LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 7th day of January 2000, by and between MARK L. BUTLER and LINDA W. BUTLER, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as "Landlord," and Parks America! Inc., President Robert Klosterman...Lease Agreement • October 13th, 2000 • Grand Slam Treasures Inc • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels) • Idaho
Contract Type FiledOctober 13th, 2000 Company Industry Jurisdiction
Standard Contracts
RECITALSConsulting Agreement • April 24th, 2001 • Grand Slam Treasures Inc • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels) • Florida
Contract Type FiledApril 24th, 2001 Company Industry Jurisdiction
PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this _______ day of November, 1999 by and between Northwest Parks LLC, (hereinafter "Parks") a limited liability company, and its Members as set forth on Exhibit A hereto (hereinafter "Members") and Wincanton...Purchase Agreement • April 12th, 2000 • Wincanton Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 12th, 2000 Company Industry
RECITALSConsulting Agreement • April 24th, 2001 • Grand Slam Treasures Inc • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels) • Florida
Contract Type FiledApril 24th, 2001 Company Industry Jurisdiction
LEASE BETWEEN ROLIHO, INC. AS LANDLORD ANDLease Agreement • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels) • Florida
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry Jurisdiction
EXCHANGE AGREEMENTExchange Agreement • April 19th, 2001 • Grand Slam Treasures Inc • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels) • Nevada
Contract Type FiledApril 19th, 2001 Company Industry Jurisdiction
RECITALSConsulting Agreement • April 24th, 2001 • Grand Slam Treasures Inc • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels) • Florida
Contract Type FiledApril 24th, 2001 Company Industry Jurisdiction
I. CONTRACT SUBJECTSSales Contract • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry
Contract No. Contract No. 1 Sale and PurchaseSale and Purchase Agreement • August 19th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels) • Beijing
Contract Type FiledAugust 19th, 2002 Company Industry JurisdictionSRL “Asconi”, created and acting under the legislation of the Republic of Moldova, represented by the General Director, Mr. Jitaru C., and acting in accordance with the by-laws of the company, hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, on one part, and CHINA BEIJING TINGKANGBAOJIANPIN CO. LTD., created and acting under the legislation of Chine, represented by the HB QIANG and acting in accordance with the by-laws of the company, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, as another part, have executed the present Contract as provided herein below:
AGREEMENT OF TERMLESS SHARE MANAGEMENT (IRREVOCABLE TRUST)Shareholder Agreement • June 27th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledJune 27th, 2002 Company IndustryAsconi SRL, Chisinau, represented by Mr. Jitaru Constantin general director, acting on basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as “the Shareholder”, on one side, and Talmaci Irina acting as a natural person, hereinafter referred to as “the Shareowner”, on the other side, hereinafter referred to collectively as “the Parties”, have entered into this Agreement as follows:
Contract for Brokerage services No. 051Brokerage Services Agreement • June 27th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledJune 27th, 2002 Company Industry
COMPANY LOGO]Consulting Agreement • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company Industry
STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENTStock Purchase Agreement • February 6th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages • Florida
Contract Type FiledFebruary 6th, 2004 Company Industry JurisdictionSTOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT dated as of November 19, 2003, between Asconi Corporation, a Nevada corporation (the “Company”) and (the “Purchaser”).
Agency AgreementAgency Agreement • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustryMade on 15 April 2003, between the parties concerned, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:
ARTICLE I SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1.1. The Vendor sells and the Buyer pays for and accepts strong drinks (hereinafter the Goods) in the quantity and assortment stated in Specification that makes up an integral part to the present Contract, on DAF...Contract • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry
Exhibit 10.9 Translation from Russian into English CONTRACT OF SALE No. X-075 Moldova, Chisinau January 10, 2002 PCF "Asconi" Ltd. (Moldova), in the person of Director K. Jitaru acting on the Statute basis, hereinafter referred to as the Seller and IE...Contract of Sale • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry
Conditional Sale Contract Nr. CM-106-03Conditional Sale Contract • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustryCompany “ASCONI” SRL, represented by General Director Mr. Jitaru Constantin, hereinafter refereed to as “the Buyer”, on the other side, have entered into this Contract as follows:
Divine Capital Markets LLC Investment Banking AgreementInvestment Banking Agreement • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages • New York
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company Industry JurisdictionThis is to confirm our understanding that Divine Capital Markets LLC (also referred to herein as “Divine Capital,”) has been engaged as financial advisor to Asconi Corporation, its successors, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, the “Company”), with respect to financial advisory, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance and related matters for the one year period commencing on the 1st day of June, 2003.
