Common use of Written assessment Clause in Contracts

Written assessment. In this instance the student will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their competency through multiple choice questions, short answer questions, written reports etc. Other methods include case studies, projects, essays, video tasks, log books and third party reports. All assessment tasks must consider any language and literacy issues or cultural issues related to the task. Once satisfactory performance is achieved in all the performance criteria for a unit candidate will be marked C for Competent; if not they will be marked NYC for Not Yet Competent until a re-assessment takes place. If a student is not able to demonstrate competency after re-assessment they will be NC Not Competent. Allens Training do not provide job or work placements as part of the course delivery unless specified in your course information. Refer to the FAQ section for your particular course information. Assessment Completion Timeframes Completion timeframes for courses very depending on which course you are enrolled in. Please refer to the course specific information on our website for the completion timeframe of each course. Allens Training will provide written confirmation of your timeframe and expected completion date upon registration. Applications for extension to completion timeframes must be made in writing to Allens Training for review. Please email and detail the circumstances surrounding your request for an extension. You will receive a response in writing within 7 days of your request. More information on suggested timeframes for individual units and qualifications and for the volume of learning within a qualification, please refer to the ‘Student Information’ for that particular course. Re-assessment Stage 1: Student undertakes in-class assessment  Students will be notified within 21 days of undertaking an assessment of their performance. Stage 2: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in FIRST assessment Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent are to be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency.  Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task as soon as can be practically arranged with your trainer. Ideally, this would be within 7 days of notification. Stage 3: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in FIRST re-sit/re-submit  If the student is again deemed Not Yet Competent they will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency.  The student must then participate in a new assessment task within 7 days of notification. An administration fee may be charged to cover the cost of supplying new resources in this case. Stage 4: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in SECOND re-sit/re-submit  If the student is still unable to demonstrate competency, then the student will be required to repeat the unit of competency.  Re-enrolment fees may be required to be paid to your trainer prior to arranging the repeat of the unit of competency.  This will be arranged directly with your trainer. Statement of Authorship All assessment materials, including but not limited to: homework assignments, projects, reports, papers and assignments submitted to a course are expected to be the student's own work. Students should always take great care to distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from sources. The term "sources" includes not only published primary and secondary material, but also information and opinions gained directly from other people. All information taken from other sources must be clearly referenced and authorship acknowledged. Any student who, for whatever reason, submits work that is not their own or fails to acknowledge sources, will be required to re-enroll in the relevant unit/s. The signed student declaration in each unit of competency is a declaration by the student that all work contained therein is the student’s own work. Superseded Units/Qualifications It is the aim of Allens Training to ensure that students have every opportunity to undertake the most current national qualification. When a Training Package or UOC is superseded, Allens Training will ensure all learners are either supported to complete the course in which they are enrolled or will transfer them to the current training product within twelve months. As soon as is practical after the endorsement of the new training package, Allens Training will commence delivery of the new units of competency/qualifications. There will be a monitored review of training resources, strategies and advertising materials. Mapping of the old training package qualifications to the new will be accessed and any professional development requirements of current and prospective trainers and assessors will be identified and implemented. During this transition period particular attention will be paid to monitoring client feedback and the implementation of any changes that are identified as necessary in this process. Issuance of Qualifications On successful completion of a course, subject to all outstanding checking of documentation and providing all agreed fees the student owes to Allens Training or the partner organization have been paid, students will be issued with the appropriate certification within 30 days of completion of the training course. On completion of delivery of the units trainers will submit Student Results Forms to the course completion supervisor for checking and entry into the electronic data management system. On successful course completion students will be eligible to receive qualifications/statement of attainments. If students do not complete all required units of competency to a competent level they will not be eligible to receive a qualification. They will, however, be eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment for the units successfully completed within the course. Students enrolled in individual units of competency are required to complete all assessment tasks to a satisfactory level in order to be found competent and be eligible for a Statement of Attainment to be issued. All qualifications and statements of attainment issued will be issued without alteration or erasure and be identified by a unique number – printed on the qualification or statement. Qualifications and