Time Off for Union Activities The employer agrees to grant the necessary time off, without discrimination or loss of seniority rights and without pay, to any employee designated by the Union to attend a labor convention provided that there is two-week notice of any union convention. Due consideration shall be given to the number of personnel affected in order that there shall be no disruptions of employer's operations due to lack of available employees.
Preventive Services All necessary procedures to prevent the occurrence of oral disease, including: Cleaning and scaling Topical application of fluoride Space maintainers
Supportive Services 2.1. Case Management Access Shelter Providers are required to have case management available to participants on site. Participation within case management is voluntary to program participants, however all participants must be offered case management and must be engaged on an ongoing basis to encourage participation. Shelter Providers should recognize that it may take multiple contacts before a participant is ready to engage. Shelter Providers must ensure case management services are participant-centered to individual needs. Programs must provide space for the provision of case management that works to create as much privacy and confidentiality as possible.
CONCERTED ACTIVITIES 19.1 It is agreed and understood that there will be no strike, work stoppage, slow-down or refusal or failure to fully and faithfully perform job functions and responsibilities, or other interference with the operations of the District by the Association or by its officers, agents, or members during the term of this Agreement, including compliance with the request of other labor organizations to engage in such activity.
High Risk Activities 1. The Software is not fault-tolerant and is not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of the Software could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage ("High Risk Activities"). Syncro and its suppliers specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities.
Transition Planning The AGENCY will be responsible for the development of the student’s Transition Plan, which begins upon entry and is completed prior to the student’s exit.
Union Activities If the Contract Amount is $50,000 or more, no Judicial Council funds received under this Agreement will be used to assist, promote or deter union organizing during the term of this Agreement (including any extension or renewal term).
Community Engagement Integration Activities The SP will support the HSP to engage the community of diverse persons and entities in the area where it provides health services when setting priorities for the delivery of health services and when developing plans for submission to the LHIN including but not limited to CAPS and integration proposals.
Leave for Union Activities Upon request by the Union, leave without pay will be granted to any employee duly authorized to represent employees of this bargaining unit at: a) Executive, Council meetings or Conventions of the Union and Labour Education Seminars. A written request for such leave shall be submitted at least twenty (20) days in advance. Such leave shall be limited to a total of four (4) employees at any one time, and to a maximum aggregate total of four hundred and fifty (450) working hours in any calendar year. The maximum leave for any individual Union official shall not exceed sixty (60) hours and one hundred (100) working hours for an Executive Officer. The Company will consider reasonable requests from the Union to increase the individual and/or aggregate maximum. Such leave shall not constitute a break in continuity of service in seniority, severance pay, or other benefits under this Agreement. b) In order to attend the CEP National Convention every other year (or every third year) up to four (4) employees will be released and the maximum aggregate total of working hours may be increased by an additional one hundred thirty (130) working hours, exclusive of the individual limits in above to attend the CEP National Convention. The Company will be advised of the convention dates as far in advance as possible. A written request for such leave will be submitted to the Company at least sixty (60) days in advance. c) It is understood that operational requirements may prevent the release of particular employee(s) under this Article and in such case the Local Union shall be allowed to name the alternate(s), however such requests for leave will not be unreasonably denied. d) An employee on unpaid Union leave under this Article shall be compensated at his/her regular rate for the leave by the Company. The Company will then invoice the Union for reimbursement of such compensation which shall be paid by the Union within fifteen (15) days of the date of the invoice. e) In addition, up to one (1) employee may accept a full-time elective position with the Union or an official labour body for a period not exceeding two (2) years. Any additional yearly periods may be granted at the Company’s discretion upon receipt of a written request from the employee and the President of the Union. The Company may hire temporary employees to fill the vacancies created by such leave of absence. During the employee’s leave and subject to the limitations of the various benefit plans, the employee may continue to participate provided the employee prepays all premiums and contributions. During such leave the employee shall not accumulate seniority for the purpose of annual leave credits and severance pay.