety Requirements, and shall promptly give such other relevant information as may be required by the Independent Engineer. In particular, such report shall separately identify and state in reasonable detail the defects and deficiencies that require rectification.

  • Form and substance of requests for assistance 1. Requests pursuant to this Protocol shall be made in writing. They shall be accompanied by the documents necessary to enable compliance with the request. When required because of the urgency of the situation, oral requests may be accepted, but must be confirmed in writing immediately.

  • Deadlines for Providing Insurance Documents after Renewal or Upon Request As set forth herein, certain insurance documents must be provided to the OGS Procurement Services contact identified in the Contract Award Notice after renewal or upon request. This requirement means that the Contractor shall provide the applicable insurance document to OGS as soon as possible but in no event later than the following time periods:  For certificates of insurance: 5 business days  For information on self-insurance or self-retention programs: 15 calendar days  For other requested documentation evidencing coverage: 15 calendar days  For additional insured and waiver of subrogation endorsements: 30 calendar days Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Contractor shall have promptly requested the insurance documents from its broker or insurer and shall have thereafter diligently taken all steps necessary to obtain such documents from its insurer and submit them to OGS, OGS shall extend the time period for a reasonable period under the circumstances, but in no event shall the extension exceed 30 calendar days.

  • Compliance with Audit and Reporting Requirements; Maintenance of Records A. The Grantee shall submit to an audit of funds paid through this Grant Agreement and shall make all books, accounting records and other documents available at all reasonable times during the term of this Grant Agreement and for a period of three (3) years after final payment for inspection by the State or its authorized designee. Copies shall be furnished to the State at no cost

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