statements of attainments must be issued according to the student’s legal name as provided when creating their Unique Student Identifier (USI). In order for certification to be re-issued under a new name, relevant evidence supporting the change of name will be requested. In addition to this, the students name will need to be updated in the USI system in order for the new certification to be issued. Allens Training will maintain data of all qualifications/statements of attainment issued for a period of 30 years. Your feedback or survey reports Feedback from you is pivotal in our efforts to continue to improve the services and courses that we offer. When your trainer asks you to complete a survey, please take time to give a considered response. If, for any reason, you are unable or uncomfortable completing the form in class, there is an additional opportunity to print off a feedback form (in the documents section of our web site) Print off, complete and simply email, fax or mail it to us. Successful students will also receive an email advising that their certificate has been processed and giving the opportunity to respond with any additional feedback they may have regarding their training experience. We do listen and we do act on your suggestions for improvements. Feedback is also encouraged at any time by emailing or phoning 1300 559 064. Quality Assurance Allens Training is responsible to effectively monitor training and assessment delivered on our behalf to ensure it meets the Standards for RTO’s 2015. As a part of our quality assurance processes at Allens Training, you may be contacted by a member of Allens Training staff and requested to complete a telephone survey to gather feedback on the delivery of our courses. You are not required to complete these surveys and may refuse at any time if contacted by Xxxxxx Training. Industry Consultation Industry means the bodies that have a stake in the training, assessment and client services provided by RTOs. Allens Training liaises with industry representatives in an effort to confirm that the currency of all course material and to ensure training reflects industry needs. This consultation is essential so that training outcomes meet the knowledge and skill demands of industry and to ensure proposed courses are reflective of future industry and employment growth. Consultation also ensures assessment strategies cover significant points and provide results that are useful to prospective employers Validation and Moderation Allens Training ensures that our business model moderates all assessment tasks to ensure that the tasks, and hence the results, are reliable, valid and fair and to ensure that the marking procedures are also fair and valid. Validating an assessment tool involves checking that the assessment task produces valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgments to be made as to whether the requirements of the relevant aspects of the Training Package or accredited course have been met. It includes reviewing and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, process and/or outcomes. Assessment tasks and course results are moderated which means results and assessment decisions made are reviewed to determine whether the tool is providing consistency and reliable outcomes. Trainer Competencies All assessment will be undertaken by assessors who satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors. We will ensure that all of our Trainers and assessors will have as a minimum, the following combination of:  The necessary training and assessment competencies as stated in the Standards for RTOs 2015  Relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being assessed  Demonstrated current industry, training and VET knowledge and skills;  Familiarity with Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Health and Safety principles.  Current working with Children Check or National Police Check STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORT Language, Literacy & Numeracy Support Language, literacy and numeracy skills are critical to almost all areas of work. This is particularly true in many vocations where language, literacy and numeracy skills influence the performance of workplace tasks such as measuring, weighing and comprehending written work instructions To support this approach Allens Training will:  Assess a student’s language, literacy and numeracy skills during their enrolment to ensure they have adequate skills to complete the training. This may be in the form of a self-assessment;  Support students during their study with training and assessment materials and strategies that are easily understood and suitable to the level of the workplace skills being delivered;  Provide clear information to students about the details of the language, literacy and numeracy assistance available. Allens Training generally recommend the LLN training courses provided by TAFE. These institutes have specialist teachers to support the student’s development.  Refer students to external language, literacy and numeracy support services that are beyond the support available within Allens Training and where this level of support is assessed as necessary; and  Negotiate an extension of time to complete training programs if necessary. All delivery, assessment and instruction are carried out in English unless otherwise stated. There may be the opportunity available for you for ‘reasonable adjustment’ concerning the assessment process, depending on the level of support you require. This will be determined at the enrolment process. Welfare and guidance services and client support If you experience a problem with your course, you should immediately speak with your trainer or the Allens Training Head Office (Phone 0000 000 000) who can help you find the assistance you need. Some examples of support that may be arranged may include:  Mentoring  Disability Support  Telephone/email learners support  Personal Counselling  Study Skills Program

