Phase 2 Phase 2 is expected to consist of Member Nodes and a select number of Nodes operated by non-Members. The non-Member Nodes will be required to comply with Node hosting terms as set forth by the Council, which may be amended from time to time (the “General Node Terms”).
Commercial Operation (i) On or before December 31, 2021, Interconnection Customer must demonstrate commercial operation of all generating units. Demonstrating commercial operation includes achieving Initial Operation in accordance with Section 1.4 of Appendix 2 to this ISA and making commercial sales or use of energy, as well as, if applicable, obtaining capacity qualification in accordance with the requirements of the Reliability Assurance Agreement Among Load Serving Entities in the PJM Region.
Commercial Operation Date 6.4.1 The SPV shall ensure that the Project Commercial Operation Date is achieved on or prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date. The SPV shall provide a written notice to MSEDCL at least 30 (thirty) days in advance intimating MSEDCL of the proposed date on which the Commercial Operation Date of a Unit or the Project is proposed to be achieved. 6.4.2 If the Commercial Operation Date for the Units having a capacity equivalent to at least 75% (seventy five percent) of the Contracted Capacity is achieved before the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, then all Units in respect of which the Commercial Operation Date has been achieved prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date would be eligible for incentives as follows: (a) the Unit(s) injecting energy at 11 kV /22 kV shall be given an incentive of Rs. 0.25/ kWh; and (b) the Unit(s) injecting energy at 33 kV shall be given an incentive of Rs. 0.15/ kWh, for the power sold to MSEDCL for the first 3 (three) years from the Commercial Operation Date. To receive such incentives from MSAPL, which shall be over and above the Tariff, the SPV shall follow the process agreed to by the SPV under the Implementation Agreement. 6.4.3 It is hereby clarified that the aforementioned incentive shall not be available: (i) in respect of any Unit if the Commercial Operation Date for such Unit has not been achieved prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date; and (ii) if the aggregate capacity of the Units for which the Commercial Operation Date has been achieved prior to Scheduled Commercial Operation Date is less than 75% (seventy five percent) of the Contracted Capacity. 6.4.4 In the event that Commercial Operation Date for any of the Units is achieved after the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, the SPV shall be liable to pay Liquidated Damages as per the provisions set out below. 6.4.5 Without prejudice to any other rights of MSEDCL under this PPA, in case one or more Units of the SPV are unable to achieve Commercial Operation Date within a period of 2 (two) months from the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, the capacity of such Units shall be annulled, and the Contracted Capacity shall be reduced to that extent. For Illustration: The Project has a Contracted Capacity of 100 MW and comprises of 10 Units of 10 MW each. If at the end of the aforementioned period of 14 (fourteen) months from the Effective Date, the SPV has achieved Commissioning for only 8 out of 10 Units, then the Contracted Capacity of the Project will stand reduced for the capacity of the 2 Units which have not been Commissioned, i.e. the Contracted Capacity will be 80 (100 (original Contracted Capacity)) – 10 (capacity of each Unit)*2 (number of Units not Commissioned).
Synchronization, Commissioning and Commercial Operation 4.1.1 The Power Producer shall give at least fifteen (15) days written notice to the SLDC / ALDC / DISCOM as the case may be, of the date on which it intends to synchronize the Power Project to the Grid System. 4.1.2 Subject to Article 4.1.1, the Power Project may be synchronized by the Power Producer to the Grid System when it meets all the connection conditions prescribed in the Grid Code and otherwise meets all other Indian legal requirements for synchronization to the Grid System. 4.1.3 The synchronization equipment and all necessary arrangements / equipment including Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) for scheduling of power generated from the Project and transmission of data to the concerned authority as per applicable regulation shall be installed by the Power Producer at its generation facility of the Power Project at its own cost. The Power Producer shall synchronize its system with the Grid System only after the approval of GETCO / SLDC / ALDC and GEDA. 4.1.4 The Power Producer shall immediately after each synchronization / tripping of generator, inform the sub-station of the Grid System to which the Power Project is electrically connected in accordance with applicable Grid Code. 4.1.5 The Power Producer shall commission the Project within SCOD. 4.1.6 The Power Producer shall be required to obtain Developer and/ or Transfer Permission, Key Plan drawing etc, if required, from GEDA. In cases of conversion of land from Agricultural to Non-Agriculture, the commissioning shall be taken up by GEDA only upon submission of N.A. permission by the Power Producer. 4.1.7 The Power Producer shall be required to follow the Forecasting and Scheduling procedures as per the Regulations issued by Hon’ble GERC from time to time. It is to clarify that in terms of GERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2019 the procedures for Forecasting, Scheduling & Deviation Settlment are applicable to all solar generators having combined installed capacity above 1 MW connected to the State Grid / Substation including those connected via pooling stations.
Construction Completion The related Construction shall have been completed substantially in accordance with the related Plans and Specifications, the related Deed and all Applicable Laws, and such Leased Property shall be ready for occupancy and operation. All fixtures, equipment and other property contemplated under the Plans and Specifications to be incorporated into or installed in such Leased Property shall have been substantially incorporated or installed, free and clear of all Liens except for Permitted Liens.
