Security Vzorová ustanovení

Security. All the security documentation is valid, effective and enforceable.
Security. 39.1 Pro zajištění úspěšné cesty a bezpečné dovolené cestujícího je organizátor povinen přečíst si následující pokyny. V souladu s tím vás prosíme: a] věnujte zvýšenou pozornost dětem, především ve výtahu, na schodech, na balkoně, v bazénu a jeho okolí, na pláži a při koupání v moři,
Security. 1. When providing Banking Services, the Bank may require that its receivables owed to it by the Client be secured with reasonable security or additional security, even during the provision of a Banking Service, especially upon a significant deterioration of Client’s financial condition or considerable change in its legal position. The Bank may consider the failure to provide such a security or additional security to be a substantial breach of the Contract by the Client. 2. The Bank may enforce the security of its receivables owed to it by the Client under the terms and conditions set forth in the relevant Contract.
Security. 12.1 Pořadatel informuje cestujícího, který vyjíždí do zahraničí, o jeho povinnosti seznámit se před podpisem smlouvy se vstupními předpisy a místními povinnostmi v zemích, do kterých plánuje vycestovat, a pravidelně se jimi během pobytu řídit, které jsou zveřejněny na internetových stránkách: a] Ministerstva zahraničních věcí v sekci Konzulární informace na adrese xxxxx:// pro cestující, b] GIS o aktuálních rizicích a případné nutné imunizaci nebo antimalarické profylaxi xxxxx:// 12.2 Pořadatel doporučuje cestujícímu, který jede do zahraničí, aby si stáhl aplikaci "XXXXX ZA GRANICĄ" a nahlásil svou cestu v systému "ODYSEUSZ" xxxxx:// V případě mimořádné situace během cesty bude moci Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí kontaktovat cestujícího. 12.3 Pořadatel doporučuje cestujícímu, aby si přečetl informace o přípravě na cestu do zahraničí, které jsou k dispozici na adrese xxxxx:// podrozy-zagrannej. 12.4 Podpisem smlouvy cestující potvrzuje, že se seznámil s výše uvedenými sděleními.
Security. 1. Understanding that Slovakia has overall responsibility for security in the territory of Slovakia, Slovakia shall take such measures as are necessary to ensure the protection, safety, and security of U.S. forces, U.S. contractors, dependents, and prepositioned materiel, and the protection and security of Official U.S. Information. In furtherance of this responsibility, Slovak and U.S. forces authorities shall coordinate closely to ensure that security and protection is provided. 2. U.S. forces are authorized to exercise all rights and authorities necessary for U.S. forces’ operational control for the purpose of their access and use of Agreed Facilities and Areas, including taking appropriate measures to defend, maintain, or restore order, and to protect U.S. forces, U.S. contractors, and dependents. The United States should coordinate such measures and shall coordinate force protection plans with the appropriate authorities of Slovakia.
Security. Sada cloud služieb novej generácie pre riešenie podnikovej bezpečnosti a správu identít. Obsahuje na otvorených štandardoch postavené riešenie pre jednotnú správu identít, jednotné prihlásenie (Single sign-on) a riadenie prístupu on-premise aj x xxxxxx. Služba Cloud Access Security Broker využíva technológie big data a machine learning na odhaľovanie bezpečnostných rizík pri využívaní cloud aplikácií a služieb.
Security. (a) We may, at any time, require that you provide us, or that you procure that a Person(s) reasonably satisfactory to us provides us, with security in such form and over such assets as we require to secure the performance of your Obligations under the Agreement (including, entering into and/or procuring the entering into of a Security Document in favour of Xxxxxx). (b) You will, in the event that we require you to provide us with security as set out at section 16(a), comply with that requirement and execute such documents as are necessary to grant such security, in both cases within the timescale that we specify. (c) No interest is payable in relation to any security arrangements entered into pursuant to this Agreement. All costs (including legal costs) and expenses incurred by you in complying with this section 16 shall be for your account only.