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Student Agreement, Student Services Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Written assessment. In this instance the student will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their competency through multiple choice questions, short answer questions, written reports etc. Other methods include case studies, projects, essays, video tasks, log books and third party reports. All assessment tasks must consider any language and literacy issues or cultural issues related to the task. Once satisfactory performance is achieved in all the performance criteria for a unit candidate will be marked C for Competent; if not they will be marked NYC for Not Yet Competent until a re-assessment takes place. If a student is not able to demonstrate competency after re-assessment they will be NC Not Competent. Allens Training do not provide job or work placements as part of the course delivery unless specified in your course information. Refer to the FAQ section for your particular course information. Assessment Completion Timeframes Completion timeframes for courses very depending on which course you are enrolled in. Please refer to the course specific information on our website for the completion timeframe of each course. Allens Training will provide written confirmation of your timeframe and expected completion date upon registration. Applications for extension to completion timeframes must be made in writing to Allens Training for review. Please email and detail the circumstances surrounding your request for an extension. You will receive a response in writing within 7 days of your request. More information on suggested timeframes for individual units and qualifications and for the volume of learning within a qualification, please refer to the ‘Student Information’ for Stu that particular course. Re-assessment Stage 1: Student undertakes in-class assessment ; Students will be notified within 21 days of undertaking an assessment of their performance. Stage 2: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in FIRST assessment Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent are to be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. ; Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task as soon as can be practically arranged with your trainer. Ideally, this would be within 7 days of notification. Stage 3: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in FIRST re-sit/re-submit ; If the student is again deemed Not Yet Competent they will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. ; The student must then participate in a new assessment task within 7 days of notification. An administration fee may be charged to cover the cost of supplying new resources in this case. Stage 4: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in SECOND re-sit/re-submit ; If the student is still unable to demonstrate competency, then the student will be required to repeat the unit of competency. ; Re-enrolment fees may be required to be paid to your trainer prior to arranging the repeat of the unit of competency. ; This will be arranged directly with your trainer. Statement of Authorship All assessment materials, including but not limited to: homework assignments, projects, reports, papers and assignments submitted to a course are expected to be the student's own work. Students should always take great care to distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from sources. The term "sources" includes not only published primary and secondary material, but also information and opinions gained directly from other people. All information taken from other sources must be clearly referenced and authorship acknowledged. Any student who, for whatever reason, submits work that is not their own or fails to acknowledge sources, will be required to re-enroll in the relevant unit/s. The signed student declaration in each unit of competency is a declaration by the student that all work contained therein is the student’s own work. Superseded Units/Qualifications It is the aim of Allens Training to ensure that students have every opportunity to undertake the most current national qualification. When a Training Package or UOC is superseded, Allens Training will ensure all learners are either supported to complete the course in which they are enrolled or will transfer them to the current training product within twelve months. As soon as is practical after the endorsement of the new training package, Allens Training will commence delivery of the new units of competency/qualifications. There will be a monitored review of training resources, strategies and advertising materials. Mapping of the old training package qualifications to the new will be accessed and any professional development requirements of current and prospective trainers and assessors will be identified and implemented. During this transition period particular attention will be paid to monitoring client feedback and the implementation of any changes that are identified as necessary in this process. Issuance of Qualifications On successful completion of a course, subject to all outstanding checking of documentation and providing all agreed fees the student owes to Allens Training or the partner organization have been paid, students will be issued with the appropriate certification within 30 days of completion of the training course. On completion of delivery of the units trainers will submit Student Results Forms to the course completion supervisor for checking and entry into the electronic data management system. On successful course completion students will be eligible to receive qualifications/statement of attainments. If students do not complete all required units of competency to a competent level they will not be eligible to receive a qualification. They will, however, be eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment for the units successfully completed within the course. Students enrolled in individual units of competency are required to complete all assessment tasks to a satisfactory level in order to be found competent and be eligible for a Statement of Attainment to be issued. All qualifications and statements of attainment issued will be issued without alteration or erasure and be identified by a unique number printed on the qualification or statement. Qualifications and statements of attainments must be issued according to the student’s attai legal name as provided when creating their Unique Student Identifier (USI). In order for certification to be re-issued under a new name, relevant evidence supporting the change of name