Your Responsibility. Each accountholder will receive a card. You may not allow anyone else to use your account. If you do, or if you ask us to send a card to someone else, you will be responsible for paying for all charges resulting from their transactions. Purchase Limits. To prevent fraud, we may limit the number or dollar amount of purchases you can make in any particular amount of time. We also may decline any particular charge on Credit Limit. You will be assigned a credit limit that we may increase or decrease from time to time. If we approve a purchase that makes you go over your credit limit, we do not give up
Appears in 8 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Account Agreement, Credit Card Account Agreement, Credit Card Account Agreement
Your Responsibility. Each accountholder will receive a card. You may not allow anyone else to use your account. If you do, or if you ask us to send a card to someone else, you will be responsible for paying for all charges resulting from their transactions. Purchase Limits. To prevent fraud, we may limit the number or dollar amount of purchases you can make in any particular amount of time. We also may decline any particular charge on your account for any reason. Credit Limit. You will be assigned a credit limit that we may increase or decrease from time to time. If we approve a purchase that makes you go over your credit limit, we do not give upup any rights under this Agreement and we do not treat it as an increase in your credit limit.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Account Agreement, Credit Card Account Agreement, Credit Card Account Agreement