Performance Vzorová ustanovení

Performance. The performance algorithms are currently under definition. For the RFQ answer consider the possibility to have a minimum set of instructions to perform real time calculation (ex. NGR, T45R) and an independent off-line program for curve fit. The off-line program will take data from the SS scan from the data export module but should be resident in one of the DACS computers supplied. Off line program format to be defined, for RFQ consider WIN32 platform.
Performance. Cisco warrants that: (a) for a period of 90 days from the Delivery Date or longer as stated in Documentation, or on, the Software substantially complies with the Documentation; and (b) during the Usage Term, it provides the Cloud Services with commercially reasonable skill and care in accordance with the Documentation and Product Specific Terms.‌‌‌
Performance. 6.1 The Seller undertakes to fulfil their obligation to deliver and handover the issues hereof to the Purchaser no later than in 8 weeks from into effect the agreement (“Period of performance”), by 15 October 2020 at the latest.
Performance. Provider represents and warrants that Provider Personnel have the requisite skills, experience and expertise to provide the Services and will provide the Services (a) diligently, conscientiously and in accordance with all of the terms of this Agreement, the Study Protocol, all written instructions provided, and the highest applicable industry standards, (b) in compliance with all rules, procedures and standards, (c) in accordance with all applicable current government regulatory requirements and all local laws, rules and regulations, and (d) in accordance with personal privacy identification requirements. Provider further agrees to comply with Sponsor’s requirements for the reporting of any fees and other expenditures paid to healthcare professionals on Sponsor’s behalf, as required by any applicable laws and regulations. 5.2 Third Parties. To the best of Provider’s knowledge, the provision of Services under this Agreement will not violate any patent, trade secret or other proprietary or intellectual property right of any third party. Provider represents that Provider is presently under no obligation to any third party which would prevent Provider from carrying out the duties and obligations contemplated hereunder. 5.3
Performance. Processor Graphics Chipset Memory Touchscreen Keyboard Case Color Surface Treatment Case Material Other Security
Performance. Service Provider will perform Services taking into account the recognised rules of technology
Performance. Performance budou realizovány ve veřejném prostoru, poskytovatel proto vybere (způsobem stanoveným v čl. B) projekty (resp. jejich náměty) tak, aby byly ve veřejném prostoru realizovatelné. Veřejným prostorem se myslí otevřené prostranství, případně budova, kterou denně prochází minimálně několik set lidí, kteří současně nechodí na konkrétní místo kvůli umění. Předpokládaná doba vyhlášení otevřené výzvy je v průběhu ledna roku 2015, nebude-li změněna dle čl. II odst. 2 této smlouvy.
Performance. 15.1 Práva Spotřebitelů z vadného plnění se řídí příslušnými právními předpisy, zejména ustanoveními § 1914 až 1925 Občanského zákoníku.