Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Sample Clauses

Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. A Founder & Xxxxx Xxx’x Director of Implementation for CSS (Excerpt from the July 1950 issue of La Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza)
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Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. (a) Each Party shall be liable to the other Party/ies for any damages it causes the other Party/ies by any breach of these Clauses. (a) Xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx/xxxxxxx xx veškeré škody, které si vzájemně způsobí porušením těchto doložek.
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. We believe Christians shall seek first the Kingdom of God, and trust Him to provide for our material needs. God’s provision is that we work with our own hands to provide for our own needs, so we might have to give to others, remembering that Xxxxx warns that the deceitfulness of riches chokes our spiritual lives. We believe that God entrusts us with the care of earthly property, and we must give an account as stewards for how we use it. Christian love leads us to give generously of the money and material resources God provides, in proportion to how God prospers us, remembering the poor and needy. Careful consideration of Christian stewardship and wisdom shall be exercised in borrowing money, making loans and investments, and purchasing insurance. Get-rich-quick schemes, lotteries and high-risk investments shall be avoided. Stewardship, moderation and service shall be guidelines in purchasing vehicles.(Genesis 3:19; 1Thessalonians 4:11-12; 2Thessalonians 3:10; Xxxxxxx 6:25-34, 10:29-31, 25:31-46; Luke 12:19-21, 32-33; Philippians 4:5-6; 2Corinthians 8:12-15, 9:6-8)
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxx. If I observe others acting in non-compliance with the terms of this agreement, I will report this to the information security officer at NVCC's IT Support Services and to my supervisor. I understand that the NVCC information security office at NVCC's IT Support Services or other designated college officials reserve the right, without notice, to limit or restrict any individual's computer access and to inspect, remove or otherwise alter any data, file or system resource that may undermine any NVCC or VCCS information technology resources. I acknowledge that it is a condition of my employment to understand, sign and abide by this agreement. If I have any questions about this Information Technology Employee Acceptable Use Agreement or any other information technology guideline, standard or policy, I understand that I should contact my supervisor or the Office of the Vice President for Instructional and Information Technology for clarification. By signing this agreement, I hereby certify that I understand the preceding terms and provisions and that I accept the responsibility of adhering to them. I further acknowledge that should I violate this agreement, I can be subjected to disciplinary action. NVCC employee or consultant name: Date: (PRINT) NVCC Campus or location: Department/Office: NVCC employee or consultant:
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. 3.1 This Amendment shall enter into force upon its signing by both Parties and into effect on the day following the date of its publication in the Central Register of Contracts. The Lessor shall be obliged to ensure the publication of the Amendment in the Central Register of Contracts on the next business day after the entry of the Amendment into force. 3.1 Tento Dodatok nadobúda platnosť dňom jeho podpisu oboma Zmluvnými stranami a účinnosť dňom nasledujúcim po dni jeho zverejnenia v Centrálnom registri zmlúv. Prenajímateľ je povinný zabezpečiť zverejnenie Dodatku v Centrálnom registri zmlúv najneskôr v najbližší pracovný deň nasledujúci po nadobudnutí platnosti Dodatku.
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. (Xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx) Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Foreign Affairs
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. Procurement Manager of Civil Works/ Kierownik zamówień robót budowlanych Appendices/ Załączniki Contract Program/ Program Umowy 17 pages/ strony General Contract Conditions / Ogólne warunki Umowy Appendix 12 HSE instructions / Załącznik 12 Instrukcja BHP Mill Site layout / Plan zagospodarowania terenu fabryki List of documents incl e.g. / Lista dokumentów np. Technical Specification / Specyfikacja techniczna Bills of Quantities / Przedmiar robót Tender Drawings / Rysunki przetargowe 26 pages/ stron 29 pages / stron 1 page / strona 3 pages / stron Contractor general data sheet / Ogólne dane Wykonawcy 2 page / stron Appendix_16_Draft of Financial_Guarantees/ Załącznik 16 Wzór Gwarancji Finansowej Appendix_6_Insurance instructions/ 2 page / stron Załącznik 6 Instrukcja ubezpieczenia 2 page / stron Appendix_1_Penalty milestones/ Załącznik 1 Terminy pośrednie podlegające karze 1 page / strona Appendix_14_ Instructions for Marking, Delivering and Transporting products, Customs declaration and Delivering contract documents / Załącznik 14 Wytyczne do znakowania, dostawy oraz transport produktów, Deklaracje celne oraz Dokumenty umowne dostawy
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Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. “After the restoration of the Sursock Museum, the requalification of the Mar Xxxxxxx Train Station is another step towards healing the socio-economic and cultural fabric of Beirut damaged by the Port blast. Protecting and promoting cultural heritage can be a driver for sustainable development, while also reinforcing the identity of a nation. This is why our partnership with Lebanon is a continuum, which includes other milestone projects such as the National Museum of Beirut and the Jupiter Temple in Baalbeck. The partnership with UNESCO plays an important role in this strategy”. “Through the LiBeirut initiative, UNESCO places heritage at the heart of the international efforts. In the field of cultural heritage safeguarding, UNESCO is proud of this strategic partnership with Italy, which is the most prominent donor of the LiBeirut heritage component. This initiative is a testament to our joint commitment to enhance Beirut livability and to strategically contribute to its revival. As an open space to the public, the project will support social and cultural participation for all people, with special attention to the most vulnerable at times of severe socioeconomic challenges in the country”, said the Director of the UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Beirut, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx. The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) Beirut Director, Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx highlighted that “the Italian Cooperation is supporting the rehabilitation of 10,000 m2 of the Mar Mikhael Train Station through two separated but interconnected projects implemented by two UN agencies, UNESCO and UN HABITAT. The signature of the agreement with UNESCO to restore the industrial heritage remains in the area and the UN HABITAT project working on the green public space will complement each other. The initiative will lead to improve the life and well- being of Beirut's citizens and reactivate the economic and social development of the area.” Leveraging UNESCO specialized expertise in cultural heritage conservation, six heritage buildings from different historic periods will be rehabilitated. The shapes and structures will be carefully repaired and scientifically restored according to international standards and good practices, utilizing original materials and building techniques that will preserve the site attributes and authenticity. Railways bare values that make them one of the most important elements of industrial heritage, while train stations are being reimagined today to cr...
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. Fiscal Officer to act as the Chief Fiscal Officer; and
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. CMS Xxxxxxx XxXxxxx LLP Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx CMS Xxxxxxx XxXxxxx LLP Russia APAs in Russia Advanced Pricing Agreements (“APA”)
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