Very Low Income Household a Household whose combined annual gross income from all sources is no more than 50% of AMI.
Very Low Income Household. After the expiration or termination of the HOPWA Term pursuant to Section 2.4 and subject to Section 2.3, the Rent paid by a new Tenant of a County-Assisted Unit may not exceed one-twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of fifty percent (50%) of Median Income, adjusted for Assumed Household Size.
Very Low Income Household. (s) means household(s) earnings equal to or less than fifty percent (50%) of the area median income, adjusted for household size, as released by and occasionally updated by the HCD for the metropolitan area including the City.
Very Low Income Household. The term “Very Low-Income Household” means a household whose income meets the standards defined in Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations Section 6932, and by Health and Safety Code section 50105. The maximum household income amount for Very Low-Income Households shall be the amount published by the California Department of Housing and Community Development for a household of an appropriate size for the Inclusionary Unit and is set forth in Attachment I of the Regulations.