Due date and payment Musterklauseln

Due date and payment. The purchase price is due for payment within one (1) week of the invoice submitted by Grisebach having been received. The purchase price is to be paid in euros to Grisebach. Cheques and any other forms of non-cash payment are accepted only on account of performance. Payment of the purchase price by set-off is an option only if the claims are not disputed or have been finally and conclusively deter- mined by a declaratory judgment handed down by a court of law. Where payment is made in a foreign currency, any exchange rate risk and any and all bank charges are to be borne by the buyer.
Due date and payment. The purchase price shall be due for payment upon the work of art being knocked down to the buyer. The purchase price shall be paid in euros to Grisebach. Cheques and any other forms of non-cash payment are accepted only on account of performance. Payment of the purchase price by set-off is an option only where the claims are not disputed or have been finally and conclu- sively determined by a court’s declaratory judgment. Where payment is made in a foreign currency, any exchange rate risk and any and all bank charges shall be borne by the buyer.

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  • Status Die Schuldverschreibungen begründen nicht besicherte und nicht nachrangige Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin, die untereinander und mit allen anderen nicht besicherten und nicht nachrangigen Verbindlichkeiten der Emittentin gleichrangig sind.