XXXX PAYING SERVICES. You may use Evergreen Credit Union’s xxxx paying service, Xxxx Pay, to direct Evergreen Credit Union to make payments from your designated draft account to the “Payees” you choose in accordance with this agreement. The terms and conditions of this agreement are in addition to the account agreement, disclosures and other documents in effect from time to time governing your account. Some xxxx paying services may not be available through all electronic channels.
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  • Ongoing Services It is important to review every investment you hold and at regular intervals. At the time of, or prior to, our recommendation to you we will discuss our on-going service proposition. This is confirmed in our ‘service proposition and engagement’ document which will be sent to you separately from this agreement.

  • Training Services Training Services may include pre-packaged training Products, and/or the development or customization of training programs as requested, including Live Training, Computer Based/Multi-Media Training which encompasses Internet-Delivered Training, and/or Video Based Training.

  • Billing Services Manager shall provide, or cause to be provided, the following billing services to P.C.:

  • Distribution Services The Distributor shall sell and repurchase Shares as set forth below, subject to the registration requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, and the laws governing the sale of securities in the various states ("Blue Sky Laws"):

  • Private Duty Nursing Services This plan covers private duty nursing services, received in your home when ordered by a physician, and performed by a certified home healthcare agency. This plan covers these services when the patient requires continuous skilled nursing observation and intervention.

  • Hosting Services 13.1 If Supplier or its subcontractor, affiliate or any other person or entity providing products or services under the Contract Hosts Customer Data in connection with an Acquisition, the provisions of Appendix 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein, apply to such Acquisition.

  • Collection Services 5.01 General 5-1 5.02 Solid Waste Collection 5-1 5.03 Targeted Recyclable Materials Collection 5-3

  • Dining Services Meal Plan and applicable Dining Services policies are as stated herein. Any questions regarding Resident’s Meal Plan or Torero ID Card should be directed to Campus Card Services: or (000) 000-0000.

  • Catering Services Liaison and Administration

  • Scaling Services Scaling services shall be performed by Forest Service personnel or parties under contract to Forest Service, except that weighing services may be performed by personnel or parties approved by Forest Service. Scaling shall be provided in accordance with the instructions and specifications in A9. Scalers shall be currently certified to perform accurate Scaling services. The Scaling services provided shall be selected exclusively by Forest Service. Scaling services may be Continuous, Intermittent, or Extended. “Continuous Scaling Services” is Scaling at one site five (5) 8-hour shifts a week, exclusive of Sundays and Federal holidays. “Intermittent Scaling Services” are non-continuous Scaling services. “Extended Scaling Services” are Scaling services exceeding Continuous Scaling Services and may include Sundays and designated Federal holidays. Upon written request of Purchaser and approval of Contracting Officer, Forest Service may provide other services, such as but not limited to grading, tagging, or marking of Scaled logs.

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