Common use of Use of EasyCard Clause in Contracts

Use of EasyCard. 一、 開始使用:Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 Initial use: The Easycard function of a Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service is readily available without activation. A newly issued or replaced Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service has an Easycard balance of zero. To use the Autoload service, the cardholder needs to activate both the debit card and the Autoload function. Autoload can not be de-activated after it has been activated by the cardholder. 二、 使用範圍:悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 Scope of use: The use of Easycard is granted by Easycard Corporation. The cardholder may spend Easycard balances for purposes outlined in Easycard Corporation's "Easycard Terms and Conditions" and announcements. For details, please refer to the website:。三、 加值方式與限額:悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為 上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值。 Top-up methods and limitations: The Easycard balance can be topped up repeatedly. Card balance is subject to the maximum limit imposed by EasyCard Corporation (the current limit per card is NT$10,000). The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance using the following methods. (一) 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 AVM 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務,如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 500 元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費。 Autoload: A Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service with the Autoload function activated will automatically collect multiples of NT$500 from the Principal's account through the connected Autoload equipment (including AVM and EDCs for small purchases; ticketing machines at Taipei Metro, Maokong Gondola, Taiwan Railways and carparks are not connected to the network and hence do not provide Autoload services; refer to the website of Easycard Corporation for the latest availability) whenever the Easycard balance is insufficient to make the current purchase. The scope and limitation of Autoload services are subject to the latest regulations and announcements by Easycard Corporation and the Bank. The Autoload service does not incur service charges. (二) 人工加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司指定之特約機構或交通運輸服務詢問處或其他地點以現金加值方式進行悠遊卡加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Manual top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash at designated traffic offices, associated merchants, and any other locations announced by Easycard Corporation. Each top-up must be a multiple NT$100. (三) 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為 新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Machine top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash using add value machines (AVM) and other selling machines installed by EasyCard Corporation at designated locations (including but not limited to MRT stations, and public/private carparks). Each top-up must be NT$100 or a multiple thereof. 四、 卡片效期:悠遊卡與 Debit 卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止。 Card expiry: The Easycard function has the same expiry as the debit card it is attached to. When the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service expires, both Easycard and Autoload functions will also be terminated. 五、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者係為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利。 No interest shall accrue on any balance in a Debit Card with EasyCard service. In addition to maintaining deposit provision in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards, EasyCard Corporation shall be required to transfer any balance in Debit Card with EasyCard service on trust in accordance with the said Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards and relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the cardholder's interest. Where EasyCard Corporation entrusts the funds collected from issuance of Debit Card with EasyCard service to trust operations, the trustees so entrusted and beneficiaries shall be EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. As such the trust operation manages and handles the trust asset on behalf of EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. However, a cardholder can request that EasyCard Corporation or trust operation to provide photocopies of the relevant provisions in the trust contracts. A cardholder shall have priority over other creditors and shareholders of EasyCard Corporation with respect to repayment of debts incurred by EasyCard Corporation with respect to the trust assets deposited with trust operation. 六、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:Debit 卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中。 Non-transferability of EasyCard balance: When the debit card is superseded by replacement issue due to expiry or damage, the Easycard balance can not be carried forward into the new card or any type of card. The remaining Easycard balance can only be refunded back into the cardholder's designated account. 七、 悠遊卡於特約機構扣款消費時,單筆交易金額以新臺幣 1,000 元為上限,每卡每日交易金額上限為新臺幣 3,000 元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥 費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償。 Purchases with Easycard at any associated merchant are subject to a limit of NT$1,000 per transaction and NT$3,000 per day. However, neither the single nor the daily transaction limit applies to government collections, utility bills, tuition fees, medical spending, public transportation (including cable cards and public bicycles), parking fees or any other payments specially approved by the authority. The cardholder may not alter or allow others to alter any part of the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service, including but not limited to removing the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service chip, antenna or tamper with data stored inside the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service. The Bank and Easycard Corporation may claim compensation against the cardholder for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that are attributable to the cardholder's violation against the above terms. 八、 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益。 If the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service holder fails to notify the Bank of any changes to the contact address or contact information specified in the application form, the Bank and Easycard Corporation shall continue delivering future correspondences to the cardholder's last known address or the contact address specified in the application form. Once the Bank or Easycard Corporation has sent their business correspondence or required notices to the cardholder's last known contact address or to the address specified in the application form, they will be deemed as duly received after the usual time of delivery has elapsed. The Easycard balance does not accrue interest, and is protected by Easycard Corporation through a trust arrangement. 第 15 條 卡片被竊、遺失或其他喪失占有

