Price Vzorová ustanovení

Price. The supplier shall be obliged to deliver the agreed goods or services for the agreed price. Unless agreed otherwise, the price shall include all costs, which are incurred by the supplier in connection with the provided performance.
Price. 4.1 The Operator follows the dynamic pricing and currently valid special offers when providing the Client with the price for stay. The price is based on the number of people and their age at the time of stay, and depends on the hotel occupancy and the date of stay inquired by the Client. The exact price for stay for a specified date is defined in the Operator´s reservation system.
Price. Není-li v Objednávce nebo v cenové Unless otherwise stipulated in the Buyer Order or nabídce Společnosti uvedeno jinak, všechny uváděné ceny Výrobků zahrnují všechny náklady, pojištění a dopravu. Není-li uvedeno jinak, tyto ceny, však nezahrnují DPH ani žádnou jinou daň, příplatek nebo poplatek uložený jakýmkoliv kompetentním orgánem, který musí být stanoven k datu odeslání a hrazen Kupujícím, např. clo apod. Ceny Výrobků mohou podléhat změnám na základě předchozího oznámení Společnosti.
Price. 1. If the customer does not specify the price in the order, the supplier is assumed to determine the price as follows:
Price. 1. The price for the services provided by the Market Organizer to the STM Participant shall be set in line with the respective effective price decision of ÚRSO and have the following structure:
Price. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Buyer Order or price quotation of the Company, all indicated Product prices comprise all costs, insurance, and transport. Unless stipulated otherwise, these prices do not comprise VAT or any other tax, surcharge, or fee imposed by any competent authority, that needs to be determined as of the shipping date and paid by the Buyer, for example customs duty, etc. Prices of products can be subject to changes upon prior notice of the Company.
Price. 7.1 The price for the reservation of capacity hereunder and the related gas transmission shall be that as set in accordance with the applicable price decision of the ERO.1
Price. If the price is not stated in this PO or procurement agreement, the price will be Supplier's lowest prevailing market price. Supplier is responsible for and shall pay all sales, use, and similar taxes.
Price. 1. The purchase price for the deliveries of the pouches was determined by agreement of the Parties. The price was set in relation to the amount of delivered pouches as specified in Art. III., par. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 hereof. 2. The purchase price for thermoplastic lamination pouches with protective printing for “Vehicle registration certificate”(XXX) is the following: 250,000 + GBP XXX 750,000 + GBP XXX 1,000,000 + GBP XXX 250,000 + GBP XXX 750,000 + GBP XXX 1,000,000 + GBP XXX
Price. 5.1.The agreed-upon prices for the goods already include all costs incurred by the supplier in connection with their supplies as per the contract concluded with the Buyer. The agreed-upon prices shall at all times be the final and the highest permissible prices and they may only be modified by an addendum to the contract concerned. Any fluctuations in the exchange rate of the official currency of the Czech Republic with regard to any foreign currency shall under no circumstances give the Supplier any right to revise the agreed-upon price. 5.2.Unless agreed otherwise, a price denotes the price for the goods, including the cost of transport to the place of destination in accordance with DDP according to INCOTERMS 2010.