TRADES PROGRAM. Within six (6) months of the ratification and approval of this Agreement, the University and the Union will meet to develop an incentive program for the trades classifications. Included:


  • Educational Program A. DSST PUBLIC SCHOOLS shall implement and maintain the following characteristics of its educational program in addition to those identified in the Network Contract at DSST XXXX MIDDLE SCHOOL (“the School” within Exhibit A-3). These characteristics are subject to modification with the District’s written approval:

  • Mentor Program a. Each new Bargaining Unit Member (first year employee) shall be assigned a mentor. An exception may be made, as determined by the Superintendent, for new part-time Bargaining unit Members of whom have prior service in the same program operated by the Board. The mentor shall assist the new Bargaining Unit Member in general teaching procedures, techniques, classroom planning and organization, school functions and regulations and other areas of professional growth and development. The Association President in collaboration with the Lead Mentor/Resident Educator Coordinator and appropriate Directors shall submit nominations of three (3) qualified staff members to the Superintendent, after obtaining the candidates’ permission. The Superintendent may elect to nominate one of the candidates to the Board of Education for assignment, or ask the Association President and Lead Mentor/Resident Educator Coordinator for additional nominations. b. No mentor shall be assigned more than one new Bargaining Unit Member per year. The mentor shall not be involved in any way in the formal evaluation of the new Bargaining Unit Member, but shall confer with the assigned Supervisor on the strengths and weaknesses of the new unit member and his or her overall performance and progress. In order to be assigned, mentors must possess the following qualifications: i. At least two (2) years of successful teaching experience at Tolles. ii. A variety of teaching experience. iii. An ability and willingness to help improve another teacher. c. Mentors shall attend one or two (2) training seminars held outside the regular workday. The Association President in collaboration with the Lead Mentor/Resident Educator Coordinator and appropriate Directors will draft a list of tasks which mentors are to perform. d. Mentor teachers shall certify that they have spent a minimum of 15 hours during the school year in mentor training and working with their assigned new Bargaining Unit Member. The new Bargaining Unit Member may make written application to the Superintendent for up to 15 hours additional mentor service. The mentor teacher, the new Bargaining Unit Member, and the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee, will meet to discuss a plan of action for additional hours requested. Mentor teachers shall be paid for the documented work hours at the hourly rate of $30. The payment shall be in a one-time lump sum at the end of the school year. e. If there are teachers who are new to the District, the Lead Mentor will receive two (2) days extended time to work with new teachers and the administration before the regular instructional year for the purpose of training new staff members in the successful use of the teacher handbook, school regulations, and operational procedures.

  • Program Services a) Personalized Care Practice agrees to provide to Program Member certain enhancements and amenities to professional medical services to be rendered by Personalized Care Practice to Program Member, as further described in Schedule 1 to these Terms. Upon prior written notice to Program Member, Personalized Care Practice may add or modify the Program Services set forth in Schedule 1, as reasonably necessary, and subject to such additional fees and/or terms and conditions as may be reasonably necessary. b) Program Member acknowledges that the Program Services are services that are not covered services under any insurance contract to which Program Member may be a party, including, without limitation, Medicare, and are not reimbursable by Program Member’s insurer, health plan or any governmental entity, including Medicare. Program Member agrees to bear sole financial responsibility for the Member Amenities Fee and agrees not to submit to Program Member’s insurer, health plan or governmental entity any xxxx, invoice or claim for payment or reimbursement of such Member Amenities Fee. c) Personalized Care Practice or its designated affiliate will separately charge Program Member or Program Member’s insurer, health plan or governmental entity for medical, clinical, diagnostic or therapeutic services rendered by Personalized Care Practice or its designated affiliate to Program Member, and Program Member may seek payment or reimbursement from Program Member’s insurer or health plan for any such service to the extent covered by Program Member’s insurer, health plan or governmental entity. d) Program Member understands, agrees and covenants that this Agreement is a service contract, and not a contract for insurance.

  • Safety Program The Contractor shall design a specific safety program for the Work for the site(s). The Contractor shall establish and require all Subcontractors to establish reasonable safety programs. The Contractor shall also submit its standard monthly safety reports to the Owner and Design Professional. No imposition of responsibility on the Contractor for safety under this Contract shall relieve any subcontractor of its responsibility for safety of persons or property on or near the Project Site. The Contractor shall include in his plant he names of the person in charge of Safety.

  • Programs and Services Every aspect of the service you provide is considered part of your program, and therefore it must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. This includes parking lots, service counters and spaces, transportation (shuttles, etc.), agendas, flyers, emails, online services, phone calls, meetings, celebrations, classes, recreational activities and more. The guidance in this document is primarily intended to help you provide accessible programs by providing you with the tools to: ▪ survey facilities and identify common architectural barriers for people with disabilities; ▪ identify common ADA compliance problems in your communications and activities; and ▪ remove barriers and fix common ADA compliance problems in these areas. Your programs can be broken into three main categories, (Communications, Facilities, and Activities) which will be covered in more detail below.

  • Other Programs Nothing contained in this performance stock unit agreement shall affect the right of the Award Holder to participate in and receive benefits under and in accordance with the then current provisions of any pension, insurance, profit-sharing or other employee benefit plan or program of the Corporation or of any Subsidiary of the Corporation.

  • Mastectomy Services Inpatient

  • Marketing Plans Contractor and the Exchange recognize that Enrollees and other health care consumers benefit from efforts relating to outreach activities designed to increase heath awareness and encourage enrollment. The parties shall share marketing plans on an annual basis and with respect to periodic updates of material changes. The marketing plans of each of the Exchange and Contractor shall include proposed marketing approaches and channels and shall provide samples of any planned marketing materials and related collateral as well as planned, and when completed, expenses for the marketing budget. The Contractor shall include this information for both the Exchange and the outside individual market. The Exchange shall treat all marketing information provided under this Section as confidential information and the obligation of the Exchange to maintain confidentiality of this information shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.

  • Program 3.01. The Borrower declares its commitment to the Program and its implementation. To this end, and further to Section 5.08 of the General Conditions: (a) the Borrower and the Bank shall from time to time, at the request of either party, exchange views on the Borrower’s macroeconomic policy framework and the progress achieved in carrying out the Program; (b) prior to each such exchange of views, the Borrower shall furnish to the Bank for its review and comment a report on the progress achieved in carrying out the Program, in such detail as the Bank shall reasonably request; and (c) without limitation upon the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section, the Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank of any situation that would have the effect of materially reversing the objectives of the Program or any action taken under the Program including any action specified in Section I of Schedule 1 to this Agreement.

  • The Program The Program is a comprehensive commercial energy efficiency program that offers financial incentives and financing for qualifying energy efficiency measures in commercial buildings to customers who are property owners, tenants or managers (customers) of ACE in New Jersey. Customers must receive ACE electric delivery service and be in good standing. Incentives are available to customers for the purchase and installation of qualifying energy-efficiency measures at the location where the qualifying project is to be installed. ACE will not offer financial incentives for the same eligible measure to those customers who have received financial incentives or rebates from other ACE energy efficiency programs.