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Use of EasyCard. 一、 開始使用:Pi 拍兔 開始使用: Initial use: 悠遊 Debit 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 Pi 拍兔 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發悠遊 Debit 卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 Initial use: The Easycard function of a Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service is readily available without activation. A newly issued or replaced Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service has an Easycard balance of zero. To use the Autoload service, the cardholder needs to activate both the debit card and the Autoload function. Autoload can not be de-activated after it has been activated by the cardholder. 二、 使用範圍:悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 使用範圍: Scope of use: 悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 The use of Easycard is granted by Easycard Corporation. The cardholder may spend Easycard balances for purposes outlined in Easycard Corporation's "Easycard Terms and Conditions" and announcements. For details, please refer to the website:。三、 加值方式與限額:悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為 上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值。。加值方式與限額: Top-up methods and limitations: 悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值: The Easycard balance can be topped up repeatedly. Card balance is subject to the maximum limit imposed by EasyCard Corporation (the current limit per card is NT$10,000). The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance using the following methods. (一) 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之 Pi 拍兔 : 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之悠遊 Debit 卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 AVM 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務,如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 500 元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及 貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費。 Autoload: A Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service with the Autoload function activated will automatically collect multiples of NT$500 from the Principal's account through the connected Autoload equipment (including AVM and EDCs for small purchases; ticketing machines at Taipei Metro, Maokong Gondola, Taiwan Railways and carparks are not connected to the network and hence do not provide Autoload services; refer to the website of Easycard Corporation for the latest availability) whenever the Easycard balance is insufficient to make the current purchase. The scope and limitation of Autoload services are subject to the latest regulations and announcements by Easycard Corporation and the Bank. The Autoload service does not incur service charges. (二) 人工加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司指定之特約機構或交通運輸服務詢問處或其他地點以現金加值方式進行悠遊卡加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Manual top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash at designated traffic offices, associated merchants, and any other locations announced by Easycard Corporation. Each top-up must be a multiple NT$100. (三) 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為 新臺幣 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Machine top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash using add value machines (AVM) and other selling machines installed by EasyCard Corporation at designated locations (including but not limited to MRT stations, and public/private carparks). Each top-up must be NT$100 or a multiple thereof. 四、 卡片效期:悠遊卡與 Debit 卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔 卡之卡片使用效期相同,悠遊 Debit 卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止。 Card expiry: The Easycard function has the same expiry as the debit card it is attached to. When the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service expires, both Easycard and Autoload functions will also be terminated. 五、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者係為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者系為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利。 No interest shall accrue on any balance in a Debit Card with EasyCard service. In addition to maintaining deposit provision in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards, EasyCard Corporation shall be required to transfer any balance in Debit Card with EasyCard service on trust in accordance with the said Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards and relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the cardholder's interest. Where EasyCard Corporation entrusts the funds collected from issuance of Debit Card with EasyCard service to trust operations, the trustees so entrusted and beneficiaries shall be EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. As such the trust operation manages and handles the trust asset on behalf of EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. However, a cardholder can request that EasyCard Corporation or trust operation to provide photocopies of the relevant provisions in the trust contracts. A cardholder shall have priority over other creditors and shareholders of EasyCard Corporation with respect to repayment of debts incurred by EasyCard Corporation with respect to the trust assets deposited with trust operation. 六、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:Debit 卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中。 Non-transferability of EasyCard Easycard balance: When the debit card is superseded by replacement issue due to expiry or damage, the Easycard balance can not be carried forward into the new card or any type of card. The remaining Easycard balance can only be refunded back into the cardholder's designated account. 七、 悠遊卡於特約機構扣款消費時,單筆交易金額以新臺幣 1,000 元為上限,每卡每日交易金額上限為新臺幣 3,000 元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥 費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 Purchases with Easycard at any associated merchant are subject to a limit of NT$1,000 per transaction and NT$3,000 per day. However, neither the single nor the daily transaction limit applies to government collections, utility bills, tuition fees, medical spending, public transportation (including cable cards and public bicycles), parking fees or any other payments specially approved by the authority. 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造悠遊 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解悠遊 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾悠遊 Debit卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致 貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者, 貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償。 The cardholder may not alter or allow others to alter any part of the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service, including but not limited to removing the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service chip, antenna or tamper with data stored inside the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service. The Bank and Easycard Corporation may claim compensation against the cardholder for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that are attributable to the cardholder's violation against the above terms. 八、 Pi 拍兔 悠遊 Debit 卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益卡持卡人於 貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為 貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。 貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益。 If the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service holder fails to notify the Bank of any changes to the contact address or contact information specified in the application form, the Bank and Easycard Corporation shall continue delivering future correspondences to the cardholder's last known address or the contact address specified in the application form. Once the Bank or Easycard Corporation has sent their business correspondence or required notices correspondences to the cardholder's last known contact address or to the address specified in the application form, they will would be deemed as duly received after the usual time of delivery has elapsed. The Easycard balance does not accrue interest, and is protected by Easycard Corporation through a trust arrangement. 第 15 3 卡片被竊、遺失或其他喪失占有悠遊 Debit 卡遺失、被竊、滅失或其他喪失占有

Appears in 3 contracts


