Wholesale Directory Assistance Service. 8.1 Directory Assistance (DA) Service provides local and non-local End User telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller’s direction separate and distinct from local switching.
8.2 BellSouth will provide access to Wholesale Directory Assistance Service at the rates set forth in Exhibit A.
8.3 DA Service shall provide up to two listing requests per call. If available and if requested by International Telnet’s End User, BellSouth shall provide caller- optional directory assistance call completion service to one of the provided listings.
8.4 DA Service Updates
8.5 BellSouth shall update End User listings changes daily. These changes include:
8.5.1 New End User connections;
8.5.2 End User disconnections;
8.5.3 End User address changes.
8.6 These updates shall also be provided for non listed and non published numbers for use in emergencies.
Wholesale Directory Assistance Service. 9.2.1 AT&T’s Wholesale Directory Assistance (DA) Service provides local and non-local End User telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller’s direction separate and distinct from Wholesale Switch Ports Services or Wholesale Local Platform Services.
9.2.2 AT&T will provide access to DAService at the rates set forth in Exhibit A.
9.2.3 DA Service shall provide up to two (2) listing requests per call. If available and if requested by CUSTOMER’s End User, AT&T shall provide caller-optional DA call completion service to one (1) of the provided listings.
Wholesale Directory Assistance Service. 9.1 BellSouth’s Wholesale Directory Assistance (DA) Service provides local and non- local End User telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller’s direction separate and distinct from Wholesale Switch Ports Services or Wholesale Local Platform Services.
9.2 BellSouth will provide access to DA Service at the rates set forth in Exhibit A of this Attachment.
9.3 DA Service shall provide up to two listing requests per call. If available and if requested by CUSTOMER’s End User, BellSouth shall provide caller-optional directory assistance call completion service to one of the provided listings.
Wholesale Directory Assistance Service. 9.1 BellSouth’s Wholesale Directory Assistance (DA) Service provides local and non-local End User telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller’s direction separate and distinct from Wholesale Switch Ports Services or Wholesale Local Platform Services. Version: 3Q06 MBR 07/18/06
Wholesale Directory Assistance Service. 3.1 BellSouth’s Wholesale Directory Assistance (DA) Service provides local and non- local End User telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller’s direction separate and distinct from Wholesale Switch Ports Services or Wholesale Local Platform Services.
3.2 BellSouth will provide access to DA Service at the rates set forth in Exhibit A of this Attachment.
3.3 DA Service shall provide up to two listing requests per call. If available and if requested by CUSTOMER’s End User, BellSouth shall provide caller-optional directory assistance completion service to one of the provided listings. In addition, XxxxXxxxx agrees to provide the ability to screen by ANI to disallow the offer of directory assistance call completion to CUSTOMER’S End Users which CUSTOMER has identified to BellSouth as not qualified to receive directory assistance call completion service.
Wholesale Directory Assistance Service