TURF POLICY. Parking or driving on campus turf or sidewalk is strictly prohibited, except as specifically directed or otherwise allowed by the Physical Plant Grounds Department. In this case, a turf permit must be obtained from Virginia Tech Parking Services and displayed by the vehicle. Turf parking is not allowed under the canopy of any tree on campus. Any vehicle parked illegally on turf or sidewalks shall be subject to ticketing and fines.
TURF POLICY. Parking or driving on campus turf or sidewalk is strictly prohibited, except as specifically directed or otherwise allowed by the Physical Plant Grounds Department. In this case, a turf permit must be obtained from Virginia Tech Parking Services and displayed by the vehicle. Turf parking is not allowed under the canopy of any tree on campus. Any vehicle parked illegally on turf or sidewalks shall be subject to ticketing and fines.
1. The following Scope of Work is being incorporated on behalf of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Department. Virginia Tech is seeking proposals for an experienced DEIB consultant with strong organizational development, strategic plan development, and capacity building experience to provide the University with diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging services. All proposers must be able to provide services that encompass strong organizational development and strategic plan development.
TURF POLICY. Turf permits are issued by Parking Services to all vehicles requiring temporary parking on the grass, except for construction equipment, loaders, graders, etc.. Parking Services’ management shall decide who can obtain a Turf Permit. Turf permits do not allow parking on sidewalks and plazas. As a courtesy please do not park under trees.