Use of EasyCard. 一、 開始使用:Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 拍兔簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 拍兔簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉拍兔簽帳金融卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 Initial use: The Easycard function of a Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service is readily available without activation. A newly issued or replaced Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service has an Easycard balance of zero. To use the Autoload service, the cardholder needs to activate both the debit card and the Autoload function. Autoload can not be de-activated after it has been activated by the cardholder. 二、 使用範圍:悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 Scope of use: The use of Easycard is granted by Easycard Corporation. The cardholder may spend Easycard balances for purposes outlined in Easycard Corporation's "Easycard Terms and Conditions" and announcements. For details, please refer to the website:。三 。 三、 加值方式與限額:悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為 上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值元為上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值。 Top-up methods and limitations: The Easycard balance can be topped up repeatedly. Card balance is subject to the maximum limit imposed by EasyCard Corporation (the current limit per card is NT$10,000). The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance using the following methods. (一) 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 拍兔簽帳金融卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 AVM 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務,如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 500 元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費。 Autoload: A Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service with the Autoload function activated will automatically collect multiples of NT$500 from the Principal's account through the connected Autoload equipment (including AVM and EDCs for small purchases; ticketing machines at Taipei Metro, Maokong Gondola, Taiwan Railways and carparks are not connected to the network and hence do not provide Autoload services; refer to the website of Easycard Corporation for the latest availability) whenever the Easycard balance is insufficient to make the current purchase. The scope and limitation of Autoload services are subject to the latest regulations and announcements by Easycard Corporation and the Bank. The Autoload service does not incur service charges. (二) 人工加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司指定之特約機構或交通運輸服務詢問處或其他地點以現金加值方式進行悠遊卡加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Manual top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash at designated traffic offices, associated merchants, and any other locations announced by Easycard Corporation. Each top-up must be a multiple NT$100. (三) 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為 新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Machine top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash using add value machines (AVM) and other selling machines installed by EasyCard Corporation at designated locations (including but not limited to MRT stations, and public/private carparks). Each top-up must be NT$100 or a multiple thereof. 四、 卡片效期:悠遊卡與 Debit 卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止卡片效期:悠遊卡與簽帳金融卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔簽帳金融卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止。 Card expiry: The Easycard function has the same expiry as the debit card it is attached to. When the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service expires, both Easycard and Autoload functions will also be terminated. 五、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者係為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利。 No interest shall accrue on any balance in a Debit Card with EasyCard service. In addition to maintaining deposit provision in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards, EasyCard Corporation shall be required to transfer any balance in Debit Card with EasyCard service on trust in accordance with the said Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards and relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the cardholder's interest. Where EasyCard Corporation entrusts the funds collected from issuance of Debit Card with EasyCard service to trust operations, the trustees so entrusted and beneficiaries shall be EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. As such the trust operation manages and handles the trust asset on behalf of EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. However, a cardholder can request that EasyCard Corporation or trust operation to provide photocopies of the relevant provisions in the trust contracts. A cardholder shall have priority over other creditors and shareholders of EasyCard Corporation with respect to repayment of debts incurred by EasyCard Corporation with respect to the trust assets deposited with trust operation. 六、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:Debit 卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:簽帳金融卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中。 Non-transferability of EasyCard balance: When the debit card is superseded by replacement issue due to expiry or damage, the Easycard balance can not be carried forward into the new card or any type of card. The remaining Easycard balance can only be refunded back into the cardholder's designated account. 七、 悠遊卡於特約機構扣款消費時,單筆交易金額以新臺幣 1,000 元為上限,每卡每日交易金額上限為新臺幣 3,000 元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥 費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 拍兔簽帳金融卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 拍兔簽帳金融卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償拍兔簽帳金融卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償。 Purchases with Easycard at any associated merchant are subject to a limit of NT$1,000 per transaction and NT$3,000 per day. However, neither the single nor the daily transaction limit applies to government collections, utility bills, tuition fees, medical spending, public transportation (including cable cards and public bicycles), parking fees or any other payments specially approved by the authority. The cardholder may not alter or allow others to alter any part of the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service, including but not limited to removing the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service chip, antenna or tamper with data stored inside the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service. The Bank and Easycard Corporation may claim compensation against the cardholder for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that are attributable to the cardholder's violation against the above terms. 八、 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益拍兔簽帳金融卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益。 If the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service holder fails to notify the Bank of any changes to the contact address or contact information specified in the application form, the Bank and Easycard Corporation shall continue delivering future correspondences to the cardholder's last known address or the contact address specified in the application form. Once the Bank or Easycard Corporation has sent their business correspondence or required notices to the cardholder's last known contact address or to the address specified in the application form, they will be deemed as duly received after the usual time of delivery has elapsed. The Easycard balance does not accrue interest, and is protected by Easycard Corporation through a trust arrangement. 第 15 條 卡片被竊、遺失或其他喪失占有

Appears in 1 contract


