Subject of the Contract Vzorová ustanovení

Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the Contractor to conduct the following work: to facilitate a workshop titled „Future Today (new literacy in the CNC and 3D technology area in the research of the impact on the artistic community “ in the premises of Learning centre in Kremnica of Academy of Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to only as „the Work“). 2. The Work shall be conducted for the purpose of realisation of the project titled “Future Today (new literacy in the CNC and 3D technology area in the research of the impact on the artistic community)”, project No. 006VŠVU-4/2019. II.
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the ZS 2 to execute the short-term education course titled Telling a Story from Inside Out in the premises of Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave (Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava) (hereinafter referred to only as „the Course“).
Subject of the Contract. 1.1 The Hospital undertakes to provide FNKV with the possibility to perform operations on patients indicated under the MEDEVAC program in its operating rooms on condition that the specialists from FNKV have the approval from the Ministry of Health of Xxxxxx for the temporary practicing of medical treatment in Jordan.
Subject of the Contract. 2.1. The subject of the contract is the adjustment of the contractual conditions for cooperation with a native speaker to ensure the teaching of English language implemented within the grant program entitled „Car je auto, kočka cat, angličtinu umím hned“.
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the Contractor to conduct the following work: to facilitate a workshop titled „ FACE“ in the premises of Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave (Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava) 2016 (hereinafter referred to only as „the Work“). 2. The Work shall be conducted for the purpose of realisation of the project titled Inovácie Klasických a nových médií v odboroch keramiky, skla a umeleckého šperku, project No. 001VŠVU-4/2016
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the Contractor to conduct the following work: to facilitate a workshop titled „Color photography:history, identification, preservation“in the premises of Learning centre in Kremnica of Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to only as „the Work“). 2. The Work shall be conducted for the purpose of realisation of the project titled “Interdisciplinary theoretical and practical education in cataloging identification, care and conserpation on photography”, project No002VŠVU-4/2018. II.
Subject of the Contract. 1. The subject of the contract herein shall be an obligation of the ZS 2 to execute the short-term education course titled „The Human Presence“ in the premises of Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave (Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava) (hereinafter referred to only as „the Course“). 2. The Course shall be conducted for the purpose of realisation of the project titled „Podpora procesu internacionalizácie II. Realizácia kurzu 1. ZS 2 sa zaväzuje realizovať kurz osobne v dňoch od 13. 11. – 17. 11. 2017 v priestoroch Vysokej školy výtvarných umení v Bratislave. 2. Zmluvné strany sa dohodli, že ZS 2 realizuje kurz odplatne za cenu 2 000 € (slovom dvetisíc EUR), ktorú po realizácii kurzu v zmysle článku I. bodu 1. tejto zmluvy ZS 1 poukáže formou bezhotovostného platobného styku na bankový účet ZS 2 uvedený v úvode tejto zmluvy. V dohodnutej cene sú započítané všetky náklady spojené s plnením predmetu zmluvy, vrátane cestovných nákladov. Ubytovanie hradí VŠVU (ZS 1) III. Osobitné ustanovenie týkajúce sa povinného zverejnenia zmluvy a nadobudnutia jej účinnosti 1. ZS 2 berie na vedomie, že táto zmluva je povinne zverejňovanou zmluvou v zmysle § 5a zák. č. 211/2000 Z. z. o slobodnom prístupe k informáciám a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov (zákon o slobode informácií) v znení neskorších predpisov. ZS 1 - VŠVU ako povinná osoba v zmysle zákona o slobode informácií zašle túto zmluvu po jej podpísaní obidvomi zmluvnými stranami na zverejnenie v Centrálnom registri zmlúv. 2. ZS 2 berie ďalej na vedomie, že táto zmluva je účinná dňom nasledujúcim po Vysokej školy výtvarných umení v Bratislave“, , project No.001VŠVU- 2/2016 II. Execution of the Course 1. The ZS 2 undertakes to execute the Course in person, namely between 13. 11. – 17. 11. 2017 in the premises of Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave (Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava). 2. The Parties to the Contract herein have agreed that the ZS 2 shall execute the Course for financial reward amounting to 2 000 €, which the ZS 1 shall, after the execution of the Course as defined in the beginningof the Contact herein, pay in form of bank transfer at ZS 2‘s bank account stated in the beginning of the Contract. The price agreed includes all/any costs related to the execution of the subject of this Contract including travel costs. VŠVU ZS 1) shall pay for the accomodation. III.
Subject of the Contract. 1. Under this Contract the provider undertakes to deliver to the customer the unrestricted version of the LightTools software with modules:
Subject of the Contract. The parties agreed to cooperate in the preparation and realization of the exhibition "Xxxxxxx Xxxxx: The Photographer" (curator Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx). Date and time of the opening of the exhibition: September 13, 2017 (Wednesday), from 6 pm to 8 pm. Total duration of the exhibition: September 14, 2017 -N ovem ber 26, 2017 Deinstallation: November 27, 2017 - November 29, 2017 Professional cooperation for the SNG: Xxx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, PhD. The subject of the contract is to determine the conditions of mutual cooperation and the obligations of the parties, which are stated in Section III of this Contract.
Subject of the Contract. 1.1 The Contractor of VTSÚ Záhorie as National authority hereby undertakes to carry out the Qualification of solid spherical powders according to STANAG 4170. Further, the contractor is obliged to hand over the certificate of the qualification to the ordering party.