The Contracting Vzorová ustanovení

The Contracting. Parties have agreed that any disputes which may emerge in respect to this Contract, including the disputes on Contract's validity, interpretation or termination shall be preferentially solved by mutual conciliatory negotiations and agreements.
The Contracting. Parties hereby declare that they have read the Contract properly and thoroughly, have understood the content and legal implications of this Contract, and that the Contract has been contracted out of their free will and not under apparently disadvantageous circumstances. Furthermore, they declare that the contract provisions are sufficiently clear, specific and understandable; and that persons signing the Contract are authorized to do so, and thus, they are signing the Contract as an expression of their consent.
The Contracting. Parties have agreed that in case the Licensee fails to transfer the outlined remuneration to the bank account of the Licensor in due time, the Licensor is entitled to invoice the Licensee a default charge at the annual interest rate of 9% for each day of delay in payment.
The Contracting. Parties agreed in accordance with the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 18/1996 Coll. on Prices, as amended, on the contractual price for the subject of performance specified in the Article I of this Agreement in the amount of .................... € without VAT, (in words: ). The VAT rate shall be applied to the price without VAT in force at the time of delivery of the goods in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act on VAT in force at the time of delivery. Predávajúci na vlastné náklady zabezpečí: dopravu do miesta plnenia, a zavedenie do prevádzky. Zmluvné strany sa dohodli, že kúpna cena predmetu zmluvy je stanovená ako cena pevná a nemenná. Splatnosť faktúry je 30 kalendárnych dní od dátumu jej preukázateľného doručenia do sídla kupujúceho. Faktúru je potrebné odoslať doporučenou listovou zásielkou alebo iným obdobne spoľahlivým spôsobom. Pri faktúre, ktorá bola odoslaná ako obyčajná listová zásielka, nie je možné uplatniť si úroky z omeškania za oneskorenú úhradu faktúry.
The Contracting. Parties shall acknowledge that the rights and obligations arising under this Agreement shall be passed in accordance with the relevant legislation to their potential successors.
The Contracting. Parties have concluded that the Provider is obliged to pay a contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 200.000,- in the case of breaching his obligation specified in the provision 4.1 of this Contract and a contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 50.000,- in the case of breaching his obligation specified in the provision 4.2 of
The Contracting. Parties have concluded this Contract for the fixed period of 2 years from the signature of this Contract.
The Contracting. Parties confirm that all transactions relating to subject matter of this Agreement carried out before the signing of this Agreement since 3.8.2015 are considered transactions under this Agreement and shall be in full force.
The Contracting. Partners agree to ensure that the Study shall be conducted in compliance with the approval or consent with notification issued by the State Institute for Drug Control and approvals of the competent ethics committees. The Contracting Partners agree to cooperate with the Sponsor in preparing documents concerning the Study and to immediately provide the Sponsor or a third party specified by the Sponsor with all prohlášení nezbytná k povolení Studie regulatorními orgány a/nebo etickými komisemi, včetně avšak nejen (i) Prohlášení o finančních zájmech, (ii) CV Smluvní partneři se zavazují zajistit, že poskytnuté dokumenty týkající se Studie jsou úplné a správné. Například, Prohlášení o finančních zájmech musí obsahovat veškeré finanční vztahy mezi Hlavním zkoušejícím a kterýmkoli Členem studijního týmu, a jejich finanční zájmy, na jedné straně a Zadavatelem anebo kteroukoli společností propojenou se Zadavatelem, na straně druhé, včetně – avšak nejen – odměny nebo jiného finančního prospěchu přijatého každým z nich od Zadavatele nebo kterékoli ze společností propojených se Zadavatelem za konzultační činnosti nebo jiné služby nepokryté touto Smlouvou. Potvrzení o finančních zájmech by měla být předložena v průběhu Studie, při její změně a jeden rok po skončení Studie. „Propojenou osobou“ se rozumí jakákoli právnická osoba nebo společnost, která přímo nebo nepřímo, prostřednictvím jednoho či více prostředníků, vykonává kontrolu, je kontrolována anebo je pod společnou kontrolou se smluvní stranou. declarations necessary for the approval of the Study by regulatory authorities and/or ethics committees, including without limitation, if applicable, (i) Financial Interest Declarations, (ii) CVs The Contracting Partners shall ensure that the provided Study documents are complete and correct. For example, the Financial Interest Declarations shall contain all financial relations between, and financial interests of, the Principal Investigator and any Study Team Member, on one hand, and the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor’s affiliates, on the other hand, including - but not limited to - remuneration or other financial benefits received by each of them from the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor’s affiliates for consultations or other services not covered in this Agreement. The Financial Interest Declarations should be submitted in the course of the Study, upon a change in the Study and one year after completion of the Study. “Affiliate” shall mean any legal entity or company, which ...
The Contracting. Partners agree to ensure that the Study shall be conducted in compliance with the approval or consent with notification issued by the State Institute for Drug Control and approvals of the competent ethics committees. The Contracting Partners agree to cooperate with the Sponsor in preparing documents concerning the Study and to immediately provide the Sponsor or a third party specified by the Sponsor with all declarations necessary for the approval of the Study by regulatory authorities and/or ethics committees, including without limitation, if applicable, (i) Financial Interest Declarations, (ii) CVs and (iii) confirmation of adequate trial site facilities. The Contracting Partners shall ensure that the provided Study documents are complete and correct. For example, the Financial Interest Declarations shall contain all financial relations between, and financial interests of, the Principal Investigator and any Study Team Member, on one hand, and the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor’s affiliates, on the other hand, including - but not limited to - remuneration or other financial benefits received by each of them from the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor’s affiliates for consultations or other services not covered in this Agreement. The Financial Interest Declarations should be submitted in the course of the Study, upon a change in the Study and one year after completion of the Study. “Affiliate” shall mean any legal entity or company, which directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under joint control with a Contracting Party.