Use of EasyCard. 一、 開始使用:Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 開始使用: Initial use: 悠遊簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發悠遊簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成簽帳金融卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 The Easycard function of a Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service is readily available without activation. A newly issued or replaced Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service has an Easycard balance of zero. To use the Autoload service, the cardholder needs to activate both the debit card and the Autoload function. Autoload can not be de-activated after it has been activated by the cardholder. 二、 使用範圍:悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 使用範圍: Scope of use: 悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 The use of Easycard is granted by Easycard Corporation. The cardholder may spend Easycard balances for purposes outlined in Easycard Corporation's "Easycard Terms and Conditions" and announcements. For details, please refer to the website:。三、 加值方式與限額:悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為 上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值 加值方式與限額: Top-up methods and limitations: 悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為上限),持卡人得以下列方 式進行加值: The Easycard balance can be topped up repeatedly. Card balance is subject to the maximum limit imposed by EasyCard Corporation (the current limit per card is NT$10,000). The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance using the following methods. (一) 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 : 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之悠遊簽帳金融卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 AVM 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務,如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 500 元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及 貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費。 Autoload: A Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service with the Autoload function activated will automatically collect multiples of NT$500 from the Principal's account through the connected Autoload equipment (including AVM and EDCs for small purchases; ticketing machines at Taipei Metro, Maokong Gondola, Taiwan Railways and carparks are not connected to the network and hence do not provide Autoload services; refer to the website of Easycard Corporation for the latest availability) whenever the Easycard balance is insufficient to make the current purchase. The scope and limitation of Autoload services are subject to the latest regulations and announcements by Easycard Corporation and the Bank. The Autoload service does not incur service charges. (二) 人工加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司指定之特約機構或交通運輸服務詢問處或其他地點以現金加值方式進行悠遊卡加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Manual top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash at designated traffic offices, associated merchants, and any other locations announced by Easycard Corporation. Each top-up must be a multiple NT$100. (三) 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為 新臺幣 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Machine top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash using add value machines (AVM) and other selling machines installed by EasyCard Corporation at designated locations (including but not limited to MRT stations, and public/private carparks). Each top-up must be NT$100 or a multiple thereof. 四、 卡片效期:悠遊卡與 Debit 卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止卡片效期:悠遊卡與簽帳金融卡之卡片使用效期相同,悠遊簽帳金融卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止。 Card expiry: The Easycard function has the same expiry as the debit card it is attached to. When the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service expires, both Easycard and Autoload functions will also be terminated. 五、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者係為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者系為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利。 No interest shall accrue on any balance in a Debit Card with EasyCard service. In addition to maintaining deposit provision in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards, EasyCard Corporation shall be required to transfer any balance in Debit Card with EasyCard service on trust in accordance with the said Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards and relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the cardholder's interest. Where EasyCard Corporation entrusts the funds collected from issuance of Debit Card with EasyCard service to trust operations, the trustees so entrusted and beneficiaries shall be EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. As such the trust operation manages and handles the trust asset on behalf of EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. However, a cardholder can request that EasyCard Corporation or trust operation to provide photocopies of the relevant provisions in the trust contracts. A cardholder shall have priority over other creditors and shareholders of EasyCard Corporation with respect to repayment of debts incurred by EasyCard Corporation with respect to the trust assets deposited with trust operation. 六、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:Debit 卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:簽帳金融卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中。 Non-transferability of EasyCard Easycard balance: When the debit card is superseded by replacement issue due to expiry or damage, the Easycard balance can not be carried forward into the new card or any type of card. The remaining Easycard balance can only be refunded back into the cardholder's designated account. 七、 悠遊卡於特約機構扣款消費時,單筆交易金額以新臺幣 1,000 元為上限,每卡每日交易金額上限為新臺幣 3,000 元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥 費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 Purchases with Easycard at any associated merchant are subject to a limit of NT$1,000 per transaction and NT$3,000 per day. However, neither the single nor the daily transaction limit applies to government collections, utility bills, tuition fees, medical spending, public transportation (including cable cards and public bicycles), parking fees or any other payments specially approved by the authority. 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造悠遊簽帳金融卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解悠遊簽帳金融卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾悠遊簽帳金融卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致 貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者, 貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償。 The cardholder may not alter or allow others to alter any part of the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service, including but not limited to removing the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service chip, antenna or tamper with data stored inside the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service. The Bank and Easycard Corporation may claim compensation against the cardholder for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that are attributable to the cardholder's violation against the above terms. 八、 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益悠遊簽帳金融卡持卡人於 貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為 貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。 貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益。 If the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service holder fails to notify the Bank of any changes to the contact address or contact information specified in the application form, the Bank and Easycard Corporation shall continue delivering future correspondences to the cardholder's last known address or the contact address specified in the application form. Once the Bank or Easycard Corporation has sent their business correspondence or required notices correspondences to the cardholder's last known contact address or to the address specified in the application form, they will would be deemed as duly received after the usual time of delivery has elapsed. The Easycard balance does not accrue interest, and is protected by Easycard Corporation through a trust arrangement. 第 15 3 卡片被竊、遺失或其他喪失占有悠遊簽帳金融卡遺失、被竊、滅失或其他喪失占有

Appears in 1 contract