will be requested. In addition to this, the students name will need to be updated in the USI system in order for the new certification to be issued. Allens Training will maintain data of all qualifications/statements of attainment issued for a period of 30 years. Your feedback or survey reports Feedback from you is pivotal in our efforts to continue to improve the services and courses that we offer. When your trainer asks you to complete a survey, please take time to give a considered response. If, for any reason, you are unable or uncomfortable completing the form in class, there is an additional opportunity to print off a feedback form (in the documents section of our web site) Print off, complete and simply email, fax or mail it to us. Successful students will also receive an email advising that their certificate has been processed and giving the opportunity to respond with any additional feedback they may have regarding their training experience. We do listen and we do act on your suggestions for improvements. Feedback is also encouraged at any time by emailing or phoning 1300 559 064. Quality Assurance Allens Training is responsible to effectively monitor training and assessment delivered on our behalf to ensure it meets the Standards for RTO’s 2015. As a part of our quality xXxx aepatrtsof outr qhueality Xxxx assurance processes at Allens Training, you may be contacted by a member of Allens Training staff and requested to complete a telephone survey to gather feedback on the delivery of our courses. You are not required to complete these surveys and may refuse at any time if contacted by Xxxxxx Training. Industry Consultation Industry means the bodies that have a stake in the training, assessment and client services provided by RTOs. Allens Training liaises with industry representatives in an effort to confirm that the currency of all course material and to ensure training reflects industry needs. This consultation is essential so that training outcomes meet the knowledge and skill demands of industry and to ensure proposed courses are reflective of future industry and employment growth. Consultation also ensures assessment strategies cover significant points and provide results that are useful to prospective employers Validation and Moderation Allens Training ensures that our business model moderates all assessment tasks to ensure that the tasks, and hence the results, are reliable, valid and fair and to ensure that the marking procedures are also fair and valid. Validating an assessment tool involves checking that the assessment task produces valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgments to be made as to whether the requirements of the relevant aspects of the Training Package or accredited course have been met. It includes reviewing and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, process and/or outcomes. Assessment tasks and course results are moderated which means results and assessment decisions made are reviewed to determine whether the tool is providing consistency and reliable outcomes. Trainer Competencies All assessment will be undertaken by assessors who satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors. We will ensure that all of our Trainers and assessors will have as a minimum, the following combination of: ; The necessary training and assessment competencies as stated in the Standards for RTOs 2015 ; Relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being assessed ; Demonstrated current industry, training and VET knowledge and skills; ; Familiarity with Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Health and Safety principles. ; Current working with Children Check or National Police Check STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORT Language, Literacy & Numeracy Support Language, literacy and numeracy skills are critical to almost all areas of work. This is particularly true in many vocations where language, literacy and numeracy skills influence the performance of workplace tasks such as measuring, weighing and comprehending written work instructions To support this approach Allens Training will: ; Assess a student’s language, literacy and numeracy skills during their stulidteeracny atn’d nsumelracay nskigllsuduaringg ethe,ir enrolment to ensure they have adequate skills to complete the training. This may be in the form of a self-assessment; ; Support students during their study with training and assessment materials and strategies that are easily understood and suitable to the level of the workplace skills being delivered; ; Provide clear information to students about the details of the language, literacy and numeracy assistance available. Allens Training generally recommend the LLN training courses provided by TAFE. These institutes have specialist teachers to support the student’s development. ; Refer students to external language, literacy and numeracy support services that are beyond the support available within Allens Training and where this level of support is assessed as necessary; and ; Negotiate an extension of time to complete training programs if necessary. All delivery, assessment and instruction are carried out in English unless otherwise stated. There may be the opportunity available for you for ‘reasonable adjustment’ concerning the reasona assessment process, depending on the level of support you require. This will be determined at the enrolment process. Welfare and guidance services and client support If you experience a problem with your course, you should immediately speak with your trainer or the Allens Training Head Office (Phone 0000 000 000) who can help you find the assistance you need. Some examples of support that may be arranged may include: ; Mentoring ; Disability Support ; Telephone/email learners support ; Personal Counselling ; Study Skills Program

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Student Written Agreement

