Subject of the Contract Vzorová ustanovení

Subject of the Contract. 2.1. The subject of the contract is the adjustment of the contractual conditions for cooperation with a native speaker to ensure the teaching of English language implemented within the grant program entitled „Angličtinu znám, I am happy and it's fun“. 2.2. Native speakers conduct teaching. 2.3. Teaching English will take place at the customer's premises: Kindergarten Ostrava, Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0000/0, 000 00 Xxxxxxx.
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the ZS 2 to execute the short-term education course titled „Original and singular esthetic unity in a mass production context“ in the premises of Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave (Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava) (hereinafter referred to only as „the Course“).
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the Contractor to conduct the following work: to facilitate a workshop titled „Future Today (new literacy in the CNC and 3D technology area in the research of the impact on the artistic community)“ in the premises of Learning centre in Kremnica of Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to only as „the Work“). 2. The Work shall be conducted for the purpose of realisation of the project titled “Future Today (new literacy in the CNC and 3D technology area in the research of the impact on the artistic community)”, project No. 006VŠVU-4/2019.
Subject of the Contract. 4.1. By signature of this contract, the Contractor undertakes to complete the ordered works within the agreed to deadline and the Client undertakes to accept the works and to pay for its completion the agreed to price. 4.2. For the purposes of this contract, works are understood to mean the „Investment in agricultural production – delivery and installation of the triangle screen“ (project: "Investment in agricultural production“, (hereinafter "Works"). The specifications of the Works are defined by the technical specification, which forms Annex No. 1 of this contract. The Works also comprise of parts such as works and deliveries, which are not explicitly contained in this contract, but which the contractor should or could, on the basis of his knowledge and experience, have expected since their performance/execution are essential prerequisites for the achievement of the purpose of this contract. A part of the Works is also all the documentation that needs to be drawn up for the successful completion of the Works. The Contractor declares that he has acquainted himself with the construction site of the performance of the Works and all the tender documentation. 4.3. The Contractor shall proceed independently in the performance of the Works. 4.4. The Contractor is authorised to delegate the performance of a part of the Works to a subcontractor (sub-supplier). 4.5. For the performance of the Works, the Contractor is obliged to use only approved products and production procedures best conforming to the set and contractual requirement for the performance of the Works. The Contractor is responsible for the Works being performed in accordance with technical norms and regulations, defined in technical specifications, technical and user standards and in the technological procedures and recommendations prescribed by the manufacturer of the used materials.
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the Contractor to conduct the following work: to facilitate a workshop titled „ FACE“ in the premises of Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave (Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava) 2016 (hereinafter referred to only as „the Work“). 2. The Work shall be conducted for the purpose of realisation of the project titled Inovácie Klasických a nových médií v odboroch keramiky, skla a umeleckého šperku, project No. 001VŠVU-4/2016
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the Contractor to conduct the following work: to facilitate a workshop titled „Color photography:history, identification, preservation“in the premises of Learning centre in Kremnica of Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to only as „the Work“). 2. The Work shall be conducted for the purpose of realisation of the project titled “Interdisciplinary theoretical and practical education in cataloging identification, care and conserpation on photography”, project No002VŠVU-4/2018.
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the ZS 2 to execute the short-term education course titled „Yellow submarine" in the premises of Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v 2. Kurz sa uskutočňuje na účely realizácie projektu s názvom Podpora procesu internacionalizácie Vysokej školy výtvarných umení v Bratislave, č. projektu 001VŠVU-2/2016
Subject of the Contract. 1. Under this Contract the provider undertakes to deliver to the customer the unrestricted version of the LightTools software with modules: a) core module, b) illumination module, c) optimization module, d) CATIA V5 reader, e) CATIA V5 writer, f) advanced physics module and to provide user rights to this software (licence) according to technical specifications, which forms an integral part of this Contract as Annex 1 (hereinafter referred to as „software“, „licence“ or „licensed software). 2. Desired amount is one permanent license. The licence may be installed and used solely on computers of the customer. 3. The license period is unlimited. 4. The provider undertakes to deliver to the customer the subject of the Contract in due form and on time.
Subject of the Contract. 1.1 The Hospital undertakes to provide FNKV with the possibility to perform operations on patients indicated under the MEDEVAC program in its operating rooms on condition that the specialists from FNKV have the approval from the Ministry of Health of Xxxxxx for the temporary practicing of medical treatment in Jordan.
Subject of the Contract. 1.1. The purpose of this Contract is to define the conditions of cooperation of the Contracting Parties in the execution of the event 45. Brněnské onkologické dny (hereinafter only as the "Event") held on the dates 10/13/2021-10/15/2021 in Brno in Hotel Passage. More detailed description of the program of the Event is shown in the Annex No. 1 to this Contract. If there are Event Holders shown and signed below, then it applies that the Event Organizer organizes and ensures the Event for the Event Holders shown and signed below at the end of this Contract, this on the basis of a separate contract or agreement concluded between the Event Organizer and the competent Event Holders. Montážní práce je nutno skončit 12.10. nejpozději ve 22:00 h. z důvodů řádného úklidu.