Use of EasyCard. 一、 開始使用:Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 拍兔簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 拍兔簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉拍兔簽帳金融卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 Initial use: The Easycard function of a Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service is readily available without activation. A newly issued or replaced Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service has an Easycard balance of zero. To use the Autoload service, the cardholder needs to activate both the debit card and the Autoload function. Autoload can not be de-activated after it has been activated by the cardholder. 二、 使用範圍:悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 Scope of use: The use of Easycard is granted by Easycard Corporation. The cardholder may spend Easycard balances for purposes outlined in Easycard Corporation's "Easycard Terms and Conditions" and announcements. For details, please refer to the website:。三 。 三、 加值方式與限額:悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為 上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值元為上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值。 Top-up methods and limitations: The Easycard balance can be topped up repeatedly. Card balance is subject to the maximum limit imposed by EasyCard Corporation (the current limit per card is NT$10,000). The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance using the following methods. (一) 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 拍兔簽帳金融卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 AVM 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務,如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 500 元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費。 Autoload: A Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service with the Autoload function activated will automatically collect multiples of NT$500 from the Principal's account through the connected Autoload equipment (including AVM and EDCs for small purchases; ticketing machines at Taipei Metro, Maokong Gondola, Taiwan Railways and carparks are not connected to the network and hence do not provide Autoload services; refer to the website of Easycard Corporation for the latest availability) whenever the Easycard balance is insufficient to make the current purchase. The scope and limitation of Autoload services are subject to the latest regulations and announcements by Easycard Corporation and the Bank. The Autoload service does not incur service charges. (二) 人工加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司指定之特約機構或交通運輸服務詢問處或其他地點以現金加值方式進行悠遊卡加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Manual top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash at designated traffic offices, associated merchants, and any other locations announced by Easycard Corporation. Each top-up must be a multiple NT$100. (三) 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為 新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Machine top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash using add value machines (AVM) and other selling machines installed by EasyCard Corporation at designated locations (including but not limited to MRT stations, and public/private carparks). Each top-up must be NT$100 or a multiple thereof. 四、 卡片效期:悠遊卡與 Debit 卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止卡片效期:悠遊卡與簽帳金融卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔簽帳金融卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止。 Card expiry: The Easycard function has the same expiry as the debit card it is attached to. When the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service expires, both Easycard and Autoload functions will also be terminated. 五、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者係為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利。 No interest shall accrue on any balance in a Debit Card with EasyCard service. In addition to maintaining deposit provision in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards, EasyCard Corporation shall be required to transfer any balance in Debit Card with EasyCard service on trust in accordance with the said Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards and relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the cardholder's interest. Where EasyCard Corporation entrusts the funds collected from issuance of Debit Card with EasyCard service to trust operations, the trustees so entrusted and beneficiaries shall be EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. As such the trust operation manages and handles the trust asset on behalf of EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. However, a cardholder can request that EasyCard Corporation or trust operation to provide photocopies of the relevant provisions in the trust contracts. A cardholder shall have priority over other creditors and shareholders of EasyCard Corporation with respect to repayment of debts incurred by EasyCard Corporation with respect to the trust assets deposited with trust operation. 六、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:Debit 卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:簽帳金融卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中。 Non-transferability of EasyCard balance: When the debit card is superseded by replacement issue due to expiry or damage, the Easycard balance can not be carried forward into the new card or any type of card. The remaining Easycard balance can only be refunded back into the cardholder's designated account. 七、 悠遊卡於特約機構扣款消費時,單筆交易金額以新臺幣 1,000 元為上限,每卡每日交易金額上限為新臺幣 3,000 元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥 費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 拍兔簽帳金融卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 拍兔簽帳金融卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償拍兔簽帳金融卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償。 Purchases with Easycard at any associated merchant are subject to a limit of NT$1,000 per transaction and NT$3,000 per day. However, neither the single nor the daily transaction limit applies to government collections, utility bills, tuition fees, medical spending, public transportation (including cable cards and public bicycles), parking fees or any other payments specially approved by the authority. The cardholder may not alter or allow others to alter any part of the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service, including but not limited to removing the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service chip, antenna or tamper with data stored inside the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service. The Bank and Easycard Corporation may claim compensation against the cardholder for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that are attributable to the cardholder's violation against the above terms. 八、 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益拍兔簽帳金融卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或 申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益。 If the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service holder fails to notify the Bank of any changes to the contact address or contact information specified in the application form, the Bank and Easycard Corporation shall continue delivering future correspondences to the cardholder's last known address or the contact address specified in the application form. Once the Bank or Easycard Corporation has sent their business correspondence or required notices to the cardholder's last known contact address or to the address specified in the application form, they will be deemed as duly received after the usual time of delivery has elapsed. The Easycard balance does not accrue interest, and is protected by Easycard Corporation through a trust arrangement. 第 15 條 卡片被竊、遺失或其他喪失占有