Contract No 010/12/03-IP sale and purchaseIp Sale and Purchase • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustrySRL ASCONI, created and acting under the legislation Republic of Moldova, represented by the General Director, Mr. Jitaru C., and acting in accordance to the by-laws of the company, hereinafter referred to as the “Seller,” on one part, and
Conditional sale contract Nr. CM-107-03Conditional Sale Contract • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustryCompany “ASCONI” SRL, represented by General Director Mr. Jitaru Constantin, hereinafter referred to as “the Buyer”, on the other side, have entered into this Contract as follows:
Conditional sale contract Nr. CM-108-03Conditional Sale Contract • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustryCompany “TECNO-FOOD SAS”, represented by general director Mr. Pezzani Daniele, hereinafter referred to as “the Seller” on the side,
EURL PEPINIERES VITICOLES SALES CONTRACTSales Contract • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustryThe PEPINIERES PHILIPPE DAYDE MONTANS 81600 in the person of Mr. Philippe Dayde, the representative of said enterprise, on the one part; the Company “ASCONI” S.R.L., in the person of Mr. ANATOLIE SIRBU, the chief financial officer of said enterprise, on the other part; have agreed on the following:
CONTRACT No. S2001/018 GENERAL CONDITIONSContract No. S2001/018 • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry
CONTRACT OF BUYING-SELLING No. 7/3-01(January) 2000 --------------- 1. CONTRACTING PARTIES SELLER: "ILITAX-PAC" LTD, the office is situated in Chisinau, Dacia str. 30/1, ap. 133, tel: 55.84.96, t/a 19569010. Moldincombank Telecomtrans, s/a...Contract of Buying-Selling • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry
Contract No.Contract for the Production and Delivery of Printed Goods • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry
3. QUALITY OF THE GOODS -----------------------Contract No. 498 B-43142800 /011 • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry
CONSULTANT AGREEMENTConsultant Agreement • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages • New York
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company Industry JurisdictionThis Agreement is made and entered into as of the 12th day of January, 2003, between Asconi Corporation and CEOcast, Inc. (the “Consultant”).
Contract No 1903 Sale and PurchaseSale and Purchase Agreement • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustrySRL ASCONI, created and acting under the legislation Republic of Moldova, represented by the General Director, Mr. Jitaru C., and acting in accordance to the by-laws of the company, hereinafter referred to as the “Seller,” on one part, and ISRAEL COLONIAL FOOD LTD., represented by the Zaharov L. acting in accordance to the by-laws of the company, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer,” as another part, have executed the present Contract as provided herein below:
CONSULTING CONTRACTConsulting Contract • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustryAsconi Corporation, a Nevada corporation, located at: 160 International Parkway, Suite 280, Heathrow, FL 32746, U.S.A., represented by its President and CEO Constantin JITARU (the “Firm”), and MELNIC Vasile, domiciled at: str. Basarabiei nr. 21, Edinet, Republic of Moldova (“Consultant”), have agreed as follows:
7. Other conditions 7.1. Any modifications in assortment and price of the delivered goods shall be made in form of separate Annexes to the present Contract and signed by both parties. 7.2. All Annexes are an integral part of the Contract. 7.3. The...General Contract for Delivery • April 15th, 2002 • Asconi Corp • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2002 Company Industry
VIVAI VIVEROS MARCHI SALES CONTRACTSales Contract • May 27th, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2004 Company IndustryThe VIVAI MARCHI Company, 10, Zotutti Str., RAUSCEDO PN ITALIA, in the person of Mr. Marchi Ezio, the representative of said enterprise, on the one part; the Company “ASCONI” S.R.L., in the person of Mr. ANATOLIE SIRBU, the chief financial officer of said enterprise, on the other part; have agreed on the following:
Contract No MO/A8 – 042 sale and purchaseSale and Purchase Agreement • November 2nd, 2004 • Asconi Corp • Beverages • Moscow
Contract Type FiledNovember 2nd, 2004 Company Industry JurisdictionSRL ASCONI, created and acting under the legislation Republic of Moldova, represented by the General Director, Mr. Jitaru C., and acting in accordance to the by-laws of the company, hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, on one part, and