TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM SCHOOL AND RELATED ACTIVITES. The VENDOR shall transport the DISTRICT’S students to and from school, school activities and BOCES programs in accordance with the DISTRICT’S calendar and the DISTRICT’S activity schedule. Although routing demands and needs can change each year, the VENDOR is required to provide a sufficient number of vehicles to meet the demands, plus spare vehicles. The VENDOR and the DISTRICT shall meet prior to the beginning of each school year to determine the allowable route mileage and the estimated fuel allowance. Periodic meetings may occur throughout the program to evaluate any route changes and the potential impact on the fuel allowance. Route scheduling will be performed by the VENDOR, utilizing the DISTRICT’S Transfinder routing software. Any changes (new students, addresses, etc.) must be effective the next business day. The DISTRICT reserves the right to make changes to any proposed routes, and reserves to itself the right of approval on all routes. All routes shall be designed consistent with BOARD Policy, and shall be designed to maximize efficiency and minimize costs to the DISTRICT. Both parties to the PROPOSAL agree to cooperate in revising the routes and trips to improve service, operating efficiencies or economy. No changes in regular routes or sets of routes may be made without prior approval by the DISTRICT or its authorized representative. All school bus schedules and designated routes must be closely followed at all times. Starting times for each established route must be followed closely. The VENDOR shall make provisions so that the driver of each vehicle while driving the same bus has available to him/her a watch or clock set at radio time accuracy each morning so that all pick-ups are never earlier than scheduled as indicated in the route records of the VENDOR and transportation supervisor. Changes in starting or pick-up times must be approved in advance and in writing by the Transportation Supervisor. The VENDOR must adhere to routes and trips as designated by the Transportation Supervisor. Any VENDOR who combines or splits up routes or trips without the written permission of the Transportation Supervisor shall forfeit 1/180 of the amount of said PROPOSAL for each day that it does so, and may be subject to the cancellation of the contract. No student is permitted to leave the bus except at the regular designated point of discharge. Written permission by parents for the discharge of students at any other point than designated in the bus schedul...
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  • Industrial Relations Training Leave 53.1 Union Delegate/Employee Representative shall have access to industrial relations training in accordance with Appendix E hereof.

  • COMMUNICATION BETWEEN YOU AND XXXXX 24.1 Subject to any applicable laws, the Licensee authorised XXXXX to communicate with it by means of telephone, e-mail, fax, text or any mobile phone messaging services to the Licensees mobile device, laptop and/or computer.

  • Kesimpulan Nominee Agreement atau dikenal dengan perjanjian pinjam nama merupakan perjanjian xxxxxx xxxx dibuat oleh nominee xxx beneficiary. Penggunaan Nominee Agreement dalam pendaftaran tanah membawa akibat hukum bukan hanya pada keabsahan dari Nominee Agreement itu sendiri melainkan juga pada keabsahan dari sertifikat hasil pendaftaran tanah objek Nominee Agreement. Sertifikat hak atas tanah merupakan surat tanda bukti kepemilikan hak atas tanah yang merupakan suatu KTUN yang untuk memperoleh keabsahannya harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagaimana diatur di dalam Pasal 52 ayat (1) UU Administrasi Pemerintahan, yaitu kewe-nangan, prosedur, xxx substansi. Apabila terdapat salah satu syarat keabsahan suatu keputusan tidak terpenuhi, maka akan mengakibatkan keputusan tersebut tidak sah. Apabila dilihat dari segi pendaftaran tanah, pendaftaran tanah dengan adanya Nominee Agreement mengandung kecacatan prosedural materiil. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam pendaftaran dilakukan atas dasar suatu kebohongan, yang mana data yang dimasukkan pada saat pendaftaran sertifikat tanah bukanlah data dari pemilik tanah yang sesungguhnya. Oleh karena ditemukan adanya pemalsuan data dalam proses pendaftaran yang bertentangan dengan ketentuan dalam UUPA, maka sertifikat hasil pendaftaran objek Nominee Agreement dianggap tidak sah. Akibat hukum dari tidak sahnya sertifikat hasil pendaftaran objek Nominee Agreement karena tidak memenuhi syarat prosedur adalah batalnya sertifikat tersebut (Nietig), yang mana bagi hukum perbuatan yang dilakukan tidak ada xxx akibat perbuatan itu juga dianggap tidak pernah ada. Dalam pembatalan sertifikat hak atas tanah, diperlukan putusan pengadilan atau keputusan dari badan/pejabat pemerintah yang berwenang yakni BPN, dalam hal ini adalah Kepala Xxxxxx Pertanahan Kabupaten/Kota. Kewenangan yang diberikan untuk mengeluarkan keputusan yang membatalkan itu didasarkan atas Asas Contrarius Actus, artonya yang berhak untuk mengeluarkan putusan dalam rangka mela-kukan pembatalan terhadap sertifikat hak atas tanah adalah badan/pejabat yang menerbitkan sertifikat tersebut. Dalam Pasal 66 ayat (3) UU Administrasi Pemerintahan memberikan pilihan terkait pembatalan suatu keputusan yang dapat juga dilakukan atas putusan pengadilan, yang mana akibat hukumnya berbeda dengan pembatalan sertifikat. Putusan pengadilan lebih menekankan dalam mengadili persoalan keabsahan daripada Nominee Agreement tersebut, terkait dengan siapa pemilik yang sebenarnya dari tanah tersebut. Langkah tersebut dirasa kurang tepat xxxxxx xxxxx banyak putusan yang justru mengun- tungkan pihak yang melakukan pelanggaran hukum. Oleh karena itu, akan lebih tepat apabila BPN yang mencabut hak atas tanah tersebut, yang mana jika sertifikat tersebut dicabut oleh BPN melalui pembatalan sertifikat, maka tanah tersebut akan kembali menjadi tanah milik negara. Daftar Pustaka Buku: Efendi, A., & Poernomo, F. (2017). Hukum Administrasi (Cet.I). Sinar Grafika. Xxxxxx, X. X. (2009). Black’s Law Dictionary (9th edition). Thomson West. xxxxx:// Hadjon, P. M. (1994). Fungsi Normatif Hukum Administrasi dalam Mewujudkan Pemerintahan yang Bersih. Universitas Airlangga. Hernoko, A. Y. (2008). Hukum Perjanjian: Asas Proporsionalitas dalam Kontrak Komersial. LBM. Marzuki, P. M. (2005). Penelitian Hukum (1st ed.). Kencana Prenada Media Group. Santoso, U. (2006). Hukum Agraria xxx Xxx-Xxx atas Tanah (1st ed.). Kencana.

