Usage Rights Musterklauseln

Usage Rights. 9.1 FREE NOW grants to the User a simple, revocable, non-transferable and non-exclusive usage right for the usage of the FREE NOW mediator-App, inasmuch as it is necessary for the use of the FREE NOW mediator-App for mediation purposes in the context of these T&Cs. This usage right of the User is, however, limited to use for own purposes. A further commercial use or other exploitation of FREE NOW services or contents is not permissible.
Usage Rights. 12.1. All copyrights, industrial property rights and similar rights in law regarding the agreed Supply and all other written, machine-readable and otherwise created work results obtained in connection with the contract shall become the property of KRONES AG upon their creation without any further conditions and without any additional remuneration.
Usage Rights. 7.1. If the service of ReachLab GmbH consists of the creation or transfer of copyrightable works, the usage rights to the works are granted to the customer only after full payment of the agreed remuneration. Unless otherwise specified, ReachLab GmbH grants the customer a simple, non-exclusive, temporally and spatially unlimited, non-transferable right to the work (e.g. a written concept or workshop material) for use in the agreed type of use.
Usage Rights. 7.5.1 Software and its associated documentation are legally protected. Copyrights and other intellectual property rights, patents, trademark rights (including marks and titles), all other industrial property rights, and intellectual property rights to the software and documentation provided or made
Usage Rights. 8.1 FREE NOW grants to the User a simple, revocable, non-transferrable and non-exclusive usage right for the usage of the Passenger App, inasmuch as it is necessary for the use of the Passenger App in the context of these T&Cs. This usage right of the User is, however, limited to use for own purposes. A further commercial use or other exploitation of FREE NOW services or contents is not permissible.
Usage Rights. The Supplier shall grant to the Customer the right to use and exploit all plans, drawings, graphics, calculations and other documents which relate to the contract and which the Supplier has either produced himself or has arranged to have produced by third parties (referred to hereinafter as “Work Results”) in all forms of media including electronic media, Internet and online media, on all image, sound and date carriers, this right being unlimited in space, content and time and being freely transferrable. In particular, the Customer shall have the right to utilize, to copy, to disseminate, to amend, to further develop such Work Results, to arrange for third parties to carry out the aforementioned activities and to grant third parties the same comprehensive rights to use and exploit such Work Results, including any changes and developments that have taken place in the meantime. The Supplier shall grant the Customer the right to use and exploit the Work Results to the extent described above, including for types of use that are still unknown at the time the order was placed; the statutory provisions shall apply in this regard. In the event of the acquisition of licences and results from intellectual services, in particular studies, specifications, product requirement documents and functional specification documents, specific development and modification of software, the Customer shall also be given an exclusive, irrevocable right to arrange for the performance results to be used by associated undertakings.

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