TRAINING, ASSISTANCE AND ANNUAL CONVENTION. 8.1. Initial Training. Franchisor will provide “Initial Training” to Franchisee for no additional charge. Initial Training will consist of a primary training program of no fewer than five (5) days, which will take place at an Iron Tribe Fitness Gym designated by Franchisor in the continental United States; and a secondary and opening assistance program of one to two days, which will take place at the Location. If Franchisee is an individual, then the participants in Initial Training will be: (i) if Franchisee is the Operations Manager, Franchisee and one (1) other employee of Franchisee’s choosing; or (ii) if Franchisee is not the Operations Manager, Franchisee, the Operations Manager, and one (1) other employee of Franchisee’s choosing. If Franchisee is an entity, then the participants in Initial Training will be the Operations Manager, an Owner, and between two and four other employees of Franchisee’s choosing. Franchisee will ensure that any individual whom Franchisee intends to provide services to Athletes upon Franchisee’s opening for business participates in Initial Training. The individuals participating in Initial Training will complete all components of Initial Training to Franchisor’s reasonable satisfaction prior to Franchisee’s opening for business. Franchisee will pay for all travel, accommodations, wages, and other costs for its representatives attending or participating in Initial Training.
TRAINING, ASSISTANCE AND ANNUAL CONVENTION. 8.1. Training (if required). Those participating in Training will complete all components of Training to Company’s reasonable satisfaction. Partners will pay for all travel, accommodations, wages, and other costs for its representatives attending or participating in Training.


  • Geographic Area and Sector Specific Allowances, Conditions and Exceptions The following allowances and conditions shall apply where relevant. Where the Employer does work which falls under the following headings, the Employer agrees to pay and observe the relevant respective conditions and/or exceptions set out below in each case.

  • Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Consulting Teachers (CT) will be assigned to all new teachers with no prior teaching experience and tenured teachers rated ineffective on the qualitative measures at the end of the previous school year and recommended by the PAR Panel. Evaluations for Probationary and Ineffective Teachers:

  • PREVAILING WAGE RATES - PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING SERVICES CONTRACTS If any portion of work being Bid is subject to the prevailing wage rate provisions of the Labor Law, the following shall apply:

  • Rental Assistance (Subsidy) Rental assistance will be provided to Eligible Households who pay 30% of their monthly net income, including Florida unemployment benefits, towards their monthly rent and have experienced a loss of job or income due to COVID-19.

  • Technical Assistance DFPS may provide informal support, guidance, clarification, and other forms of technical assistance via phone, email, and virtual meeting to resolve Grant or performance compliance issues. Grantee will document all such instances of technical assistance by DFPS in writing, including any implementation work.


  • Payments for Distribution Assistance and Administrative Support Services (a) Payments to the Distributor. In consideration of the payments made by the Fund to the Distributor under this Plan, the Distributor shall provide administrative support services and distribution services to the Fund. Such services include distribution assistance and administrative support services rendered in connection with Shares (1) sold in purchase transactions, (2) issued in exchange for shares of another investment company for which the Distributor serves as distributor or sub-distributor, or (3) issued pursuant to a plan of reorganization to which the Fund is a party. If the Board believes that the Distributor may not be rendering appropriate distribution assistance or administrative support services in connection with the sale of Shares, then the Distributor, at the request of the Board, shall provide the Board with a written report or other information to verify that the Distributor is providing appropriate services in this regard. For such services, the Fund will make the following payments to the Distributor:

  • Coronavirus Relief Fund – Rental Assistance Application The Coronavirus Relief Fund – Rental Assistance Application should contain all the necessary information to determine whether a Household is potentially eligible for CRF assistance. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 760.20-760.37, Fla. Stat., it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, familial status, national origin, or handicap in the award application process for Eligible Housing. 1. At a minimum, an application for program assistance should contain the following items for each household member: a. The number of people residing in the household including name, age, relationship to head of household, current address and home phone number; b. Name and address of employer(s), work phone number(s), and position title with employer; c. Sources of income and a statement signed by all of the adults who reside in the household consenting to the disclosure of information for the purpose of verifying income for determining eligibility for program assistance; d. A signed statement indicating that the applicant understands that all information provided is subject to Florida’s public records laws; and e. A statement that it is a first-degree misdemeanor to falsify information for the purpose of obtaining assistance.

  • Directory Assistance Service Updates BellSouth shall update end user listings changes daily. These changes include: New end user connections End user disconnections

  • Assistance by COUNTY STAFF 1.3.1. County shall assign an appropriate staff member to work with A-E in connection with the work of this Contract. Said staff member's duties will consist of the giving of advice and consultations, assisting A-E in negotiations with other public agencies and private parties, miscellaneous items which in the judgment of A-E or County's staff warrant attention, and all other duties as may be described in Attachment A. 1.3.2. All of the above activities, however, shall be the primary responsibility of A-E to schedule, initiate and carry through to completion.