Security. 30.1 While providing Banking Services, the Bank shall be entitled to require that Client’s debts owed to the Bank be secured with a reasonable security or additional security, and to do so even in the course of the provision of a given Banking Service, especially in case of a significant deterioration of Client's financial situation or considerable change in his/her legal position. The failure to provide such a security or additional security may be considered by the Bank as a substantial violation of the Contract by the Client. 30.2 The Bank shall be entitled to realise the security under the terms and conditions set forth in a relevant Contract. 30.3 In relation to the subject of security that secures the Client’s debts to the Bank, the Client undertakes not to transfer, assign or dispose of such a subject of security, nor otherwise allow the acquisition of any title or rights thereto by a third party, nor put it into trust, nor provide it as collateral in favour of a third party other than the Bank, without prior written consent obtained from the Bank. The Client undertakes that the third party securing the Client’s debts to the Bank and different from the Client shall not transfer, assign or dispose of such a subject of security, nor otherwise allow the acquisition of any title or rights thereto by a third party, nor put it into trust, nor provide it as collateral in favour of a third party other than the Bank, without prior written consent obtained from the Bank. 30.4 The secured debts shall not be transferred to the acquirer of the subject of security (assignee) without prior written consent obtained from the Bank. 30.5 If, after the transfer of the ownership title to the subject of security, there is a written request from the Client or a person providing the security and different from the Client addressed to the Bank to accept the acquirer of the subject of security as a new debtor instead of the Client, the Bank shall be entitled to express its opinion on such a written request within 30 calendar days of the delivery of such a written request at the address of the Client’s Point of Sale.
Security. 5.1 Security Prior to Activating the Method – loss or theft. If the mobile telephone to which the one-time password should be sent is lost or stolen or the e-mail address to which the one-time password should be sent is misused or blocked before you create the Certificate, or the mobile telephone to which the one-time password should be sent is lost or stolen prior to activating the method, the Certificate Holder shall be obliged to notify the Bank without any unnecessary delay to the telephone number +000 000 000 000 and agree upon an alternative method of the delivery of a new one-time password. The Bank shall subsequently invalidate the old password. The Bank can deliver the one-time password at the electronic address of the Certificate Holder, if such an address is stated in the Contract, in the case of the Certificate. 5.2 Certificate. The Certificate Holder shall be fully responsible for the process of the creation of the Certificate, including the generation of a Public and Private Key on the PC that the Certificate Holder has used for this purpose. Being the sole user of the Certificate including the Private Key, the Certificate Holder shall be liable for their use. 5.3 A Private Key stored in a data file is protected by a password. A Private Key stored on a chip card is protected by a PIN Code. 5.5 The Certificate Holder shall be obliged to protect his/her Private Key, the password and, as the case may be, the PIN and PUK Codes, to be used with the Private Key throughout the entire term of the validity of the Certificate, in particular from a possible loss, disclosure to a third party, alteration, or unauthorised use. The password or the PIN and PUK Codes to be used with the Private Key must not be stored in the same place or on the same media as the Private Key and may never be stored in any manner that would make them accessible to third parties. In particular, the Certificate Holder must not leave an unsecured Private Key in the PC with a password entered and the key activated, or leave the chip card inserted in the chip card reader outside the time when he/she is logging into a given Banking Service or is using the Electronic Signature. The Certificate Holder must continuously make sure that the Certificate has not been lost, stolen, misused or used without authorisation. Other obligations to ensure the security of the Certificate Holder's equipment. When using his/her device, the Certificate Holder has the following obligations: use and updat...
Security. 1. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the signing hereof at the latest, the Lessee shall remit to the Lessor's account no. 85636621/0100, variable symbol XXXXXXXXX, a security in the total amount of CZK 40,000 (in words: forty thousand Czech crowns). 2. The Lessor shall be entitled to use the security anytime during the lease term to pay any and all past due receivables from the Lessee hereunder. 3. In the case the security is drawn down by the Lessor, the Lessee shall be obliged to replenish the security to the original level, doing so within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of delivery of the Lessor's written notice on security drawdown, in which the Lessor shall specify the amount of the security drawn and the receivable from the Lessee, for payment of which the security has been set off. 4. The Lessee is not entitled to any interest on the security. Any possible interests on funds deposited as a security to the Lessor's account for the period, for which the security shall be deposited on the Lessor's account, shall pertain to the Lessor. 5. Upon termination of the lease, the Lessor shall be obliged to return the security to the Lessee, unless it has been drawn in accordance with this article, doing so within thirty (30) days, at the latest, from settlement of any and all obligations of the Lessee hereunder.