Written assessment. In this instance the student will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their competency through multiple choice questions, short answer questions, written reports etc. Other methods include case studies, projects, essays, video tasks, log books and third party reportsessays etc. All assessment tasks must consider any language and literacy issues or cultural issues related to the task. Once satisfactory performance competency is achieved in all the performance criteria for a unit candidate will be marked C for Competent; if not they will be marked NYC for Not Yet Competent until a re-assessment takes place. If a student is not able to demonstrate competency after re-assessment they will be NC Not Competent. Allens Training do not provide job or work placements as part of the course delivery unless specified in your course information. Refer to the FAQ section for your particular course information. Assessment Completion Timeframes Completion timeframes for courses very depending You have two years from the date of enrolment to complete all required units of study within a qualification. For example an enrolment confirmed on which course you are enrolled in. Please refer the 1st January 2012 would need to the course specific information on our website for the completion timeframe of each course. Allens Training will provide written confirmation of your timeframe and expected completion date upon registrationbe completed by January 1st 2014. Applications for extension to completion timeframes must be made in writing to Allens Training for review. Please email and detail the circumstances surrounding your request for an extension. You will receive a response in writing within 7 days of your request. More information on suggested timeframes for individual units and qualifications and for the volume of learning within a qualification, please refer to the ‘Student Information’ for that particular course. Assessment Re-assessment sit Procedure Stage 1: Student undertakes in-class assessment  Students will be notified within 21 days of undertaking an assessment of their performance. Stage 2: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in FIRST assessment Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent are to be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency.  Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task as soon as can be practically arranged with your trainer. Ideally, this would be within 7 days of notification. Stage 3: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in FIRST re-sit/re-submit  If the student is again deemed Not Yet Competent they will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency.  The student must then participate in a new assessment task within 7 days of notification. An administration fee may be charged to cover the cost of supplying new resources in this case. Stage 4: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in SECOND re-sit/re-submit  If the student is still unable to demonstrate competency, then the student will be required to repeat the unit of competency.  Re-enrolment fees may be required to be paid to your trainer prior to arranging the repeat of the unit of competency.  This will be arranged directly with your trainer. Allens Training Appeals process is listed below. Assessment appeals All appeals should in the first instance be discussed with your trainer to allow you to see if it is possible to be re-assessed. Re-assessment should occur within one month of the original attempt; otherwise re-enrolment in the course will be required. Students wishing to make an appeal should first make an appointment with the trainer/assessor. If the matter is not resolved an appointment (or telephone/email) should be made for an interview with the General Manager. Allens Training Head Office on 1300 559 064, or email If this cannot be resolved, then the student’s appeals are eligible to be heard by an independent party. Unresolved appeals will be heard by a Solicitor of Xxxxxxx and Sendall of Xxxxxxxx XXX 0000 Statement of Authorship All assessment materials, including but not limited to: homework assignments, projects, reports, papers and assignments submitted to a course are expected to be the student's own work. Students should always take great care to distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from sources. The term "sources" includes not only published primary and secondary material, but also information and opinions gained directly from other people. All information taken from other sources must be clearly referenced and authorship acknowledged. Any student who, for whatever reason, submits work that is not their own or fails to acknowledge sources, will be required to re-enroll in the relevant unit/s. The signed student declaration in each unit of competency is a declaration by the student that all work contained therein is the student’s own work. Superseded Units/Qualifications It is the aim of Allens Training to ensure that students have every opportunity to undertake the most current national qualification. When a Training Package or UOC is superseded, Allens Training will ensure all learners are either supported to complete the course in which they are enrolled or will transfer them to the current training product within twelve months. As soon as is practical after the endorsement of the new training package, Allens Training will commence delivery of the new units of competency/qualifications. There will be a monitored review of training resources, strategies and advertising materials. Mapping of the old training package qualifications to the new will be accessed and any professional development requirements of current and prospective trainers and assessors will be identified and implemented. During this transition period particular attention will be paid to monitoring client feedback and the implementation of any changes that are identified as necessary in this process. Issuance of Qualifications On successful completion of a course, subject to all outstanding checking of documentation and providing all agreed fees the student owes to Allens Training or the partner organization have been paid, students will be issued with the appropriate certification within 30 days of completion of the training course. On completion of delivery of the units trainers will submit Student Results Forms to the course completion supervisor for checking and entry into the electronic data management system. On successful course completion students will be eligible to receive qualifications/statement of attainments. If students do not complete all required units of competency to a competent level they will not be eligible to receive a qualification. They will, however, be eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment for the units successfully completed within the course. Students enrolled in individual units of competency are required to complete all assessment tasks to a satisfactory level in order to be found competent and be eligible for a Statement of Attainment to be issued. All qualifications and statements of attainment issued will be issued without alteration or erasure and be identified by a unique number – printed on the qualification or statement. Qualifications and statements of attainments must be issued according to the student’s legal name as provided when creating their Unique Student Identifier (USI). In order for certification to be re-issued under a new name, relevant evidence supporting the change of name will be requested. In addition to this, the students name will need to be updated in the USI system in order for the new certification to be issued. Allens Training will maintain data of all qualifications/statements of attainment issued for a period of 30 years. Your feedback or survey reports Feedback from you is pivotal in our efforts to continue to improve the services and courses that we offer. When your trainer asks you to complete a survey, please take time to give a considered response. If, for any reason, you are unable or uncomfortable completing the form in class, there is an additional opportunity to print off a feedback form (in the documents section of our web site) Print off, complete and simply email, fax or mail it to us. Successful students will also receive an email advising that their certificate has been processed and giving the opportunity to respond with any additional feedback they may have regarding their training experience. We do listen and we do act on your suggestions for improvements. Feedback is also encouraged at any time by emailing or phoning 1300 559 064. Quality Assurance Allens Training is responsible to effectively monitor training and assessment delivered on our behalf to ensure it meets the Standards for RTO’s 2015. As a part of our quality assurance processes at Allens Training, you may be contacted by a member of Allens Training staff and requested to complete a telephone survey to gather feedback on the delivery of our courses. You are not required to complete these surveys and may refuse at any time if contacted by Xxxxxx Training. Industry Consultation Industry means the bodies that have a stake in the training, assessment and client services provided by RTOs. Allens Training liaises with industry representatives in an effort to confirm that the currency of all course material and to ensure training reflects industry needs. This consultation is essential so that training outcomes meet the knowledge and skill demands of industry and to ensure proposed courses are reflective of future industry and employment growth. Consultation also ensures assessment strategies cover significant points and provide results that are useful to prospective employers Validation and Moderation Allens Training ensures that our business model moderates all assessment tasks to ensure that the tasks, and hence the results, are reliable, valid and fair and to ensure that the marking procedures are also fair and valid. Validating an assessment tool involves checking that the assessment task produces valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgments to be made as to whether the requirements of the relevant aspects of the Training Package or accredited course have been met. It includes reviewing and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, process and/or outcomes. Assessment tasks and course results are moderated which means results and assessment decisions made are reviewed to determine whether the tool is providing consistency and reliable outcomes. Trainer Competencies All assessment will be undertaken by assessors who satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors. We will ensure that all of our Trainers and assessors will have as a minimum, the following combination of:  The necessary training and assessment competencies as stated in the Standards for RTOs 2015  Relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being assessed  Demonstrated current industry, training and VET knowledge and skills;  Familiarity with Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Health and Safety principles.  Current working with Children Check or National Police Check STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORT Language, Literacy & Numeracy Support Language, literacy and numeracy skills are critical to almost all areas of work. This is particularly true in many vocations where language, literacy and numeracy skills influence the performance of workplace tasks such as measuring, weighing and comprehending written work instructions To support this approach Allens Training will:  Assess a student’s language, literacy and numeracy skills during their enrolment to ensure they have adequate skills to complete the training. This may be in the form of a self-assessment;  Support students during their study with training and assessment materials and strategies that are easily understood and suitable to the level of the workplace skills being delivered;  Provide clear information to students about the details of the language, literacy and numeracy assistance available. Allens Training generally recommend the LLN training courses provided by TAFE. These institutes have specialist teachers to support the student’s development.  Refer students to external language, literacy and numeracy support services that are beyond the support available within Allens Training and where this level of support is assessed as necessary; and  Negotiate an extension of time to complete training programs if necessary. All delivery, assessment and instruction are carried out in English unless otherwise stated. There may be the opportunity available for you for ‘reasonable adjustment’ concerning the assessment process, depending on the level of support you require. This will be determined at the enrolment process. Welfare and guidance services and client support If you experience a problem with your course, you should immediately speak with your trainer or the Allens Training Head Office (Phone 0000 000 000) who can help you find the assistance you need. Some examples of support that may be arranged may include:  Mentoring  Disability Support  Telephone/email learners support  Personal Counselling  Study Skills Program.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Student Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Written assessment. In this instance the student will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their competency through multiple choice questions, short answer questions, written reports etc. Other methods include case studies, projects, essays, video tasks, log books and third party reports. All assessment tasks must consider any language and literacy issues or cultural issues related to the task. Once satisfactory performance is achieved in all the performance criteria for a unit candidate will be marked C for Competent; if not they will be marked NYC for Not Yet Competent until a re-assessment takes place. If a student is not able to demonstrate competency after re-assessment they will be NC Not Competent. Allens Training do not provide job or work placements as part of the course delivery unless specified in your course information. Refer to the FAQ section for your particular course information. Assessment Completion Timeframes Completion timeframes for courses very depending on which course you are enrolled in. Please refer to the course specific information on our website for the completion timeframe of each course. Allens Training will provide written confirmation of your timeframe and expected completion date upon registration. Applications for extension to completion timeframes must be made in writing to Allens Training for review. Please email and detail the circumstances surrounding your request for an extension. You will receive a response in writing within 7 days of your request. More information on suggested timeframes for individual units and qualifications and for the volume of learning within a qualification, please refer to the ‘Student Information’ for that particular course. Re-assessment Stage 1: Student undertakes in-class assessment Students will be notified within 21 days of undertaking an assessment of their performance. Stage 2: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in FIRST assessment Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent are to be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task as soon as soonas can be practically arranged with your trainer. Ideally, this would be within 7 days of notification. Stage 3: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in FIRST re-sit/re-submit If the student is again deemed Not Yet Competent they will be provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. The student must then participate in a new assessment task within 7 days of notification. An administration fee may be charged to cover the cost of supplying new resources in this case. Stage 4: Student deemed Not Yet Competent in SECOND re-sit/re-submit If the student is still unable to demonstrate competency, then the student will be required to repeat the unit of competency. Re-enrolment fees may be required to be paid to your trainer prior to arranging the repeat of the unit of competency. This will be arranged directly with your trainer. Statement of Authorship All assessment materials, including but not limited to: homework assignments, projects, reports, papers and assignments submitted to a course are expected to be the student's own work. Students should always take great care to distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from sources. The term "sources" includes not only published primary and secondary material, but also information and opinions gained directly from other people. All information taken from other sources must be clearly referenced and authorship acknowledged. Any student who, for whatever reason, submits work that is not their own or fails to acknowledge sources, will be required to re-enroll in the relevant unit/s. The signed student declaration in each unit of competency is a declaration by the student that all work contained therein is the student’s own work. Superseded Units/Qualifications It is the aim of Allens Training to ensure that students have every opportunity to undertake the most current national qualification. When a Training Package or UOC is superseded, Allens Training will ensure all learners are either supported to complete the course in which they are enrolled or will transfer them to the current training product within twelve months. As soon as is practical after the endorsement of the new training package, Allens Training will commence delivery of the new units of competency/qualifications. There will be a monitored review of training resources, strategies and advertising materials. Mapping of the old training package qualifications to the new will be accessed and any professional development requirements of current and prospective trainers and assessors will be identified and implemented. During this transition period particular attention will be paid to monitoring client feedback and the implementation of any changes that are identified as necessary in this process. Issuance of Qualifications On successful completion of a course, subject to all outstanding checking of documentation and providing all agreed fees the student owes to Allens Training or the partner organization have been paid, students will be issued with the appropriate certification within 30 days of completion of the training course. On completion of delivery of the units trainers will submit Student Results Forms to the course completion supervisor for checking and entry into the electronic data management system. On successful course completion students will be eligible to receive qualifications/statement of attainments. If students do not complete all required units of competency to a competent level they will not be eligible to receive a qualification. They will, however, be eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment for the units successfully completed within the course. Students enrolled in individual units of competency are required to complete all assessment tasks to a satisfactory level in order to be found competent and be eligible for a Statement