Job Openings The District shall be considered to be engaged in the procedure to fill the position on the posting date of the position(s). Posting shall occur within fifteen (15) working days after Executive Vice Chancellor of Human Resources approval. If the District is unable to post the position within fifteen (15) days or fill the position within the ninety (90) day period, the District will meet and confer with CSEA. Substitute employees may not work more than ninety (90) calendar days in a substitute assignment while the District is engaged in a procedure to fill the vacant permanent position. Should a position be vacated through retirement, resignation or any other reason the District agrees that the position will not be filled by any person(s) for more than one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days excluding temporary upgrades of bargaining unit members. 17.5.1 Unit employees shall be given consideration for reassignment to a higher classification when their training and ability demonstrate that they are qualified for such reassignment. The District will prepare vacancy lists as new openings are announced. Each vacancy shall be assigned a reference number. This reference number shall be used on the Board docket as a method of identifying the position being filled. Vacancy lists will be distributed via e-mail to unit employees, CSEA, posted on designated bulletin boards and the district website. Individual job announcements will be prepared separately and made available to interested employees upon request. Where a pool of qualified applicants for a position existed from a recruitment conducted within the six (6) months preceding the new opening, that pool may be used for the new opening in the same classification. This does not preclude existing unit employees from applying for openings per Article 17.2.2. All new openings shall be internally advertised. 17.5.2 A permanent unit employee who acquires probationary status as the result of job openings or recruitment shall retain permanent status in his former classification until completion of the probationary period in the new classification. In the event that the probationary period in the new classification is not successful, the employee shall revert to his former classification with all the previous rights and privileges. 17.5.3 Unit employee applicants shall be furnished notification of time and date of scheduled interviews a minimum of five (5) days prior to such interviews. 17.5.4 Job openings - Unit employees hired into permanent positions must meet minimum qualifications. 17.5.5 Short-term or substitute employees must meet the minimum qualifications for the classification under which they are employed.
BID OPENING All duly received bids will be opened immediately after the scheduled closing time of Bids at the same venue. Bidders or their accredited agents could be present at the time of opening of bids.
Provisioning Line Splitting and Splitter Space 3.8.1 The Data LEC, Voice CLEC or BellSouth may provide the splitter. When CCI or its authorized agent owns the splitter, Line Splitting requires the following: a non- designed analog loop from the serving wire center to the network interface device (NID) at the end user’s location; a collocation cross connection connecting the loop to the collocation space; a second collocation cross connection from the collocation space connected to a voice port; the high frequency spectrum line activation, and a splitter. The loop and port cannot be a loop and port combination (i.e. UNE-P), but must be individual stand-alone network elements. When BellSouth owns the splitter, Line Splitting requires the following: a non designed analog loop from the serving wire center to the network interface device (NID) at the end user’s location with CFA and splitter port assignments, and a collocation cross connection from the collocation space connected to a voice port. 3.8.2 An unloaded 2-wire copper loop must serve the end user. The meet point for the Voice CLEC and the Data LEC is the point of termination on the MDF for the Data LEC's cable and pairs. 3.8.3 The foregoing procedures are applicable to migration to Line Splitting Service from a UNE-P arrangement, BellSouth Retail Voice Service, BellSouth High Frequency Spectrum (CO Based) Line Sharing. 3.8.4 For other migration scenarios to line splitting, BellSouth will work cooperatively with CLECs to develop methods and procedures to develop a process whereby a Voice CLEC and a Data LEC may provide services over the same loop.
Substantial Completion Section 7.4.1 When Supplier believes that it has achieved the requirements of Substantial Completion, Supplier shall provide written notice (the “Notice of Substantial Completion”) to System Owner stating that Supplier has achieved Substantial Completion, together with copies of all documents (as identified in the definition of Substantial Completion) that are required to be delivered to System Owner to meet Substantial Completion that have not been previously delivered. Section 7.4.2 Upon receipt of the Notice of Substantial Completion, System Owner shall promptly proceed to obtain Independent Engineer’s review and approval of the Notice of Substantial Completion and the Commissioning Report within a reasonable time, but in no event more than ten (10) Business Days following receipt of the Notice of Substantial Completion and all accompanying documents or such longer period of time as specified in the Construction Schedule (the “Substantial Completion Review Period”). Section 7.4.3 Supplier shall provide System Owner with reasonable notice of the date and time of the inspection or review of the System by a representative of the applicable Governmental Authority or Host Utility, if required, for purposes of achieving Substantial Completion, and System Owner shall have the right to have one or more representatives and the Independent Engineer present during such inspection or review. If the representative of the applicable Governmental Authority or Host Utility notifies Supplier or System Owner that the requirements for achieving Substantial Completion have not been achieved, then Supplier shall promptly take such action as necessary to achieve such requirements and, to the extent applicable, schedule another inspection or review of the System. Such procedure shall be repeated until such inspection or review has been satisfactorily completed and approved. Section 7.4.4 If System Owner and the Independent Engineer approve the Notice of Substantial Completion, System Owner shall, within the Substantial Completion Review Period, (a) notify Supplier of its approval and (b) issue written notice to Supplier to complete the Work (the “Notice to Complete”). Section 7.4.5 If System Owner or the Independent Engineer has a reasonable basis not to approve the Notice of Substantial Completion because the requirements for Substantial Completion have not been met, System Owner shall, within the Substantial Completion Review Period, notify Supplier of its non-approval and include a detailed explanation for the basis thereof. Supplier shall promptly undertake such action or work as necessary to achieve such requirements and shall then issue another Notice of Substantial Completion to System Owner stating that Supplier believes that such requirements have been achieved. Such procedure shall be repeated until Substantial Completion is achieved. If Supplier disputes the reasons stated in System Owner’s notification, then such dispute shall be resolved in accordance with Article XIX.
Substantial Completion Date Substantial Completion of the Work as defined in Article 6.1.2 of the General Conditions to the Continuing Contract for Construction Management shall be achieved by July 31, 2022.