Retention of Title Vzorová ustanovení

Retention of Title. 5.1 – The risk of accidental destruction and deterioration of the Goods passes to the Buyer when he takes over the Goods.
Retention of Title. 10.1 Vlastnické právo k Výrobkům přejde na Kupujícího okamžikem, když Kupující (a jakýkoli člen skupiny společností Kupujícího, je-li Kupující společnost) zaplatí Společnosti všechny dlužné pohledávky, včetně veškerých nákladů a případných splatných úroků z prodlení či smluvních pokut.
Retention of Title. (1) Until full payment of the purchase price plus any delivery charges, interest on arrears and reminder charges as well as any other claims due to the Seller from this or other legal relationships with the Buyer, the delivered goods shall remain the Seller’s property ("reserved goods"). This shall also apply in the event that some or all the receivables of the Seller have been included in a statement of account. In this case, the retention of title shall serve as collateral for the demand for the balance asserted by the Seller.
Retention of Title. 10.1 The title to the Products will be transferred to the Buyer at the moment when the Buyer (and any other member of Buyer's group of companies if the Buyer is a company) will pay to the Company any and all outstanding payments including any and all costs and possible due interest on late payment or contractual penalties.
Retention of Title. 7.1. The subject matter of the contract shall remain the property of Silgan Metal Packaging Nove Mesto a.s until the satisfaction of all claims to which it is entitled including any additional charges, extras or penalties. In the event of partial payment, the received money is credited to the principal interests at first, then to the princi- pal.
Retention of Title. 1. The Supplier reserves title to all deliveries (“Reserved Goods”) until full fulfilment of all claims in regard to the particular contract for such Reserved Goods. The retention of title shall also apply to replacement or exchange parts, unless those parts become essential parts of another good.
Retention of Title. 6.1. All goods and supplies remain in the property of the supplier until the payment of the total purchase price.
Retention of Title. The goods shall remain our property until full payment.