Data Protection Vzorová ustanovení

Data Protection a. The provisions of this Section 1 shall apply to the personal data the Service Provider processes in the course of providing Customer the Services. Service Provider is the data processor in relation to the personal data that it processes in the course of providing Services to Customer. Customer is the data controller in relation to the personal data that it processed by data processor on its behalf in the course of providing Services to Customer.
Data Protection. The contracting parties undertake to comply with the applicable data protection regulations in the execution of this contract. For further information regarding the processing of personal data by Xxxxxxxx and the rights of the data subject with regard to data protection please refer to Licensor’s Data Protection Information available at:
Data Protection. 1. Merchants, which accept Cards and Accounts, will transfer information to the relevant bank card association and Citibank about any transactions the Cardholder makes with them using the Card.
Data Protection. By signing the Agreement Licensee authorizes Licensor to the handling, communication and diffusion of its personal data. Licensee acknowledges that he has been duly informed of the above mentioned handling of his personal data pursuant to the Italian law n.196/2003 relevant to data protection.
Data Protection. 1. Merchants, which accept Cards and Accounts, will transfer information to the relevant bank card association and Citibank about any transactions the Cardholder makes with them using the Card. 2. On the condition that the confidential nature of information is maintained Citibank is entitled to a reasonable extent, to provide Merchants, other companies within Citigroup, the Company, other companies in the same group of companies as the Company, third parties and each of their agents and contractors information about Account, the Card and the Company for Account management, statistical reporting, fraud prevention, administration and tracing purposes, for the purposes of providing services relating to the Card and for the purposes of providing information about Account, the Card and the Company to other companies in the same group of companies as the Company. 3. Processing of information could include any manual or automatic measure taken with the information, including but not limited to gathering, registration, storing, and changing the information. 4. By signing the Application the Cardholder acknowledges that for the purpose of (i) providing services related to the Card or (ii) compliance with any law or regulation of any jurisdiction, domestic or foreign, Citibank, any other company within Citigroup and their representatives are entitled to collect, process and share with any third parties (whether in or outside the Czech Republic) all personal data of the Cardholder, including the birth number, provided to
Data Protection. We abide by our privacy policy which can be found at any time under xxxxx://xxxxxxx-
Data Protection. PSM Customer is obliged to inform drivers of a vehicle for which a Vehicle Link exists on the privacy policy of Porsche Smart Mobility and the possibility of the collection of their personal data during the use of Porsche Connect Services. Further information can be found in the privacy policy under xxxxx://xxxxxxx-
Data Protection a. The provisions of this Section 1 shall apply to the persona! data the Service Provider processes in the course of providing Customer the Services. Service Provider is the data processor in relation to the persona! data that it processes in the course of providing Services to Customer. Customer is the data controller in relation to the persona! data that it processed by data processor on its behalf in the course of providing Services to Customer.
Data Protection. For the purpose of this Clause 15 the following terms
Data Protection. Depending on the Services RÚ performs, RÚ may be required to collect retain ?isclose.or therwise process information identifying or'. m combmat1on with other information, identifiable to a living individua!, with regard to direct connection with the Study, including Study subjects and others partiipating in or associate? with the Study ("Persona! Data ). ln that event, XX agrees to collect retain disclose and otherwise process Persona! Data olely i ccordance with this Agreement , XXXXXX'x written nstrutions, and all applicable laws and regulations, mcludmg, without limitation, Act No. 101/2000 Xxxx. on Protection of Persona! Data, To avoid any doubts, zákony a předpisy.zejména pak ustanovení zákona č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů. K vyloučení .všech pochybností smluvní strany prohlašují, že jsou jim známy účinky platného Obecného nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679 ze dne 27. Dubna -2016 (dále jen „Nařízení"). Smluvní strany prohlašují, že veškeré činnosti a procesy, při nichž dochází ke zpracování osobních údajů (případně citlivých údajů), v souvislosti s plněním dle této smlouvy, jsou prováděny souladu s uvedeným nařízením. Rů bude uchovávat vhodné záruky, aby zajistila důvěrnost a bezpečnost osobních údajů. Rů neprodleně upozorní společnost ABBVIE o· jakémkoli neoprávněném přístupu nebo zpřístupnění osobních údajů (dále jen „narušení bezpečnosti") včetně času a povahy takového narušení bezpečnosti a přijme veškerá přiměřená opatření k nápravě takového narušení bezpečnosti. Tam, kde platné zákony na ochranu osobních údajů vyžadují, aby strany uzavřely doplňkové dohody nebo ujednání včetně smluv o mezinárodním přenosu dat RŮ zajistí, aby byly takové nezbytné smlouvy uzavřeny a udržovány v účinnosti.