Value of Units. The value of each Unit is equal to the closing price of a share of Common Stock on the Grant Date.
Value of Units. HOW DETERMINED--The net asset value ("Net Asset Value") of the Units shall be determined each day that the New York Stock Exchange is open, as of the close of trading on the Exchange, New York City time. Such value when so determined shall be taken as the value thereof for all purposes of this Agreement and shall be binding and final upon the Unitholders and their personal representatives, heirs, legatees, distributees or Designated Beneficiaries. Securities held by the Fund for which market quotations are readily available shall be valued at their market values as determined by their most recent bid prices in the principal market (sales prices, if the principal market is an exchange) in which such securities are normally traded. Securities or other assets for which such procedure is deemed by the Trustees not to reflect fair value (due to the general illiquidity of the market or otherwise), or for which representative quotes are not readily available, shall be assigned a fair value determined in good faith by the Trustees or such other persons as they may direct, in each case applied on a consistent basis.
Value of Units. Each Unit represents the right to receive one share of the Company’s common stock (a “Share”), subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. The value of a Unit is based on the value of an underlying Share.
Value of Units. The value of each Unit on any date shall be equal to the value of one share of the Company’s common stock (“Company Stock”) on such date.
Value of Units. The value of a BF Unit is the value of the assets, as determined from time-to-time by the Trustee (but no less frequently than once a week), less any liabilities (other than the interests of participants in the BF), divided by the number of BF Units. Each payment into the BF of employee contributions shall increase, and each payment out of the BF shall decrease the number of BF Units by a number equal to the amount of the payment divided by the last Unit value determination immediately preceding the date of payment.
Value of Units. The Parties agree that the value of the Units as of the date of this Award Agreement is ___________per unit.
Value of Units. The value of a SHE Unit is the value of the assets, as determined [from time-to-time] each BusinesS Dqy by the Trustee [(but no less frequently than once a week)], less any liabilities (other than the interests of participants in the SBE), divided by the number of SBP Units. Each payment into the SBE of contributions shall increase, and each payment out of the SBE shall decrease the number of SHE Units by a number equal to the amount of the payment divided by the last llni1 value determination immediately preceding the date of payment. (Amended [l/1/94j41l19»-,._ P, fal [A] B.Ydvinr Notice to lhe fig Adminislrator. a participant may elect to transfer DnyestmeDt Fund Units) any maion d1he contributions held in his account, plus the earnings thereon, from any Investment Fund to another Investment Fund or funds. [A participaDt shall be permitted to make ODe such chaDge in aDYCalendar Quarter effective July 1, 1m. Investment FuDd Units attributable to EmplOyer Contributions, plus earnings thereon, may also be transferred.] A Irander shall be tdfectiye and shall be yalued on the dig it is made. ifsuch dig is a BUSinessDqy. and.the .• , ~ ' participqnl proyjdes Notice Q[SUChuan.f{er prior to the dosinr time Q[lhe New yort Stock Exchanre. All other tlWllfus shall be dlectiye and valued as dthe next Business Day. (Amended [1/1194] 411/95) [(a) EUGmLE TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS. By submitting the appropriate transfer form to the Plan Administrator, a participaDt may transfer all or a portiOD of the llDil&held in aDYInyestment Fupd to aDother EuDd or Funds, except as follows:] [(1) llJIig held in the U.S. Bond fuDd are Dot eligible for transfer to any other lJmd. Effective July 1, 1991~transfers cannot be made from aDother!im.d to the U.S. Bond Fund.]
(2) GIF UPits attributable to employee cODtributions or transfers into the !ZIE before April 1, 1990 are Dot eligible for transfer to other Funds uDtil the expiratioD of the applicable cODtract.]
(3) GIF Units attributable to employee contributions or transfers into the GII ODor after April 1, 1990 are transferable to any other fJm.d except the Money
Value of Units. The LP Agreement operates in a manner that makes one Unit equivalent in value to one common share in the REIT. 5.
Value of Units. For purposes of determining the value of a Unit to be delivered at on the first Closing Date (or at any time within the sixty (60) day period thereafter (or within the ninety (90) day period, as the same may be extended, as provided for in the last sentence of Section 1.1(c) above)) in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, all Units (Common and Preferred) shall have a value of $34.00 per Unit. All Common Units which are issued pursuant to this Agreement after the date which is sixty (60) days after the first Closing Date (or after the ninety (90) day period, as the same may be extended, as provided for in the last sentence of Section 1.1(c) above) shall have a value per Common Unit equal to the then current market value of each share of Common Shares at the time of delivery of such Common Units, based upon the volume-weighted average of the daily Closing Price for each of the ten (10) consecutive trading days commencing twelve (12) trading days before any date of determination.