Prices eksempelklausuler

Prices. 3.1 The Buyer's order shall be taken at the price stipulated in the price list applicable from time to time.
Prices. All prices are excl. VAT. To countries in the EU, invoices will be without VAT only when the customer's VAT number is given.
Prices. All prices of the MarMar are stated in DKK/ EURO/USD and are exclusive of VAT. The prices are sub- ject to changes in customs duties, other duties and exchanges rates, and may be raised until de- livery is made. The MarMar will inform the customer of any price changes. The customer shall be free to fix his resale prices.
Prices. Prices for Products are exclusive of VAT, other taxes or duties. Redan reserves the right to adjust prices for non-delivered Products in the event of alterations in rates of exchange, variations in costs of materials, sub-suppliers’ price increases, changes in custom duties, changes in wages, state requisitions or similar conditions over which Redan has no or li- mited control. Redan may charge Customer separately for surcharges and fees, such as but not limited to: small orders, freight and handling, express delivery, return and cancellation, provided Redan has informed Customer of such surcharges and fees, e.g. in Redan order confirmati- on, as part of price lists, or as otherwise made available to Customer.
Prices. All prices are exclusive freight, packaging, VAT and levies unless otherwise agreed. The price is set at the applicable price in Danish Crowns or EUR on the day of delivery. Scanvogn is entitled to carry out price changes without pre-notice.
Prices. All prices of the THE NEW/ Cost:bart/ Mikk-Line are stated in EURO and are exclusive of VAT. The prices are subject to changes in customs duties, other duties and exchanges rates, and may be raised until delivery is made. THE NEW will inform the customer of any price changes. The customer shall be free to fix his resale prices.
Prices. Stated prices apply, where nothing else is expressly stated, net, ex stock excl. packaging and excl. charges. For sales abroad, the stated prices are set as stated above, but also excluding any taxes in the buyer's country. Where taxes and duties may be expressly included in the price, the seller may demand any increase in these taxes and duties paid by the buyer. Deliveries are offered based on the offer day's exchange rates and customs duties for imported goods and materials. In the event of changes herein to the seller's disadvantage, the seller has the right to increase the offer price accordingly. The stated prices are also offered based on the exchange rates and customs duties on the day of the offer. In the event of changes herein to the seller's disadvantage, the seller has the right to increase the offer price accordingly. The stated prices are based on the costs for goods and materials applicable on the day of the offer. If these expenses increase, the seller has the right to increase the offer price accordingly.
Prices. All prices are excl. VAT, taxes, handling costs, etc. Reservations are made for price changes that may occur right up to delivery, including the suppliers’ price increases. If the price of a product/service is increased by more than 10% in the upward direction between the conclusion of the agreement and delivery, the customer can withdraw from the agreement free of charge if this is notified to ed A/S in writing immediately after the customer has become aware of the price change.
Prices. Samtlige priser er, medmindre andet udtrykkeligt er angivet i ordrebekræftelsen, ekskl. transport, moms og andre afgifter. Kunden afholder således samtlige udgifter til fragt m.m. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the order confirmation, all prices are stated exclusive of transport, VAT and other taxes. The customer shall thus pay all freight charges etc.
Prices. All prices in this agreement are based on the card volumes, split between card types and transaction type, e.g. card present and card not present, for all countries quoted by Scandic. Kære […] Xxxxxx satte i 2008 ekstra fokus på, at butikker og kæder i Danmark skulle være i stand til at modtage internationale betalingskort. I kundeaftalerne blev der derfor lagt vægt på, at butikkerne i Danmark bakkede op om dette initiativ. Initiativet virkede. Markedet har udviklet sig hastigt, og i dag modtager næsten alle butikker i Danmark internationale betalingskort. I forbindelse med en gennemgang af vore aftaler finder vi grund til at understrege, at butikkens/kædens aftale med Xxxxxx er en ikke-eksklusiv aftale. Butikken/kæden kan frit anvende yderligere indløsere af internationale betalingskort. Vi skal også understrege, at en butiks/kædes beslutning om at anvende flere leverandører til indløsning af internationale betalingskort ikke har betydning for butikkens/kædens aftale med Xxxxxx. Selv om transaktionsvolumen måtte være mindre end forventet, har Xxxxxx fortsat ikke i sinde at ændre i den allerede aftalte prissætning for indløsning af internationale betalingskort. Xxxxxx vil alene ændre priserne i overensstemmelse med de bestemmelser, der er aftalt herfor med den enkelte butik/kæde eller i medfør af de generelle betingelser, som gælder, hvis der ikke er aftalt andet eller efter forhandling med den enkelte kunde. Teller vil endvidere kunne ændre priserne for at opnå omkostningsdækning. Venlig hilsen […]” – konkurranseloven § 20 jf. § 16 – underretning om henleggelse av saken, punkt 21. ”Der henvises i øvrigt generelt til de bemærkninger, som Xxxxxx tidligere har indgivet til Styrelsen, og som Styrelsen tilsyneladende ikke har forholdt sig til i klagepunktsmeddelelsen, herunder bl.a. bemærkninger til Styrelsens meddelelse om betænkeligheder af 16. december 2015, præsentation til møde med Styrelsen den 25. januar 2016, kommentarer til referat af møde den 25. januar 2016, præsentation til møde med Styrelsen den 27. maj 2016, samt præsentation til møde med Styrelsen den 12. juni 2017.” ”Styrelsen konkluderer i klagepunktsmeddelelsens pkt. 808, at Tellers påståede eksklusivitet og eksklusivrabatter gør det strukturelt vanskeligere for konkurrenterne at tilbyde en attraktiv pris og få adgang til markedet. Styrelsen foretager imidlertid ikke en vurdering af, om de af Tellers konkurrenter, der betragtes som værende lige så effektive som Teller, er afskåret fra at tilb...