The Contracting Vzorová ustanovení

The Contracting. Parties have agreed that any disputes which may emerge in respect to this Contract, including the disputes on Contract's validity, interpretation or termination shall be preferentially solved by mutual conciliatory negotiations and agreements.
The Contracting. Parties hereby declare that they have read the Contract properly and thoroughly, have understood the content and legal implications of this Contract, and that the Contract has been contracted out of their free will and not under apparently disadvantageous circumstances. Furthermore, they declare that the contract provisions are sufficiently clear, specific and understandable; and that persons signing the Contract are authorized to do so, and thus, they are signing the Contract as an expression of their consent.
The Contracting. Parties have agreed that in case the Licensee fails to transfer the outlined remuneration to the bank account of the Licensor in due time, the Licensor is entitled to invoice the Licensee a default charge at the annual interest rate of 9% for each day of delay in payment.
The Contracting. Parties hereby understand that CDC is the liable person under Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on the Register of Contracts, and they understand consequences connected with this fact. The Contracting Parties understand that the liable persons under
The Contracting. Parties are obligated to treat as confidential and to keep secret this Amendment including all of its components, appendices and attachments, as well as any information of a commercial or technical nature of any kind (hereinafter abbreviated to "information"), such as documents, paperwork, drawings, analyses, memos, data or the like, such as trade or business secrets that might become known to them in oral, written, visual, electronic or any other form in the course of negotiations, of concluding or settling this Amendment, and to ensure this confidential treatment and non- disclosure for all natural and legal entities (e.g. his employees and staff and any third parties commissioned by him). The Contracting Parties may only engage such persons to perform their contractual obligations, specific duties and other duties on whom they have verifiably and explicitly imposed an
The Contracting. Parties agreed in accordance with the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 18/1996 Coll. on Prices, as amended, on the contractual price for the subject of performance specified in the Article I of this Agreement in the amount of .................... € without VAT, (in words: ). The VAT rate shall be applied to the price without VAT in force at the time of delivery of the goods in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act on VAT in force at the time of delivery. Predávajúci na vlastné náklady zabezpečí: dopravu do miesta plnenia, a zavedenie do prevádzky. Zmluvné strany sa dohodli, že kúpna cena predmetu zmluvy je stanovená ako cena pevná a nemenná. Splatnosť faktúry je 30 kalendárnych dní od dátumu jej preukázateľného doručenia do sídla kupujúceho. Faktúru je potrebné odoslať doporučenou listovou zásielkou alebo iným obdobne spoľahlivým spôsobom. Pri faktúre, ktorá bola odoslaná ako obyčajná listová zásielka, nie je možné uplatniť si úroky z omeškania za oneskorenú úhradu faktúry.
The Contracting. Parties commit to protecting Confidential Information and Intellectual Property at least to the same extent as they protect their own confidential
The Contracting. Parties confirm that all transactions relating to subject matter of this Agreement carried out before the signing of this Agreement since 3.8.2015 are considered transactions under this Agreement and shall be in full force.
The Contracting. Parties declare that XXXXXXX XXXXXXX will not be involved in any way in the selection of the healthcare professionals or other employees of the BENEFICIARY in whose favour the Educational Grant is used. This selection will be made by the BENEFICIARY. 3.3 In the event that the BENEFICIARY is the organiser of the Event, the BENEFICIARY will be solely responsible for (i) the content of the programme; (ii) the selection of lecturers, hosts or chairs that appear during the Event; and (iii) the payment of any fee to persons involved in the organisation of the specialist programme of the Event. XXXXXXX XXXXXXX will in no way be involved in detail in decision-making on the specialist programme or persons involved in the programme. The BENEFICIARY, however, can ask XXXXXXX COULTER for recommendations in this regard. 3.4 The BENEFICIARY declares and warrants that: The funds from the Education Grant provided by XXXXXXX COULTER will be used solely for the scientific and/or educational programme of the Event and the related legitimate costs only to the extent of reasonable costs for travel, accommodation, meals and registration at the Event and not for entertainment accompanying programmes, benefits for individual healthcare professionals or other persons or support for non-medical accompanying persons; No accompanying entertainment or leisure programmes or benefits are included in the registration fee for the Event; and The Event will be held at a reasonable venue that is appropriate for the professional purpose of the meeting and that is not primarily known for its leisure facilities and is not extravagant and/or luxurious. The provision of the Education Grant in accordance herewith does not breach local laws, regulations, ethical rules valid in the BENEFICIARY’s country or internal regulations of the BENEFICIARY. The BENEFICIARY is responsible to XXXXXXX COULTER for all damage, asset and non-asset detriment or lost profit that XXXXXXX COULTER may suffer in connection with a breach of this duty or duty stipulated in article 4.5. In the event of any suspicion of a breach of this provision, the BENEFICIARY will promptly inform XXXXXXX COULTER. 3.5 The BENEFICIARY is liable for compliance with its tax and other legal duties resulting, in particular, from the relevant provisions of Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on income taxes, as amended, and Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on value added tax, as amended, or in accordance with the relevant local legal regulations.
The Contracting. Parties declare that they have familiarised themselves with the content hereof and understood it, and that it expresses their free and serious will, in witness whereof they append their signatures. V/In ......... dne/on ........ V/In ......... dne/on ........ ________________________________ _________________________________ Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Česká republika s.r.o. Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze, příspěvková organizace Xxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxx. XXXx. Xxxxx Xxxxx, Ph.D., MBA Jednatel Ředitel Příloha A Popis Vzdělávacího grantu a Akce Annex A Description of the Educational Grant and the Event