INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 5.1 The Intellectual Property Rights: - to the CzMVS will be held by CzMVO (and its subcontractors and providers); - to the EMVS will be held by EMVO (and its subcontractors and providers). For the avoidance of doubt, the Company and the users of the CzMVS and the EMVS will not acquire any intellectual property rights to the CzMVS or EMVS.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 5.1 The Intellectual Property Rights: 5.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 8.1 The Seller warrants that the Products shall not infringe any intellectual property rights of any third parties and that the Seller has used reasonable efforts to CZ-AUTO SYSTEMS a.s. Svat. Čecha 1283, 688 01 Uherský Brod, Czech Republic zajištění téhož, s výjimkou porušení vyplývajících výhradně z technických specifikací poskytnutých Kupujícím. Prodávající se zavazuje na své vlastní náklady hájit, odškodnit a chránit Kupujícího a jeho zákazníky před veškerými nároky a žalobami, které tvrdí, že Produkty porušují jakákoli práva třetích stran za předpokladu, že Kupující (i) neprodleně písemně oznámí Prodávajícímu takové nároky a žaloby, (ii) umožní Prodávajícímu obhajobu nebo urovnání nároků a žalob a (iii) poskytne Prodávajícímu veškeré přiměřené informace a pomoc a nezbytná oprávnění.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 8.1 The Licensee shall ensure that any copyright, patent, registered design, trademark or other intellectual property rights (“Intellectual Property Rights”) or other rights (including but not limited to any performance rights) created by virtue of any permitted additions, changes, modification, versions, re-versions or otherwise to or of the Programme as a result of the exercise of the Licensee’s rights under this Agreement (“Permitted Modifications”) shall become the sole and exclusive property of the Licensor and the Licensee by way of present assignment of future Intellectual Property Rights hereby assigns all such rights acquired by it to the Licensor to hold throughout the world in perpetuity.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS a) It is agreed that Licensor and/or any third party owners to the Program(s) shall at all times remain the sole, exclusive and perpetual owner of all right, title, logo and interest in and to the Program(s) (whether under license or otherwise), including the physical and intangible elements thereof, including without limitation, all tape copies, pre-master materials, advertising materials, the original master and all materials derived from the foregoing and relating thereto, and the results and proceeds of all services rendered in connection therewith in whatever stage of creation or completion as may exist, throughout the universe, during the Term. All rights to exploit the Program(s) outside the terms of this Agreement shall remain the property of Licensor and/or any third party owners to the Program(s).
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 5.1 Práva duševního vlastnictví: 5.1 The Intellectual Property Rights: - k CzMVS budou náležet CzMVO (a jejím - to the CzMVS will be held by CzMVO subdodavatelům a poskytovatelům); (and its subcontractors and providers); - k EMVS budou náležet EMVO (a jejím - to the EMVS will be held by EMVO (and subdodavatelům a poskytovatelům). its subcontractors and providers). Pro vyloučení pochybností, Společnost a For the avoidance of doubt, the Company uživatelé CzMVS a EMVS nezískávají žádná and the users of the CzMVS and the EMVS práva duševního vlastnictví k CzMVS či will not acquire any intellectual property rights EMVS. to the CzMVS or EMVS.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 1. Insofar as the Purchaser provides specifications for deliveries and services, the Purchaser shall ensure that the goods, insofar as the Supplier delivers them in accordance with the Purchaser's specifications, do not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights. If a third party asserts a claim against the Supplier based on an in- fringement of third-party intellectual property rights by deliveries and services made by the Supplier provided on the basis of the Purchaser´s specifications for such deliveries and services, the Purchaser is obliged to provide all necessary cooperation while defending the Supplier´s rights. In case the third party is awarded the right to claim damages, the Purchaser shall be obliged to indemnify the Supplier in the amount of the awarded damages.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 8.1 The LICENSEE hereby irrevocably assigns and transfers to FIBA by way of present assignment of, all copyright and other rights, title and proprietary interests without limitation as to time, territory or content in the BASIC FEED of each of the GAMES, the UNILATERAL FEED of each of the GAMES, the RADIO SIGNAL of each of the GAMES and any other feed or material otherwise arising by virtue of its exercise of the RIGHTS granted under this Agreement and the performance of each of its obligations (including those as HOST BROADCASTER pursuant to Clause 6 of these STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) for the full term of copyright including all renewals, revisions and extensions thereof.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 12.1. Tovar je chránený ochrannými známkami KINEX BEARINGS a . PARTNER je oprávnený užívať uvedené ochranné známky za podmienok uvedených nižšie.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 10.1. The Consumer acknowledges that he or she is aware that all trademarks, names and other distinctive signs as well as any names, images, photographs, written text or graphics used on the Site or relating to the Products are and remain the exclusive property of PBG Studio Store s.r.o., with registered office in Xxxxxxxx 0000/0x, Xxxxxxxxx, 000 00 Xxxxx 00. Xx. number: 07497164, VAT: CZ 07497164 and/or its assignees, with no rights arising on the part of the Consumer in relation to the same as a result of access to the Site and/or purchase of the Products.