WHO. Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2010. Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and The World Bank. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2012.
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WHO. REGNET has introduced a series of developers of different competencies to cover the broad functionality of the REGNET system on a high level of qualification. OH relies on two players which are primarily committed to CM and portal development.
WHO. Levels and trends in child mortality. Estimates Developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2012.
WHO. PQT, with the agreement of the WHO PQ holder, shares the full outcome of prequalification assessments, inspections and, if relevant, also results of laboratory testing, including final assessment and inspection reports, with participating authorities, under appropriate obligations of confidentiality and restrictions on use (see below). As regards sharing the outcomes of assessments, inspections and results of laboratory testing, only data owned by the WHO PQ holder and WHO are shared. Sharing of any other data (e.g. related to a closed part of the Active pharmaceutical ingredient master file) is subject to additional agreement of the data owners concerned.
WHO. Use of high burden country lists for TB by WHO in the post-2015 era: Summary. World Health Organization TB Publications. 2015 (cited 2020 October 11). Available from: xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/tb/publications/global_report/high_tb_burdencountrylists2016- 2020.pdf?ua=1 10. XX Xxxxxxxxx, X Xxxxxx, X Xxxxx, W Wattanaamornkiet, GV Xxxxxxxxxx, LE Via, et al. Extensive Drug Resistance Acquired During Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014;59(8):1049–63. 11. XX Xxxxxxx, M Xxxxxxxx, V Mirtskhulava, N Xxxxxxxx, XX Xxxxx, XX Xxxxxxxx. Acquired Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Poor Outcomes among Patients with Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2015;00(0)000-0000.
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