  • RELEASE OF GENERAL INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC AND MEDIA NASA or Partner may, consistent with Federal law and this Agreement, release general information regarding its own participation in this Agreement as desired. Pursuant to Section 841(d) of the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017, Public Law 115-10 (the "NTAA"), NASA is obligated to publicly disclose copies of all agreements conducted pursuant to NASA's 51 U.S.C. §20113(e) authority in a searchable format on the NASA website within 60 days after the agreement is signed by the Parties. The Parties acknowledge that a copy of this Agreement will be disclosed, without redactions, in accordance with the NTAA.

  • XXXXX-XXXXX AND RELATED ACT PROVISIONS This section is applicable to all Federal-aid construction projects exceeding $2,000 and to all related subcontracts and lower-tier subcontracts (regardless of subcontract size). The requirements apply to all projects located within the right-of- way of a roadway that is functionally classified as Federal-aid highway. This excludes roadways functionally classified as local roads or rural minor collectors, which are exempt. Contracting agencies may elect to apply these requirements to other projects. The following provisions are from the U.S. Department of Labor regulations in 29 CFR 5.5 “Contract provisions and related matters” with minor revisions to conform to the FHWA- 1273 format and FHWA program requirements.

  • REPORT ON CONTRACT SALES ACTIVITY AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEE PAYMENT A. CONTRACT SALES ACTIVITY REPORT. Each calendar quarter, Supplier must provide a contract sales activity report (Report) to the Sourcewell Supplier Development Administrator assigned to this Contract. Reports are due no later than 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter. A Report must be provided regardless of the number or amount of sales during that quarter (i.e., if there are no sales, Supplier must submit a report indicating no sales were made). The Report must contain the following fields: • Participating Entity Name (e.g., City of Staples Highway Department); • Participating Entity Physical Street Address; • Participating Entity City; • Participating Entity State/Province; • Participating Entity Zip/Postal Code; • Participating Entity Contact Name; • Participating Entity Contact Email Address; • Participating Entity Contact Telephone Number; • Sourcewell Assigned Entity/Participating Entity Number; • Item Purchased Description; • Item Purchased Price; • Sourcewell Administrative Fee Applied; and • Date Purchase was invoiced/sale was recognized as revenue by Supplier.

  • Destination CSU-Pueblo scholarship This articulation transfer agreement replaces all previous agreements between CCA and CSU-Pueblo in Bachelor of Science in Physics (Secondary Education Emphasis). This agreement will be reviewed annually and revised (if necessary) as mutually agreed.

  • XXXXXXXX ANTI-KICKBACK ACT (a) The Sub-Recipient hereby agrees that, unless exempt under Federal law, it will incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any contract for construction work, or modification thereof, the following clause:

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