of Attainment to be issued. All qualifications and statements of attainment issued will be issued without alteration or erasure and be identified by a unique number – printed on the qualification or statement. Qualifications and statements of attainments must be issued according to the student’s legal name as provided when creating their Unique Student Identifier (USI). In order for certification to be re-issued under a new name, relevant evidence supporting the change of name will be requested. In addition to this, the students name will need to be updated in the USI system in order for the new certification to be issued. Allens Training will maintain data of all qualifications/statements of attainment issued for a period of 30 years. Your feedback or survey reports Feedback from you is pivotal in our efforts to continue to improve the services and courses that we offer. When your trainer asks you to complete a survey, please take time to give a considered response. If, for any reason, you are unable or uncomfortable completing the form in class, there is an additional opportunity to print off a feedback form (in the documents section of our web site) Print off, complete and simply email, fax or mail it to us. Successful students will also receive an email advising that their certificate has been processed and giving the opportunity to respond with any additional feedback they may have regarding their training experience. We do listen and we do act on your suggestions for improvements. Feedback is also encouraged at any time by emailing or phoning 1300 559 064. Quality Assurance Allens Training is responsible to effectively monitor training and assessment delivered on our behalf to ensure it meets the Standards for RTO’s 2015. As a part of our quality assurance processes at Allens Training, you may be contacted by a member of Allens Training staff and requested to complete a telephone survey to gather feedback on the delivery of our courses. You are not required to complete these surveys and may refuse at any time if contacted by Xxxxxx Training. Industry Consultation Industry means the bodies that have a stake in the training, assessment and client services provided by RTOs. Allens Xxxxxx Training liaises with industry representatives in an effort to confirm that the currency of all course material and to ensure training reflects industry reflectsindustry needs. This consultation is essential so that training outcomes meet the knowledge and skill demands of industry and to ensure proposed courses are reflective of future industry and employment growth. Consultation also ensures assessment strategies cover significant points and provide results that are useful to prospective employers Validation and Moderation Allens Training ensures that our business model moderates all assessment tasks to ensure that the tasks, and hence the results, are reliable, valid and fair and to ensure that the marking procedures are also fair and valid. Validating an assessment tool involves checking that the assessment task produces valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgments to be made as to whether the requirements of the relevant aspects of the Training Package or accredited course have been met. It includes reviewing and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, process and/or outcomes. Assessment tasks and course results are moderated which means results and assessment decisions made are reviewed to determine whether the tool is providing consistency and reliable outcomes. Trainer Competencies All assessment will be undertaken by assessors who satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors. We will ensure that all of our Trainers and assessors will have as a minimum, the following combination of: The necessary training and assessment competencies as stated in the Standards for RTOs 2015 Relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being assessed Demonstrated current industry, training and VET knowledge and skills; Familiarity with Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Health and Safety principles. Current working with Children Check or National Police Check STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORT Language, Literacy & Numeracy Support Language, literacy and numeracy skills are critical to almost all areas of work. This is particularly true in many vocations where language, literacy and numeracy skills influence the performance of workplace tasks such as measuring, weighing and comprehending written work instructions To support this approach Allens Training will: Assess a student’s language, literacy and numeracy skills during their enrolment to enrolmentto ensure they have adequate skills to complete the training. This may be in the form of a self-assessment; Support students during their study with training and assessment materials and strategies that are easily understood and suitable to the level of the workplace skills being delivered; Provide clear information to students about the details of the language, literacy and numeracy assistance availableassistanceavailable. Allens Training generally recommend the LLN training courses provided by TAFE. These institutes have specialist teachers to support the student’s development. Refer students to external language, literacy and numeracy support services that servicesthat are beyond the support available within Allens Training and where this level of support is assessed as necessary; and Negotiate an extension of time to complete training programs if necessary. All delivery, assessment and instruction are carried out in English unless otherwise stated. There may be the opportunity available for you for ‘reasonable adjustment’ concerning the assessment process, depending on the level of support you require. This will be determined at the enrolment process. Welfare and guidance services and client support If you experience a problem with your course, you should immediately speak with your trainer or the Allens Training Head Office (Phone 0000 000 000) who can help you find the assistance you need. Some examples of support that may be arranged may include: Mentoring Disability Support Telephone/email learners support Personal Counselling Study Skills Program

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