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Use of EasyCard. 一、 開始使用:Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 拍兔簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 拍兔簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉拍兔簽帳金融卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 Initial use: The Easycard function of a Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service is readily available without activation. A newly issued or replaced Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service has an Easycard balance of zero. To use the Autoload service, the cardholder needs to activate both the debit card and the Autoload function. Autoload can not be de-activated after it has been activated by the cardholder. 二、 使用範圍:悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 Scope of use: The use of Easycard is granted by Easycard Corporation. The cardholder may spend Easycard balances for purposes outlined in Easycard Corporation's "Easycard Terms and Conditions" and announcements. For details, please refer to the website:。三 。 三、 加值方式與限額:悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為 上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值元為上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值。 Top-up methods and limitations: The Easycard balance can be topped up repeatedly. Card balance is subject to the maximum limit imposed by EasyCard Corporation (the current limit per card is NT$10,000). The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance using the following methods. (一) 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 拍兔簽帳金融卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 AVM 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務,如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務, 如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 500 元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費。 Autoload: A Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service with the Autoload function activated will automatically collect multiples of NT$500 from the Principal's account through the connected Autoload equipment (including AVM and EDCs for small purchases; ticketing machines at Taipei Metro, Maokong Gondola, Taiwan Railways and carparks are not connected to the network and hence do not provide Autoload services; refer to the website of Easycard Corporation for the latest availability) whenever the Easycard balance is insufficient to make the current purchase. The scope and limitation of Autoload services are subject to the latest regulations and announcements by Easycard Corporation and the Bank. The Autoload service does not incur service charges. (二) 人工加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司指定之特約機構或交通運輸服務詢問處或其他地點以現金加值方式進行悠遊卡加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Manual top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash at designated traffic offices, associated merchants, and any other locations announced by Easycard Corporation. Each top-up must be a multiple NT$100. (三) 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為 新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Machine top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash using add value machines (AVM) and other selling machines installed by EasyCard Corporation at designated locations (including but not limited to MRT stations, and public/private carparks). Each top-up must be NT$100 or a multiple thereof. 四、 卡片效期:悠遊卡與 Debit 卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止卡片效期:悠遊卡與簽帳金融卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔簽帳金融卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止。 Card expiry: The Easycard function has the same expiry as the debit card it is attached to. When the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service expires, both Easycard and Autoload functions will also be terminated. 五、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者係為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利。 No interest shall accrue on any balance in a Debit Card with EasyCard service. In addition to maintaining deposit provision in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards, EasyCard Corporation shall be required to transfer any balance in Debit Card with EasyCard service on trust in accordance with the said Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards and relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the cardholder's interest. Where EasyCard Corporation entrusts the funds collected from issuance of Debit Card with EasyCard service to trust operations, the trustees so entrusted and beneficiaries shall be EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. As such the trust operation manages and handles the trust asset on behalf of EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. However, a cardholder can request that EasyCard Corporation or trust operation to provide photocopies of the relevant provisions in the trust contracts. A cardholder shall have priority over other creditors and shareholders of EasyCard Corporation with respect to repayment of debts incurred by EasyCard Corporation with respect to the trust assets deposited with trust operation. 六、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:Debit 卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:簽帳金融卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中。 Non-transferability of EasyCard balance: When the debit card is superseded by replacement issue due to expiry or damage, the Easycard balance can not be carried forward into the new card or any type of card. The remaining Easycard balance can only be refunded back into the cardholder's designated account. 七、 悠遊卡於特約機構扣款消費時,單筆交易金額以新臺幣 1,000 元為上限,每卡每日交易金額上限為新臺幣 3,000 元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥 費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 拍兔簽帳金融卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 拍兔簽帳金融卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償拍兔簽帳金融卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償。 Purchases with Easycard at any associated merchant are subject to a limit of NT$1,000 per transaction and NT$3,000 per day. However, neither the single nor the daily transaction limit applies to government collections, utility bills, tuition fees, medical spending, public transportation (including cable cards and public bicycles), parking fees or any other payments specially approved by the authority. The cardholder may not alter or allow others to alter any part of the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service, including but not limited to removing the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service chip, antenna or tamper with data stored inside the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service. The Bank and Easycard Corporation may claim compensation against the cardholder for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that are attributable to the cardholder's violation against the above terms. 八、 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益拍兔簽帳金融卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益。 If the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service holder fails to notify the Bank of any changes to the contact address or contact information specified in the application form, the Bank and Easycard Corporation shall continue delivering future correspondences to the cardholder's last known address or the contact address specified in the application form. Once the Bank or Easycard Corporation has sent their business correspondence or required notices to the cardholder's last known contact address or to the address specified in the application form, they will be deemed as duly received after the usual time of delivery has elapsed. The Easycard balance does not accrue interest, and is protected by Easycard Corporation through a trust arrangement. 第 15 條 卡片被竊、遺失或其他喪失占有

