RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES. 3.1. The Agent undertakes to: Intermediate for the Client conclusion of contracts with foreign persons (natural persons, hereinafter referred to as “Interested Persons” or “Students”) interested in studying courses and programs organized by the Client in academic years 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 including application for accommodation. Deliver to the Client a study application form of the Interested Person and respective attachments or intermediate the delivery of the study application and its attachements. Inform the Interested Persons about the terms of registration to the course, about the terms of visa process and about the content of the contract under point 3.1. a) (e.g. price of the studies and accompanying services, duty to secure his/her own health insurance, conditions for repayment of the price and fees), which the Interested Person shall sign at the latest on the day he/she starts his/her studies in the course/program; in case that the Interested Person is not of age as of the day of starting the course/program, the contract shall be signed by one of his/her legal representatives. Keep the Client informed in a timely manner about all Interested Persons interested in individual types of studies or courses/programs and participate in mutual negotiations. Carry out the agreed activities within the meaning hereof exerting all its professional care, respect and protect interests and business secret of the Client; within this meaning the Agent must not, without express written consent of the Client, disclose the data and information obtained in connection herewith to third parties or use it itself or for other persons in such manner that might cause damage to the Client. Refrain from anything that could damage the good name and reputation of the Client or that could negatively affect cooperation with the Client. Provide the Interested Persons with information on conditions of study at universities in the Czech Republic, in particular on level playing field of entrance examinations and study programs for foreign students as for the Czech students.
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES. 3.1. The Agent undertakes to: a) Intermediate for the Client conclusion of contracts with foreign persons (natural persons, hereinafter referred to as “Interested Persons” or b) Dodat Objednateli přihlášku ke studiu Zájemce a příslušné přílohy. c) Seznámit Zájemce s obsahem smlouvy dle bodu 3.1. a) (např. cena studia a doprovodných služeb, povinnost zajistit si zdravotní pojištění, podmínky vracení zaplacené ceny a storno poplatků), kterou je Zájemce povinen podepsat nejpozději v den nástupu do kurzu/programu; v případě, že zájemce není ke dni nástupu do kurzu/ programu plnoletý, smlouvu podepisuje jeden z jeho zákonných zástupců. d) Informovat průběžně a včas Objednatele o všech Zájemcích o jednotlivé typy studia nebo kurzů / programů a účastnit se vzájemných jednání. e) Vykonávat dohodnutou činnost ve smyslu této smlouvy s vynaložením veškeré své odborné péče, respektovat a chránit zájmy a obchodní tajemství Objednatele; v tomto smyslu nesmí zprostředkovatel bez výslovného písemného souhlasu Objednatele sdělit údaje a informace získané v souvislosti s touto smlouvou třetím osobám nebo je využít pro sebe či jiné osoby takovým způsobem, který by mohl způsobit škodu Objednateli. Zdržet se všeho, co by mohlo poškodit dobré jméno a pověst Objednatele nebo co by mohlo negativně ovlivnit spolupráci s Objednatelem. f) Poskytovat Zájemcům informace o podmínkách studia na vysokých školách v ČR, zejména o rovných podmínkách přijímacích zkoušek i studijních programech pro zahraniční studenty jako pro české studenty.
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES. 3.1. The Agent undertakes to: a) Intermediate for the Client conclusion of contracts with foreign persons (natural persons, hereinafter referred to as “Interested Persons” or “Students”) interested in studying courses and
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES. 4.1 The Provider is obliged to maintain a good reputation of the Customer and confidentiality about all matters relating to the Customer and his business activities and business activities of his business partners and customers. 4.2 The Provider is obliged to refrain from entering into any business relations with business partners or clients of the Customer for the term of this Contract and for the period of one year after its termination.
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES. 3.1. The Agent undertakes to: 3.2. The Client undertakes to: