Underletting Sample Clauses

Underletting. (A) Not to underlet the whole of the demised premises otherwise than by an instrument in writing substantially in the form of this Lease approved by the Landlord (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed): (i) containing an absolute prohibition against the underlessee underletting, charging, parting with possession or sharing the occupation of the premises underlet or any part of them or assigning part of them; (ii) at the best rent reasonably obtainable without taking a fine or premium; (iii) containing provisions for the rent reserved by the underlease to be reviewed in an upwards direction only with effect from the same dates as the principal yearly rent under this Lease is liable to be reviewed and upon the same principles of ascertainment; and (iv) containing or having endorsed upon it an agreement excluding sections 24 to 28 of the Landlord and Xxxxxx Xxx 0000 authorised by an order of the court under section 38(4) of that Act. (B) Not to underlet the whole of the demised premises without procuring that the undertenant enters into direct covenants with the Landlord: (i) to observe and perform the tenant's covenants in this Lease (other than as to the payment of rent); (ii) to pay the rents reserved by the proposed underlease and to observe and perform the undertenant's covenants in such underlease; and (iii) not to assign the premises underlet without the prior consent of the Landlord under this Lease such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. (C) Subject to sub-paragraphs (A) and (B), not to underlet the whole of the demised premises without the consent of the Landlord (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).
Underletting. 6.1 The Tenant must not assign, underlet or part with or share possession of the Property or any part of it.
Underletting. 3.17.1 The Tenant shall not underlet the whole of the Premises except in accordance with this clause nor without the consent of the Landlord, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 3.17.2 The Tenant shall not underlet or agree to underlet the whole of the Premises without first procuring that any intended undertenant shall covenant with the Landlord and the Superior Landlord as from the date of the underlease to observe and perform the covenants and conditions herein contained (excluding the covenant to pay the rents hereinbefore reserved) and not without the prior written consent of the Landlord and the Superior Landlord to assign the Premises and that such covenants are included in the underlease. 3.17.3 The Tenant shall not underlet part only of the Premises. 3.17.4 The Tenant shall not underlet the Premises: together with any property or any right over property that is not included within this Lease; at a fine or premium or reverse premium; nor allowing any rent free period to the undertenant that exceeds the period as is then usual in the open market in respect of such a letting. 3.17.5 The Tenant shall not underlet the Premises unless, before the underlease is granted, the Tenant has given the Landlord: a certified copy of the notice served on the undertenant, as required by section 38A(3)(a) of the LTA 1954, applying to the tenancy to be created by the underlease; and a certified copy of the declaration or statutory declaration made by the undertenant in accordance with the requirements of section 38A(3)(b) of the LTA 1954. 3.17.6 Any underletting by the Tenant shall be by deed and shall include: an agreement between the Tenant and the undertenant that the provisions of sections 24 to 28 of the LTA 1954 are excluded from applying to the tenancy created by the underlease; the reservation of a rent which is not less than the full open market rental value of the Premises at the date the Premises is underlet and which is payable at the same times as the Rent under this Lease (but this shall not prevent an underlease providing for a rent-free period of a length permitted by clause; provisions for the review of rent at the same dates and on the same basis as the review of rent in this Lease, unless the term of the underlease does not extend beyond the next Review Date; provisions requiring the consent of the Landlord to be obtained in respect of an...
UnderlettingThe Tenant shall not: (a) underlet part of the Property; or (b) underlet the whole of the Property without: (i) complying with the provisions of sub-clauses (7) to (11); and (ii) the prior consent of the Landlord, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Underletting. You must not underlet the Property or any part of it.
Underletting. (a) In this clause, “Permitted Underlease” means an underlease which;
Underletting. Not to underlet any part or parts of the Demised Premises so as to permit more than four underlettings or five occupancies of the Demised Premises at any one time (the Tenant counting as one occupancy).
Underletting. The Tenant may underlet the Premises or a part of the Premises if: 11.1.1 all of the conditions set out in clause 11.2 are satisfied; 11.1.2 none of the circumstances set out in clause 11.3 apply; and 11.1.3 it first obtains the prior written consent of the Landlord (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed where the preceding provisions of this clause 11.1 have been complied with).
Underletting. (a) The Tenant may underlet the container-based workspace units erected on the Property in individual lettable units of no more than 35 square metres gross internal area PROVIDED the lettings are on a tenancy at will basis, no one undertenant occupies more than 2 units, the undertenant must be engaged in a Qualifying Activity only and the undertenant must have no more than 10 employees working at the Property. (b) Except as permitted by paragraph 10.2(a) the Tenant must not underlet the whole or any part of the Property.
UnderlettingSubletting Unit For the purpose of this clause, “Subletting Unit” means such part of the Premises which is capable of being occupied and used as a separate and self-contained unit with all necessary and proper services.