Examples of Absorption Field in a sentence
In addition to the definitions provided in Chapter 1 of this code, the words, terms and phrases listed below, for purposes of this Chapter 2, are defined as follows: 2-1.1 Absorption Field: a configuration of on-site trenches installed to absorb sewage effluent from a septic tank or other sewage solids removal device.
Seepage Pit Cross Section31ExamplesPageExample 1: Calculating Percolation Rates6Example 2: Size of a Septic Tank14Example 3: Size of an Absorption Field 16Example 4: Size a Pressure Distribution Network 22Example 5: Size of a Seepage Pit 32Appendix Appendix A - Example Gravity Sewer Calculation Appendix B – Drawing DetailsSeptic Tank Details Absorption Bed and Trench Details Dosing system LayoutLeaching Chambers Option 1A and 1B (Traffic Loading) Leaching Chambers Option 2 1.
To Install an Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) on an Undersized Lot Served by an Off-Site Public Water Supply with a Shallow Absorption Field within Ten (10) Feet of the Property Lines (APN 129-36-510-055).
Use of a conventional OSWT (Septic Tank / Subsurface Soil Absorption Field) would be limited in addressing the overall threat to public health.
To Construct an Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) on an Undersized Lot Served by a Public Water Supply with a Shallow Absorption Field Within Eight (8) Feet of the Structure and Ten (10) Feet of the Property Line Located at 6 Yellow Pine Avenue, Old Town Mt. Charleston, Clark County Nevada.