Fittings 3.2.1 Landing gear attachment fittings 3.2.2 Support structure and attachment fittings for the vertical and horizontal stabilizers
Elements Defines the individual components under each indicator
Plumbing fixtures and appliances shall be used only for the purposes for which designed, and no sweepings, rubbish, rags or other unsuitable material shall be thrown or deposited therein. Damage resulting to any such fixtures or appliances from misuse by a tenant or its agents, employees or invitees, shall be paid by such tenant.
FLOORING All Bed Rooms, Dinning-cum-Living, and would be finished with Ivory Vitrified tiles (24'' X 24'') flooring and 4'' skirting. Bath-room, Kitchen & Balcony would be finished with Ivory Ceramic tiles (12'' X 12'') flooring. The walls of the Toilets/Bathrooms would finish with white glazed tiles in 60'' height. Roof would be finished with roof tiles.
Ceilings 13.1 Lambdaboard ceilings, minimum 25mm thick with a width of 1220mm x 1800mm, skimmed with Plascon EZ Joint and EZ Skim system. 13.2 Cornices to be Nucornice polystyrene core cove cornice as per Everite or similar approved. Xxxx Shadow line cornices will be at extra cost if required.
Scratches appliance malfunctions and any resultant leak there from; (R) any stain, soiling or damage resulting from everyday use or which has built up over time, e.g. hair, body or suntan oils and/or lotions; (S) signs of soiling include darkened areas where the body comes into contact with the furniture (these darkened areas are signs of soil build-up, which is not covered); (T) general maintenance and overall cleaning of the furniture is the consumer’s responsibility; (U) damage due to harsh or corrosive chemicals; (V) acids, including without limitation, dyes and inks (except ballpoint), plant food and fertilizer and bleach, gum; (W) any non-operating part or decorative parts such as hinges, knobs, handles, or shelves; (X) coverage under another insurance program; (Y) delivery and/or redelivery and/or loss or damage to the Covered Product while in the course of transit; (Z) design deficiency; (AA) fabrics with “X” cleaning codes and non-colorfast fabrics and leathers; (AB) odors; (AC) variation of the color, or graining of wood or wood products, marble or leather; (AD) split leathers used in seat cushions, back cushions or top or inside arm areas; (AE) natural markings on leather, such as, healed scars, insect bites, brand marks or wrinkles, or suede, and leathers with embossed patterns other than those stimulating natural cowhide; (AF) non- bovine leathers, and other buffed leathers; (AG) stains, color loss or damage resulting from cleaning methods or products (detergents, abrasives or other harsh cleaning agents) other than those recommended by the furniture manufacturer; (AH) stone or sand abrasion; (AI) loss or damage resulting from: pre-existing conditions known to You; (AJ) wear related issues, such as but not limited to, fading, wear, seam separation, stress tears, loss of foam resiliency, pilling or fraying of any fabric on all types of furniture; (AK) color loss or cracking and peeling on any leather or vinyl; (AL) splits or bi-cast leather; (AM) furniture that is used for commercial, institutional, outdoor or rental purposes; (AN) Customer’s Own Material furniture; (AO) wicker, rattan, and teakwood furniture; (AP) massage chairs; (AQ) stains or damage to suede, split-grain leather hide or exotic leathers; (AR) manufacturer quality issues such as stress tears, fabric flaws, fading, color loss or change, loss of foam or resiliency, cracking and peeling of leather or vinyl, natural leather markings, and defects in design and workmanship; (AS) Stains or damage that occur during assembly, delivery, installation, before furniture is delivered to your residence, while the furniture is located outside of your residence, while the furniture is in storage or being moved to or from storage or between residences; (AT) Wear & Tear caused by repeated use such as scuffing, soiling, hair/body oil, perspiration, surface abrasions, pilling or fraying of fabric, loose joints; (AU) Stains or damage covered under any manufacturer warranty, recall, homeowner, renter or other insurance policy; (AV) Stains or damage caused by structural problems, appliance malfunctions, Acts of God or natural disasters, theft, vandalism or illegal activity (AW) Stains or damage caused by independent contractors
Buildings The Employer will provide and maintain all state-owned buildings, facilities, and equipment in accordance with the specific written order(s) of the Michigan (MIOSHA) Departments of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and/or Health and Human Services. Where facilities are leased by the Employer, the Employer shall make a reasonable attempt to assure that such facilities comply with the order(s) of the Michigan Departments of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and/or Health and Human Services.
Fencing The SPD shall Fence the demarcated boundary of the Demised Premises at the SPD’s own expense in every respect.
UNDERGROUND LOCATIONS Prior to the Company commencing any work the Customer must advise the Company of the precise location of all underground services on the site and clearly xxxx the location. The underground mains and services the Customer must identify include, but are not limited to, telephone cables, fibre optic cables, electrical services, gas services, sewer services, pumping services, sewer connections, sewer sludge mains, water mains, irrigations pipes, oil pumping mains and any other services that may be on site. Whilst the Company will take all care to avoid damage to any underground services the Customer agrees to indemnify the Company in respect of all any liability claims, loss, damage, cost and fines as a result of damage to services not precisely located and notified pursuant to this clause.
Sprinklers Subject to any terms, conditions and limitations set forth herein, Landlord shall provide an operative sprinkler system consisting of mains, laterals, and heads “AS IS” on the date of delivery of the Premises to Tenant. Tenant shall pay for piping distribution, drops and relocation of, or additional, sprinkler system heads and Building firehose or firehose valve cabinets, if Tenant’s Plans and/or any applicable Laws necessitate such.