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AAEC definition

AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" as per Competition Act
AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" as per Competition Act "BG" means Bank Guarantee "BL or B/L" means Bill of Lading "CD means Custom Duty "CIF" means Cost, Insurance and Freight Included "CMD" means Chairman and Managing Director "CPSU" means Central Public Sector Undertaking "CST" means Central Sales Tax "DDO" means Direct Demanding Officer in Rate Contracts "DGS&D" means Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals "DP' means Delivery Period "ECS" means Electronic clearing system "ED" means Excise Duty EMD means Earnest money deposit "EOI" means Expression of Interest (Tendering System) "ERV" means Exchange rate variations "FAS" means Free alongside shipment "FOB" means Freight on Board "FOR" means Free on Rail "GCC" means General Conditions of Contract GIT means General Instructions to Tenderers GST means Goods and Services Tax which will replace Sales Tax "H1, H2 etc" means First Highest, Second Highest Offers etc inDisposal Tenders Incoterms means International Commercial Terms, 2000 (of ICC) "L1. L2 etc" means First or second Lowest Offer etc. "LC" means Letter of Credit
AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" as per Competition Act "BG" means Bank Guarantee "BL or B/L" means Bill of Lading "CD means Custom Duty "CIF" means Cost, Insurance and Freight Included "CMD" means Chairman and Managing Director "CPSU" means Central Public Sector Undertaking "CST" means Central Sales Tax "DDO" means Direct Demanding Officer in Rate Contracts "DGS&D" means Directorate General of Supplies andDisposals "DP' means Delivery Period "ECS" means Electronic clearing system "ED" means Excise Duty “EMD” means Earnest money deposit "EOI" means Expression of Interest (Tendering System) "ERV" means Exchange rate variations "FAS" means Free alongside shipment

Examples of AAEC in a sentence

  • Cartel formation or quotation of Pool/ Co-ordinated rates, leading to 'Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" (AAEC) as identified in Competition Act, 2002, as amended by Competition (Amendment) Act, 2007, would be considered as a serious misdemeanor and would be dealt accordingly as per Clause 44 below.

  • Cartel formation or quotation of Pool/ Co-ordinated rates, leading to "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" (AAEC) as identified in Competition Act, 2002, as amended by Competition (Amendment) Act, 2007, would be considered as a serious misdemeanour and would be dealt accordingly as per Clause 44 below.

  • Cartel formation or quotation of Pool/ Co-ordinated rates, leading to "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" (AAEC) as identified in Competition Act, 2002, as amended by Competition (Amendment) Act, 2007, would be considered as a serious misdemeanor and would be dealt accordingly as per Clause 44 below.

  • Cartel formation or quotation of Pool / Co-ordinated rates, leading to 'Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" (AAEC) as identified in Competition Act, 2002, as amended by Competition (Amendment) Act, 2007, would be considered as a serious misdemeanour and would be dealt accordingly as per Clause 44 below.

  • Cartel formation or quotation of Pool / Co-ordinated rates, leading to 'Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" (AAEC) as identified in Competition Act, 2002, as amended by Competition (Amendment) Act, 2007, would be considered as a serious misdemeanor and would be dealt accordingly as per Clause 44 below.

More Definitions of AAEC

AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on
AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect onCompetition" as per Competition Act"BG"means Bank Guarantee"BL or B/L"means Bill of Lading"CD”means Custom Duty"CIF"means Cost, Insurance and Freight
AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" as per Competition Act "BG" means Bank Guarantee "BL or B/L" means Bill of Lading "CD” means Custom Duty
AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect onCompetition" as per Competition Act"BG"means Bank Guarantee"BL or B/L"means Bill of Lading"CDmeans Custom Duty"CIF"means Cost, Insurance and Freight Included"CMD"means Chairman and Managing Director"CPSU"means Central Public Sector Undertaking"CST"means Central Sales Tax"DDO"means Direct Demanding Officer in Rate Contracts"DGS&D"means Directorate General of Supplies andDisposals"DP'means Delivery Period
AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" as per Competition Act "BG" means Bank Guarantee "BL or B/L" means Bill of Lading “BOQ” means Bill of Quantities “BSD” means Bid Securing Declaration “BNPMIPL” means Bank Note Paper Mill India Private Limited “BRBNMPL” means Bhartiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited "CD” means Custom Duty “CFR” means Cost and Freight (port of destination) "CIF" means Cost, Insurance and Freight (port ofdestination) "CMD" means Chairman and Managing Director "CPSU" means Central Public Sector Undertaking “DAP” means Delivered at Place (Destination) "DDO" means Direct Demanding Officer in Rate Contracts “DEA” means Department of Economic Affairs “DoCC” means Currency and Coins Division in Department of Economic Affairs "DGS&D" means Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals "DP” means Delivery Period “DPIIT” means Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade “DSC” means Digital Signature Certificate "ECS" means Electronic clearing system “EFT/NEFT” means (National) Electronic Funds Transfer “EMD” means Earnest money deposit "EOI" means Expression of Interest (Tendering System) “e-RA” means Electronic Reverse Auction "ERV" means Exchange rate variations "FAS" means Free Alongside Ship (port of loading) "FOB" means Freight on Board (port of loading) "FOR" means Free on Rail (named Station) "GCC" means General Conditions of Contract “GeM” means Government e-Marketplace
AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" as per Competition Act "BG" means Bank Guarantee
AAEC means "Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition" as per Competition Act"BG"means Bank Guarantee"BL or B/L"means Bill of Lading"CDmeans Custom Duty"CIF"means Cost, Insurance and Freight Included"CMD"means Chairman and Managing Director