Handling of GSK Personal Information Vzorová ustanovení

Handling of GSK Personal Information. Vendor will ensure that Clinical Trial Personal Information: will be kept secure and confidential in accordance with the Agreement, Data Protection Laws and any Applicable Laws; is not disclosed to any of its staff unless those persons: have undergone appropriate training in data protection and are legally or contractually bound to hold the information in confidence; is processed only for the purpose of conducting the Clinical Trial under the Agreement, or otherwise as subsequently authorised by the individual to whom the Personal Information relates; is transferred to third parties only in accordance with Data Protection Laws and any other Applicable Laws (including without limitation the law of the country of the relevant individuals), where the third party has entered into a contract with Vendor containing terms equivalent to those in this Schedule and on condition that Vendor remains fully liable to GSK for any failure of such third party to fulfil its data protection obligations; and is kept securely. b. Rights of Individuals. If an individual makes a written request to either party to exercise any of their rights under Data Protection Laws in respect of their Clinical TrialPersonal Information, the receiving party will: (i) promptly and without undue delay forward the request to the other party; and (ii) cooperate and provide reasonable assistance in relation to that request to enable the other party to respond in accordance with Data Protection Laws. To the extent that GSK only holds key-coded Clinical Trial Personal Information, Vendor will provide all the necessary cooperation to meet the Clinical Trial Subject’s request and inform that Clinical Trial Subject of the actions taken. c.