Metrics Institutional Metrics System-Wide Metrics
Measurement and Billing 5.6.1 For billing purposes, each Party shall pass Calling Party Number (“CPN”) information on each call carried over the Traffic Exchange Trunks at such time as the originating switch is equipped for SS7 and from all switches no later than December 31, 1998. At such time as either Party has the ability, as the Party receiving the traffic, to use such CPN information to classify on an automated basis traffic delivered by the other Party as either Local Traffic or Toll Traffic, such receiving Party shall bill the originating Party the Local Traffic termination rates, Intrastate Exchange Access rates, or Interstate Exchange Access rates applicable to each minute of Traffic for which CPN is passed, as provided in Exhibit A and applicable Tariffs. 5.6.2 If, under the circumstances set forth in subsection 5.6.1, the originating Party does not pass CPN on up to ten percent (10%) of calls, the receiving Party shall bill the originating Party the Local Traffic termination rates, Intrastate Exchange Access rates, Intrastate/Interstate Transit Traffic rates, or Interstate Exchange Access rates applicable to each minute of traffic, as provided in Exhibit A and applicable Tariffs, for which CPN is passed. For the remaining up to ten percent (10%) of calls without CPN information, the receiving Party shall bill the originating Party for such traffic as Local Traffic termination rates, Intrastate Exchange Access rates, Intrastate/Interstate Transit Traffic rates, or Interstate Exchange Access rates applicable to each minute of traffic, as provided in Exhibit A and applicable Tariffs, in direct proportion to the minutes of use of calls passed with CPN information. 5.6.3 If the originating Party does not pass CPN on more than ten percent (10%) of calls, or if the receiving Party lacks the ability to use CPN information to classify on an automated basis traffic delivered by the other Party as either Local Traffic or Toll Traffic, and the originating Party chooses to combine Local and Toll Traffic on the same trunk group, it will supply an auditable Percent Local Use (“PLU”) report quarterly, based on the previous three months’ traffic, and applicable to the following three months. If the originating Party also chooses to combine Interstate and Intrastate Toll Traffic on the same trunk group, it will supply an auditable Percent Interstate Use (“PIU”) report quarterly, based on the previous three months’ terminating traffic, and applicable to the following three months. In lieu of the foregoing PLU and/or PIU reports, the Parties may agree to provide and accept reasonable surrogate measures for an agreed-upon interim period. 5.6.4 Measurement of billing minutes for purposes of determining terminating compensation shall be in conversation seconds.
Compounding and Crediting Dividends will be compounded and will be credited as set forth in the Schedule. The Dividend Period ("period") for each of your accounts is set forth in the Schedule. The dividend period begins on the first calendar day of the period and ends on the last calendar day of the period. If your account is closed or you make a withdrawal during a dividend period before dividends are credited, you may not receive accrued but uncredited dividends.
Performance Expectations The Charter School’s performance in relation to the indicators, measures, metrics and targets set forth in the CPF shall provide the basis upon which the SCSC will decide whether to renew the Charter School’s Charter Contract at the end of the charter term. This section shall not preclude the SCSC from considering other relevant factors in making renewal decisions.
Measurements Units set out in SI (metric) are the governing units for the purposes of this Contract. Units set out in Imperial measurement in parentheses beside their SI (metric) equivalent are for reference only and in the event of a conflict between SI (metric) and Imperial measurement herein, SI (metric) shall prevail.
Volume of TIPS Sales Nothing in this Agreement or any TIPS communication may be construed as a guarantee that TIPS or TIPS Members will submit any TIPS orders to Vendor at any time.
Sales Promotions In addition to decreasing prices for the balance of the Contract term due to a change in market conditions, the Contractor may conduct sales promotions involving price reductions for a specified lesser period. The Contractor must submit documentation identifying the proposed: (1) starting and ending dates of the promotion, (2) commodities or contractual services involved, and (3) promotional prices compared to then-authorized prices.
Indicators Debt to Asset Ratio (10%) •Cash Flow (10%) •Total Margin (25%)
Product Sales Subject to Sections 10.3(c) and 10.3(d), Licensee agrees that it will not sell, offer for sale, or assist third parties (including Affiliates) in selling Product except for the sale and offer for sale of (A) TAF Product, TAF Combination Product, TDF Product and TDF Combination Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the TDF-TAF Territory, (B) COBI Product and COBI Combination Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the COBI Territory, and (C) EVG Product, EVG Combination Product and Quad Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the EVG-Quad Territory. (i) Licensee agrees that during the period in which the Patents are valid and enforceable (on a Product-by-Product basis) it will prohibit its Distributors from selling Product (A) to any other wholesaler or distributor, (B) outside the Territory for which Licensee is licensed for sale of such Product pursuant to Section 2.2, or (C) for any purpose outside the Field. (ii) Licensee agrees that it will not administer the TAF Quad to humans, or sell the TAF Quad until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for the TAF Quad from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer EVG to humans, or sell Products containing EVG until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for an EVG Product from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer COBI to humans, or sell Products containing COBI until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for a COBI Product from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer TAF to humans, or sell Products containing TAF until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for a TAF Product from the FDA. If Gilead obtains marketing approval from the FDA for any Quad Product or a Combination Product containing TAF, COBI or EVG (“Approved Combination Product”) prior to obtaining marketing approval for a TAF Product, EVG Product or COBI Product from the FDA, then Licensee will be allowed to administer such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product to humans, and sell such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product from and after the date of such marketing approval from the FDA, but will not (A) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing EVG other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for an EVG Product, or (B) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing COBI other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for a COBI Product or (C) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing TAF other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for a TAF Product.
Performance Indicators The HSP’s delivery of the Services will be measured by the following Indicators, Targets and where applicable Performance Standards. In the following table: INDICATOR CATEGORY INDICATOR P=Performance Indicator E=Explanatory Indicator M=Monitoring Indicator 2022/23 Organizational Health and Financial Indicators Debt Service Coverage Ratio (P) 1 ≥1 Total Margin (P) 0 ≥0 Coordination and Access Indicators Percent Resident Days – Long Stay (E) n/a n/a Wait Time from Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS) Determination of Eligibility to LTC Home Response (M) n/a n/a Long-Term Care Home Refusal Rate (E) n/a n/a Quality and Resident Safety Indicators Percentage of Residents Who Fell in the Last 30 days (M) n/a n/a Percentage of Residents Whose Pressure Ulcer Worsened (M) n/a n/a Percentage of Residents on Antipsychotics Without a Diagnosis of Psychosis (M) n/a n/a Percentage of Residents in Daily Physical Restraints (M) n/a n/a