Welding Materials. AWS D1.1; type required for materials being welded.
Welding Materials. Section 1105.02(t)
Welding Materials. Type required for materials being welded. .6 Stainless steel No.304 .7 Uncoated checkerplate steel 1/8 Thickness. All edges smootherd .8 Shop and Touch-Up Primer: Acrylic epoxy coating shall be Cloverdale Coat; 1 Rustex 71027 Basecoat Primer (grey) for steel and Coat 2; Self Priming Speed Enamel 76 Series 76211 – Low Sheen.
Welding Materials. Comply with Section II, Part C, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for welding materials appropriate for the wall thickness and chemical analysis of the pipe being welded.