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Use of EasyCard. 一、 開始使用:Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 開始使用: Initial use: 悠遊簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發悠遊簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成簽帳金融卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 The Easycard function of a Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service is readily available without activation. A newly issued or replaced Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service has an Easycard balance of zero. To use the Autoload service, the cardholder needs to activate both the debit card and the Autoload function. Autoload can not be de-activated after it has been activated by the cardholder. 二、 使用範圍:悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 使用範圍: Scope of use: 悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 The use of Easycard is granted by Easycard Corporation. The cardholder may spend Easycard balances for purposes outlined in Easycard Corporation's "Easycard Terms and Conditions" and announcements. For details, please refer to the website:。三、 加值方式與限額:悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為 上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值 加值方式與限額: Top-up methods and limitations: 悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值: The Easycard balance can be topped up repeatedly. Card balance is subject to the maximum limit imposed by EasyCard Corporation (the current limit per card is NT$10,000). The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance using the following methods. (一) 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 : 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之悠遊簽帳金融卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 AVM 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務,如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 500 元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及 貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費。 Autoload: A Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service with the Autoload function activated will automatically collect multiples of NT$500 from the Principal's account through the connected Autoload equipment (including AVM and EDCs for small purchases; ticketing machines at Taipei Metro, Maokong Gondola, Taiwan Railways and carparks are not connected to the network and hence do not provide Autoload services; refer to the website of Easycard Corporation for the latest availability) whenever the Easycard balance is insufficient to make the current purchase. The scope and limitation of Autoload services are subject to the latest regulations and announcements by Easycard Corporation and the Bank. The Autoload service does not incur service charges. (二) 人工加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司指定之特約機構或交通運輸服務詢問處或其他地點以現金加值方式進行悠遊卡加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Manual top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash at designated traffic offices, associated merchants, and any other locations announced by Easycard Corporation. Each top-up must be a multiple NT$100. (三) 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為 新臺幣 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Machine top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash using add value machines (AVM) and other selling machines installed by EasyCard Corporation at designated locations (including but not limited to MRT stations, and public/private carparks). Each top-up must be NT$100 or a multiple thereof. 四、 卡片效期:悠遊卡與 Debit 卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止卡片效期:悠遊卡與簽帳金融卡之卡片使用效期相同,悠遊簽帳金融卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止。 Card expiry: The Easycard function has the same expiry as the debit card it is attached to. When the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service expires, both Easycard and Autoload functions will also be terminated. 五、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者係為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者系為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利。 No interest shall accrue on any balance in a Debit Card with EasyCard service. In addition to maintaining deposit provision in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards, EasyCard Corporation shall be required to transfer any balance in Debit Card with EasyCard service on trust in accordance with the said Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards and relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the cardholder's interest. Where EasyCard Corporation entrusts the funds collected from issuance of Debit Card with EasyCard service to trust operations, the trustees so entrusted and beneficiaries shall be EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. As such the trust operation manages and handles the trust asset on behalf of EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. However, a cardholder can request that EasyCard Corporation or trust operation to provide photocopies of the relevant provisions in the trust contracts. A cardholder shall have priority over other creditors and shareholders of EasyCard Corporation with respect to repayment of debts incurred by EasyCard Corporation with respect to the trust assets deposited with trust operation. 六、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:Debit 卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:簽帳金融卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中。 Non-transferability of EasyCard Easycard balance: When the debit card is superseded by replacement issue due to expiry or damage, the Easycard balance can not be carried forward into the new card or any type of card. The remaining Easycard balance can only be refunded back into the cardholder's designated account. 七、 悠遊卡於特約機構扣款消費時,單筆交易金額以新臺幣 1,000 元為上限,每卡每日交易金額上限為新臺幣 3,000 元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥 費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 Purchases with Easycard at any associated merchant are subject to a limit of NT$1,000 per transaction and NT$3,000 per day. However, neither the single nor the daily transaction limit applies to government collections, utility bills, tuition fees, medical spending, public transportation (including cable cards and public bicycles), parking fees or any other payments specially approved by the authority. 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造悠遊簽帳金融卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解悠遊簽帳金融卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾悠遊簽帳金融卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致 貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者, 貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償。 The cardholder may not alter or allow others to alter any part of the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service, including but not limited to removing the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service chip, antenna or tamper with data stored inside the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service. The Bank and Easycard Corporation may claim compensation against the cardholder for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that are attributable to the cardholder's violation against the above terms. 八、 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益悠遊簽帳金融卡持卡人於 貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為 貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。 貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益。 If the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service holder fails to notify the Bank of any changes to the contact address or contact information specified in the application form, the Bank and Easycard Corporation shall continue delivering future correspondences to the cardholder's last known address or the contact address specified in the application form. Once the Bank or Easycard Corporation has sent their business correspondence or required notices correspondences to the cardholder's last known contact address or to the address specified in the application form, they will would be deemed as duly received after the usual time of delivery has elapsed. The Easycard balance does not accrue interest, and is protected by Easycard Corporation through a trust arrangement. 第 15 3 卡片被竊、遺失或其他喪失占有悠遊簽帳金融卡遺失、被竊、滅失或其他喪失占有

