Protection and Security Vzorová ustanovení

Protection and Security. 1. The Cardholder and the Account Owner are obliged:
Protection and Security. 1. The Cardholder and the Company are obliged:
Protection and Security. 1. The Cardholder and the Account Owner are obliged: (a) to protect the A-PIN, T-PIN, Unique Identifier and Card from being lost, retained or stolen (it is especially strictly forbidden to write the A-PIN or T-PIN on the Card, to keep them together with the Card or disclose them to third parties); (b) to prevent the Card, A-PIN, T-PIN, Unique Identifier from being misused (especially not to disclose the Card or Account number to any third party, except in connection with a Transaction or when reporting any suspected or actual loss, theft,retention or misuse of the Card, Account or A-PIN or T-PIN); and (c) to protect other security elements of the Card and data relating to the Account including 3D Secure Code and password for login into Citimanager System and Citimanager Mobile (this shall not apply where sharing other security features with third parties is necessary for the Transaction to be executed);
Protection and Security. 1. The Cardholder and the Account Owner are obliged: (a) to protect the A-PIN, T-PIN, Unique Identifier and Card from being lost or stolen (it is especially strictly forbidden to write the A-PIN or T-PIN on the Card, to keep them together with the Card or disclose them to third parties); (b) to prevent the Card, A-PIN, T-PIN, Unique Identifier from being misused (especially not to disclose the Card or Account number to any third party, except in connection with a Transaction or when reporting any suspected or actual loss, theft or misuse of the Card, Account or A-PIN or T-PIN); and (c) to protect other security elements of the Card and data relating to the Account (this shall not apply where sharing other security features with third parties is necessary for the Transaction to be executed); and (d) to take any adequate actions to protect the personalized security elements of the Card, A- PIN, T-PIN and Unique Identifier. 2. If the Card is lost, stolen, misused, used by an unauthorized person or damaged, or if there is a threat that the Card, Account, A-PIN or T-PIN may be misused, or if the Card or T-PIN is not delivered to the Cardholder in due time, the Account Owner and the Cardholder shall inform immediately using the special telephone number Published by the Bank and provided by the Bank to the Account Owner and Cardholder prior to the signing of the Agreement. No later than on the next business day the Cardholder and the Account Owner must any such notification made by telephone confirm in writing or via an administrative message within the services of electronic banking of the Bank. 3. The Cardholder shall provide the Bank with any information the Cardholder has on the circumstances of any loss, theft or misuse of the Card, Unique Identifier, A-PIN or T-PIN misuse, and the Cardholder shall take any steps that the Bank deems necessary to recover the lost Card. 4. If an unauthorized Transaction is executed, the Bank shall be obliged to take the following action immediately, and in any event not later than by the end of the following business day, after the Account Owner, through the Programme Administrator, or the Cardholder informs the Bank via the Program Administrator about the unauthorized Transaction: (a) to reinstate the proper balance in the Account from which the amount of the Transaction was debited, or (b) refund the amount of the Transaction, including paid consideration and lost interest, should the said reinstatement specified in (a) abov...
Protection and Security. 1. The Cardholder and the Company are obliged: (a) to protect the A-PIN, T-PIN, the Unique Identifier and the Card from being lost or stolen (it is especially strictly forbidden to write the A-PIN or T-PIN on the Card, to keep them together with the Card or disclose A-PIN, T-PIN or the Unique Identifier to third parties); (b) to prevent the Card, A-PIN, T-PIN and/or the Account from being misused (in particular to disclose the Card number, the Unique Identifier, A-PIN, T-PIN or the Account number except in connection with a Transaction or when reporting any suspected or actual loss, theft or misuse of the Card, Account, A-PIN or T-PIN); (c) to protect other security elements of the Card and data relating to the Account including 3D Secure Code and password for login into Citimanager System and Citimanager Mobile (this shall not apply where sharing other security features with third parties is necessary for the Transaction to be executed); (d) to take any adequate actions to protect the personalized security elements of the Card, A-
Protection and Security. 1. The Cardholder and the Company are obliged: (a) to protect the A-PIN, T-PIN, the Unique Identifier and the Card from being lost, retained or stolen (it is especially strictly forbidden to write the A- PIN or T-PIN on the Card, to keep them together with the Card or disclose A-PIN, T-PIN or the Unique Identifier to third parties); (b) to prevent the Card, A-PIN, T-PIN and/or the Account from being misused (in particular to disclose the Card number, the Unique Identifier, A-PIN, T-PIN or the Account number except in connection with a Transaction or when reporting any suspected or actual loss, theft, retention or misuse of the Card, Account, A-PIN or T-PIN); (c) to protect other security elements of the Card and data relating to the Account including 3D Secure Code and password for login into Citimanager System and Citimanager Mobile (this shall not apply where sharing other security features with third parties is necessary for the Transaction to be executed); (d) to take any adequate actions to protect the personalized security elements of the Card, A- PIN, T-PIN, Unique Identifier and/or the Account; and (e) if biometric data are used for confirmation of Transactions in Citimanger Mobile, to ensure that the Cardholder’s device on which Citimanager Mobile is installed, stores only Cardholder’s biometric data and that the Cardholder does not enable any other person to add his/her biometric data to this device. 2. The Cardholder and/or the Company must immediately notify via telephone Citibank if the Card, A-PIN, T-PIN and/or the Unique Identifier is lost, stolen, retained, misused, or made unauthorized use, if there is a threat that the Card, Unique Identifier, A-PIN or T- PIN may be misused, or if the Card or PIN is not received within the proper amount of time. No later than on the next business day the Cardholder and the Company must any such notification made by telephone confirm in writing or via an administrative

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