Wheeling Access Charge. The Wheeling Access Charge for each Participating TO shall be its Base Transmission Revenue Requirement divided by the annual kilowatt- hour deliveries by the Participating TO or End-Use Customers connected to its transmission and distribution facilities plus the Participating TO’s TRBA adjustment as set forth in Section 5 of the TO Tariff. The Wheeling Access Charge for transmission service will be the TO-specific Wheeling Access Charge at the point in the ISO Controlled Grid where the Energy is scheduled to exit the ISO
Wheeling Access Charge. EIM transfers from the CAISO Controlled Grid to an EIM Area using the contractual or ownership rights of an EIM Entity shall not be exports and shall not be subject to the Wheeling Access Charge under Section 26.
Wheeling Access Charge. The Wheeling Access Charge for each Participating TO shall be its Base Transmission Revenue Requirement divided by the annual kilowatt- hour deliveries by the Participating TO or End-Use Customers connected to its transmission and distribution facilities plus the Participating TO’s TRBA adjustment as set forth in Section 5 of the TO Tariff. The Wheeling Access Charge for transmission service will be the TO-specific Wheeling Access Charge at the point in the ISO Controlled Grid where the Energy is scheduled to exit the ISO Controlled Grid. Wheeling Access Charges shall not apply for Wheeling under a bundled non-economy Energy coordination agreement of a Participating TO executed prior to July 9, 1996.