Remuneration. 1. Mandator undertakes to pay the Mandatary for performing the order stated in the Article I paragraph 1 of this Contract remuneration of EUR 150. Another EUR 30 shall be paid by the Mandator to Mandatary for each project the Mandatary acts for as the Rapporteur and who is evaluated for that year as part of initial, ongoing or final evaluation.
2. The Contracting Parties agreed the remuneration is due till 31. 12. 2021.
3. The remittance of the remuneration shall be done by transfer to the bank account of the Mandatary stated in the preamble to this contract.
Remuneration. The Mandator hereby undertakes to pay remuneration for the Mandatary for the execution of the work specified in Article hereof totalling to € 650 (six hundred and fifty euros). Remuneration will be adjusted pro rata for the implementation of a part of the agreed subject matter of this Contract under its Article II.
Remuneration. For the provision of Services, as defined in the Order, RTB House shall be entitled to receive from the Client the monthly Remuneration in the net amount stated in the Order. The Remuneration amount shall be increased by the due VAT amount, calculated at the rate applicable on the day of the VAT invoice issuance.
Remuneration. 1. Mandator undertakes to pay the Mandatary for performing the order stated in the Article I paragraph 1 of this Contract remuneration of EUR 150.
Remuneration. 1. Mandator undertakes to pay the Mandatary for performing the order stated in the Article I paragraph 1 of this Contract remuneration of EUR 500. 2. The Contracting Parties agreed the remuneration is due till 31. 12. 2023. 3. The remittance of the remuneration shall be done by transfer to the bank account of the Mandatary stated in the preamble to this contract. 4. The remuneration will be paid from the central budgetary resources of the SAS Office allocated to the Impulz Programme.
Remuneration. For the provision of the Services, Sponsor shall pay Health Care Facility Institute a remuneration of EUR 600 per MRI examination of any patient included in the Study plus statutory value added tax at the applicable rate. The remuneration shall be paid out only after provision of Services that shall be invoiced by the Health Care Facility once a year quarter for the Services provided in that period. The Sponsor shall pay the remuneration to the Health Care Facility via HCR within thirty (30) days of proper issuance of an invoice. HCR shall make the payment transfer from the account number: IBAN: XX000000000000000000, BIC: XXXXXXXX.
Remuneration. In consideration of his functions, the Member is entitled to a fix monthly gross remuneration in the amount of 12,000 CZK. The remuneration shall be paid at the latest until the end of the following month.
Remuneration. 1. Agency agrees to pay the Author a remuneration in the amount of EUR 350 (in words: three hundred fifty euros) for the provision of each workshop. 2. The Author is entitled to receive the remuneration when all terms and conditions specified in this Contract are fulfilled. The remuneration will be paid to the Author, by bank transfer on the account specified in article I of this Contract by November 19, 2014. 3. Travel expenses and Workshops preparation related costs are reflected in the agreed remuneration in the paragraph 1 of the article III of this Contract.
Remuneration. 3.1. The Client undertakes to pay the Provider for performed payment transaction the remuneration in accordance with the terms and in the manner set out in this Agreement, the GTC and the price list in force on the day when the given payment transaction was performed, which is an annex to this Agreement, and the price list is always publicly available at the website of the Provider (hereinafter referred to as the "Price List").
3.2. The remuneration shall always be paid at the moment the payment order of the given transaction is placed (i.e., at the moment of sending or receiving funds from or to the Client's account) and shall always be paid from the Client’s account maintained by the Provider. The remuneration for other provided services shall always be paid by withdrawing the amount from the Client's account maintained by the Provider on the last day of the month for which the remuneration is due, in accordance with the GTC.
Remuneration. For the activities specified in Article I. of this Agreement, XXXX shall receive a monthly fee of [currency].... ..[amount]........ ( ), payable by the ....... day of the following month, by bank transfer to account no. ............., ,. The day of payment shall be the day the amount is written off the YYY account.