Remuneration Vzorová ustanovení
Remuneration. 1. Mandator undertakes to pay the Mandatary for performing the order stated in the Article I paragraph 1 of this Contract remuneration of EUR 150. Another EUR 30 shall be paid by the Mandator to Mandatary for each project the Mandatary acts for as the Rapporteur and who is evaluated for that year as part of initial, ongoing or final evaluation.
2. The Contracting Parties agreed the remuneration is due till 31. 12. 2021.
3. The remittance of the remuneration shall be done by transfer to the bank account of the Mandatary stated in the preamble to this contract.
Remuneration. The Mandator hereby undertakes to pay remuneration for the Mandatary for the execution of the work specified in Article hereof totalling to € 600 (six hundred euros). Remuneration will be adjusted pro rata for the implementation of a part of the agreed subject matter of this Contract under its Article II.
Remuneration. For the provision of Services, as defined in the Order, RTB House shall be entitled to receive from the Client the monthly Remuneration in the net amount stated in the Order. The Remuneration amount shall be increased by the due VAT amount, calculated at the rate applicable on the day of the VAT invoice issuance.
Remuneration. 7.1 For the provision of the Services, Sponsor shall pay Health Care Facility Institute a remuneration of EUR 600 per MRI examination of any patient included in the Study plus statutory value added tax at the applicable rate.
7.2 The remuneration shall be paid out only after provision of Services that shall be invoiced by the Health Care Facility once a year quarter for the Services provided in that period.
7.3 The Sponsor shall pay the remuneration to the Health Care Facility via JSW within thirty (30) days of proper issuance of an invoice. JSW shall make the payment transfer from the account number : IBAN: XX000000000000000000, BIC: XXXXXXXX.
Remuneration. 1. Mandator undertakes to pay the Mandatary for performing the order stated in the Article I paragraph 1 of this Contract remuneration of EUR 500. 2. The Contracting Parties agreed the remuneration is due till 31. 12. 2023. 3. The remittance of the remuneration shall be done by transfer to the bank account of the Mandatary stated in the preamble to this contract. 4. The remuneration will be paid from the central budgetary resources of the SAS Office allocated to the Impulz Programme.
Remuneration. 1. Mandator undertakes to pay the Mandatary for performing the order stated in the Article I paragraph 1 of this Contract remuneration of EUR 150.
Remuneration. Zadavatel se zavazuje zaplatit Centru za řádně provedené činnosti na základě této Smlouvy, včetně převodu práv dle čl. 5, odměnu ve výši, způsobem a za podmínek sjednaných stranami dále v tomto článku Smlouvy a příloze č. 1. Podmínky odměny a její výplaty Hlavnímu zkoušejícímu a 4.1 For the activities properly performed based on this Agreement and for the transfer of rights under Article 5, the Sponsor agrees to provide Center with remuneration in the amount, by means and under the terms agreed by the Parties below herein and in Appendix 1. Conditions of renumeration Členům studijního týmu jsou upraveny v Dohodě o odměně uzavřené mezi Hlavním zkoušejícím a Zadavatelem. Jediným příjemcem veškerých částek dle této Smlouvy bude Centrum. and its payment to Principal Investigator and Study Team Members shall be further specified in the Agreement on renumeration concluded between Principal Investigator and Sponsor. The Center shall be the only recipient of all payments hereunder.
Remuneration. (1) Mazars fees shall be calculated primarily with reference to the time spent at rates, which reflects such factors as complexity, seniority of the personnel involved, the size of transaction and specialist input, and shall take account of urgency, the use of techniques/expertise, research and know- how developed by Mazars. All work is subject to Mazars normal internal review procedures.