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Use of EasyCard. 一、 開始使用:Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 開始使用: Initial use: 悠遊簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡功能無須開啟即可使用,新/補/換發悠遊簽帳金融卡之悠遊卡內可用金額為零元;持卡人如欲使用自動加值服務時,應先完成簽帳金融卡開卡及自動加值功能開啟作業,自動加值功能一經開啟後,持卡人嗣後即不得再要求關閉。 The Easycard function of a Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service is readily available without activation. A newly issued or replaced Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service has an Easycard balance of zero. To use the Autoload service, the cardholder needs to activate both the debit card and the Autoload function. Autoload can not be de-activated after it has been activated by the cardholder. 二、 使用範圍:悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 使用範圍: Scope of use: 悠遊卡之使用功能由悠遊卡公司提供,持卡人得憑悠遊卡內儲值之金錢價值,依悠遊卡公司之「悠遊卡約定條款」或悠遊卡公司公告之使用 範圍內為特定範圍之消費使用,請參考網址。 The use of Easycard is granted by Easycard Corporation. The cardholder may spend Easycard balances for purposes outlined in Easycard Corporation's "Easycard Terms and Conditions" and announcements. For details, please refer to the website:。三、 加值方式與限額:悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為 上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值 加值方式與限額: Top-up methods and limitations: 悠遊卡可重複加值使用,每卡最高加值限額以悠遊卡公司公告為準(目前每卡最高儲值餘額以新臺幣 10,000 元為上限),持卡人得以下列方式進行加值: The Easycard balance can be topped up repeatedly. Card balance is subject to the maximum limit imposed by EasyCard Corporation (the current limit per card is NT$10,000). The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance using the following methods. (一) 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 : 自動加值:持已開啟自動加值功能之悠遊簽帳金融卡進行扣款消費,當悠遊卡餘額不足以支付當次消費時,將透過連線式自動加值設備(目前為悠遊卡加值機 AVM 及小額消費端末設備;捷運、貓空纜車、台鐵及停車場等非連線式設備,無提供自動加值服務,如有增修使用範圍將依悠遊卡公司網站公告為準),自持卡人指定帳戶中自動加值新臺幣 500 元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費元或其倍數之一定金額至悠遊卡。自動加值之範圍、數額及限額,悉依法令規定、悠遊卡公司及 貴行所訂標準及最新公告辦理。悠遊卡自動加值免手續費。 Autoload: A Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service with the Autoload function activated will automatically collect multiples of NT$500 from the Principal's account through the connected Autoload equipment (including AVM and EDCs for small purchases; ticketing machines at Taipei Metro, Maokong Gondola, Taiwan Railways and carparks are not connected to the network and hence do not provide Autoload services; refer to the website of Easycard Corporation for the latest availability) whenever the Easycard balance is insufficient to make the current purchase. The scope and limitation of Autoload services are subject to the latest regulations and announcements by Easycard Corporation and the Bank. The Autoload service does not incur service charges. (二) 人工加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司指定之特約機構或交通運輸服務詢問處或其他地點以現金加值方式進行悠遊卡加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Manual top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash at designated traffic offices, associated merchants, and any other locations announced by Easycard Corporation. Each top-up must be a multiple NT$100. (三) 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為 新臺幣 機器加值:持卡人得於悠遊卡公司設置於指定地點(包括,但不限於捷運車站、公民營停車場)之悠遊卡加值機(AVM)及悠遊卡售卡/加值機進行現金加值,每次加值金額為新臺幣 100 元或其倍數。 Machine top-up: The cardholder may top-up Easycard balance with cash using add value machines (AVM) and other selling machines installed by EasyCard Corporation at designated locations (including but not limited to MRT stations, and public/private carparks). Each top-up must be NT$100 or a multiple thereof. 四、 卡片效期:悠遊卡與 Debit 卡之卡片使用效期相同,Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止卡片效期:悠遊卡與簽帳金融卡之卡片使用效期相同,悠遊簽帳金融卡有效期限屆滿時,悠遊卡功能及自動加值功能亦隨之終止。 Card expiry: The Easycard function has the same expiry as the debit card it is attached to. When the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service expires, both Easycard and Autoload functions will also be terminated. 五、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者係為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,悠遊卡公司除依電子票證發行管理條例第十八條第一項繳存準備金外,其餘款項並依電子票證發行管理條例及相關法令規定已全數交付信託,保障持卡人權益。悠遊卡公司依規定發行悠遊卡所收取之款項交付信託予信託業者時,該信託之委託人及受益人皆為悠遊卡公司而非持卡人,故信託業者系為悠遊卡公司而非為持卡人管理處分信託財產,惟持卡人得請求悠遊卡公司或信託業者提供信託契約相關約定條款影本。持卡人對於依規定存放於信託業者之信託財產,就因悠遊卡所產生之債權,有優先於悠遊卡公司之其他債權及股東受償之權利。 No interest shall accrue on any balance in a Debit Card with EasyCard service. In addition to maintaining deposit provision in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1 of Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards, EasyCard Corporation shall be required to transfer any balance in Debit Card with EasyCard service on trust in accordance with the said Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards and relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the cardholder's interest. Where EasyCard Corporation entrusts the funds collected from issuance of Debit Card with EasyCard service to trust operations, the trustees so entrusted and beneficiaries shall be EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. As such the trust operation manages and handles the trust asset on behalf of EasyCard Corporation and not the cardholders. However, a cardholder can request that EasyCard Corporation or trust operation to provide photocopies of the relevant provisions in the trust contracts. A cardholder shall have priority over other creditors and shareholders of EasyCard Corporation with respect to repayment of debts incurred by EasyCard Corporation with respect to the trust assets deposited with trust operation. 六、 悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:Debit 卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中悠遊卡儲值餘額不可移轉性:簽帳金融卡卡片效期到期續發或毀損補發時,其悠遊卡儲值餘額將無法併同移轉至續發或補發之新卡或其他卡片中,僅得將等值之金額轉計入持卡人指定帳戶中。 Non-transferability of EasyCard Easycard balance: When the debit card is superseded by replacement issue due to expiry or damage, the Easycard balance can not be carried forward into the new card or any type of card. The remaining Easycard balance can only be refunded back into the cardholder's designated account. 七、 悠遊卡於特約機構扣款消費時,單筆交易金額以新臺幣 1,000 元為上限,每卡每日交易金額上限為新臺幣 3,000 元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥 費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者,貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償元,惟繳納政府部門規費及支付公用事業服務費、學雜費、醫藥費、公共運輸(含纜車、公共自行車)、停車等服務費用,或配合政府政策且具公共利益性質經主管機關核准者,交易時無單筆交易金額及單日累積交易金額之上限規定。 Purchases with Easycard at any associated merchant are subject to a limit of NT$1,000 per transaction and NT$3,000 per day. However, neither the single nor the daily transaction limit applies to government collections, utility bills, tuition fees, medical spending, public transportation (including cable cards and public bicycles), parking fees or any other payments specially approved by the authority. 持卡人不得以任何方法自行或容許任何人擅自變造悠遊簽帳金融卡,包括但不限於擅自拆解悠遊簽帳金融卡摘取晶片、天線或竄改、干擾悠遊簽帳金融卡上所儲存的軟體及資料。如因可歸責於持卡人之事由而有違反前開約定之情事,致 貴行或悠遊卡公司蒙受或產生任何費用、支出、損失或損害者, 貴行或悠遊卡公司有權向持卡人請求合理之費用及/或賠償。 The cardholder may not alter or allow others to alter any part of the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service, including but not limited to removing the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service chip, antenna or tamper with data stored inside the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service. The Bank and Easycard Corporation may claim compensation against the cardholder for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that are attributable to the cardholder's violation against the above terms. 八、 Pi 拍兔 Debit 卡持卡人於貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益悠遊簽帳金融卡持卡人於 貴行之申請書所載之連絡地址或其他聯絡方式有所變更而未通知者,則以持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請表格上所載連絡地址為 貴行或悠遊卡公司應為送達之處所。 貴行或悠遊卡公司將業務上有關文書或應為之通知,向持卡人最後通知之連絡地址或申請書所載連絡地址發出後,經通常郵遞之期間,即推定已合法送達。悠遊卡儲值餘額不計利息,並由悠遊卡公司全數辦理信託,保障持卡人權益。 If the Pi Wallet Debit Card with EasyCard service holder fails to notify the Bank of any changes to the contact address or contact information specified in the application form, the Bank and Easycard Corporation shall continue delivering future correspondences to the cardholder's last known address or the contact address specified in the application form. Once the Bank or Easycard Corporation has sent their business correspondence or required notices correspondences to the cardholder's last known contact address or to the address specified in the application form, they will would be deemed as duly received after the usual time of delivery has elapsed. The Easycard balance does not accrue interest, and is protected by Easycard Corporation through a trust arrangement. 第 15 3 卡片被竊、遺失或其他喪失占有悠遊簽帳金融卡遺失、被竊、滅失或其他喪失占有

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