Unit Division Sample Clauses
Unit Division. In addition to the requirements of section 34 of the Basic Provisions, optional units may also be established by type, if types are designated on the Special Provisions.
Unit Division. A basic unit, as defined in section 1 of the Basic Provisions, will be divided into addi- tional basic units by each mint type des- ignated in the Special Provisions.
Unit Division. (a) A basic unit, as defined in section 1 of the Basic Provisions, will be divided into ad- ditional basic units by planting period, if separate planting periods are provided for in the Special Provisions.
(b) Provisions in the Basic Provisions that allow optional units by irrigated and non-ir- rigated practices are not applicable.
Unit Division. In addition to the requirements of section 34(b) of the Basic Provisions, optional units may be established if each optional unit is:
(a) Located on non-contiguous land; or
(b) By type as specified in the Special Pro- visions.
Unit Division. (a) You may elect an enterprise unit or a whole farm unit if the Special Provisions allow such unit structure, subject to the fol- lowing:
(1) You must make such election on or be- fore the earliest sales closing date for the in- sured crops and report such unit structure to us in writing. Your unit selection will re- main in effect from year to year unless you notify us in writing by the earliest sales closing date for the crop year for which you wish to change this election. These units may not be further divided except as speci- fied herein;
Unit Division. (a) A basic unit, as defined in section 1 of the Basic Provisions, will be divided into ad- ditional basic units by each citrus crop des- ignated in the Special Provisions.
(b) Sections 34(b) (1), (3), and (4) of the Basic Provisions are not applicable.
(c) Provisions in the Basic Provisions that allow optional units by irrigated and non-ir- rigated practices are not applicable.
(d) Instead of establishing optional units by section, section equivalent, or FSA farm serial number optional units may be estab- lished if each optional unit is located on non- contiguous land.
Unit Division. In accordance with the Basic Provisions, basic and optional units are applicable, un- less limited by the Special Provisions.
Unit Division. (a) A basic unit, as defined in section 1 of the Basic Provisions, will also be divided into additional basic units by planting pe- riod if separate planting periods are des- ignated in the Special Provisions.
(b) In addition to the requirements of sec- tion 34 of the Basic Provisions, optional units may also be established by type if sepa- rate types are designated in the Special Pro- visions.
Unit Division. In lieu of the provisions of section 34 of the Basic Provisions that allow optional units by section, section equivalent, or FSA farm se- rial number and by irrigated and non-irri- gated practices, optional units will only be allowed as stated herein or by written agree- ment.
Unit Division. (a) Basic units will be established for each insured crop (citrus fruit group) in accord- ance with section 1 of the Basic Provisions.
(b) Provisions in the Basic Provisions that allow optional units by irrigated and non-ir- rigated practices are not applicable.
(c) Optional units may be established by ei- ther of the following, but not both:
(1) In accordance with section 34(c) of the Basic Provisions, except as provided in sec- tion 2(b) of these Crop Provisions; or
(2) If each optional unit is located on non- contiguous land.