(2) In case a fixed fee is agreed between Mazars and the Client, the Client takes into account and agrees that the fixed fee is agreed in relation to the Client´s scope of the activity as specified by the Agreement and key economic parameters of the Client (such as yearly turnover, number of employees, EBIDTA, CAPEX). If the scope of activity or any of the key economic ekonomických parametrov, Mazars má právo primerane zvýšiť paušálnu odmenu. Zvýšenie paušálnej odmeny bude určené ako násobok hodinovej sadzby vo výške 100 EUR (bez DPH a nákladov) a času stráveného Mazars na práci a dodatočných aktivitách uskutočnených nad rámec pôvodne dohodnutého rozsahu aktivít alebo súvisiacich so zmenenými kľúčovými ekonomickými parametrami Klienta. Tento článok sa primerane uplatní aj na akýkoľvek iný nadčas (alebo dodatočný čas) strávený zo strany Mazars pri práci na prípade Klienta.
(3) Výška odmeny Mazars podlieha pravidelnému ročnému zvyšovaniu. Výška odmeny Mazars v každom kalendárnom roku nasledujúcom po kalendárnom roku, v ktorom bola Zmluva uzatvorená, sa bude rovnať odmene Mazars za predchádzajúci kalendárny rok zvýšenej o ročnú priemernú percentuálnu mieru zmeny indexu HICP (harmonizovaný index spotrebiteľských cien) v Slovenskej republike zverejňovanú EUROSTAT-om za predchádzajúci kalendárny rok (ak je táto percentuálna miera kladné číslo).
(4) V prípade, ak je možné bez ťažkostí posúdiť rozsah času potrebného na vykonanie konkrétnej úlohy, je možné pre takú konkrétnu úlohu určiť pevnú odmenu.
(5) Akýkoľvek cenový odhad Mazars týkajúci sa jeho odmeny vyhotovený za účelom plánovania alebo za iným účelom, bude vyhotovený v dobrej viere, avšak nebude záväzný, pokiaľ sa tak písomne nedohodlo. Mazars je povinný upozorniť Klienta v prípade, ak je cenový odhad dosiahnutý ešte pred dokončením úlohy a je pravdepodobné, že bude podstatne prekročený.
(6) Ak nie je výslovne písomne dohodnuté inak, Mazars bude Klientovi účtovať všetky konzultácie, stretnutia, poradenstvo, parameters´ changes, Mazars is authorized to increase the agreed fixed fee. The increase of the fixed fee will be ca...
Remuneration. For the activities specified in Article I. of this Agreement, XXXX shall receive a monthly fee of [currency].... ..[amount]........ ( ), payable by the ....... day of the following month, by bank transfer to account no. ............., ,. The day of payment shall be the day the amount is written off the YYY account.
Remuneration. For the activities properly performed based on this Agreement and for the transfer of rights under Article 5, the Company agrees to provide the Contracting Partners with remuneration in the amount, by means and under the terms agreed by the Parties below herein and in Appendix 1, whereas the Parties hereto represent that the Smlouvy bude Poskytovatel, který se zavazuje vyplatit příslušnou část odměny Hlavnímu Zkoušejícímu a Členům studijního týmu v souladu se svými interními předpisy. Společnost prohlašuje, že neuzavřela se zaměstnanci Poskytovatele žádnou dohodu, jejímž předmětem by bylo poskytnutí plnění v souvislosti se Studií. Bankovní údaje Poskytovatele: Banka: Česká národní banka Kód banky: 0710 Majitel účtu: Masarykův onkologický ústav Číslo účtu.: 87535621/0710 Reference: číslo faktury = variabilní symbol 8 365 488,- CZK. The Provider shall be the only recipient of all payments hereunder and agrees to pay a relevant part of the remuneration to the Principal Investigator and Study Team Members pursuant to its internal rules. The Company represents and warrants that it did not conclude any agreement about the performance of the Study with any employee of the Provider. Bank details of the Provider: Bank: Česká národní banka Bank code: 0710 Account holder: Masarykův onkologický ústav Account No.: 87535621/0710 Reference: invoice number = variable symbol