High Level definition
Examples of High Level in a sentence
The following documents shall be inserted as Annexes to this Schedule as soon as they have been developed and agreed by the Parties: Annex 1: the initial Release Plan developed for this Release; Annex 2: the Stories which are to form the subject of this Release; Annex 3: the current Product Backlog; and Annex 4: High Level Objectives for the Release The Parties agree that the Key Personnel in respect of this Project are detailed in the table at paragraph 43.2 below.
A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome.
A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security.
The flushing of the Indian water closet (Orissa Closet) shall be done by C.I. or Polyaterine High Level low-level porcelain valve-less syphonic flushing cistern of approved brand and quality I.S.I. Marked and capacity as specified.
The flushing of the Indian water closet (Odisha Closet) shall be done by C.I. or Polyaterine High Level low-level porcelain valve-less syphonic flushing cistern of approved brand and quality I.S.I. Marked and capacity as specified.