Access Management definition

Access Management means measures regulating access to streets, roads and highways from public roads and private driveways. Measures may include but are not limited to restrictions on the siting of interchanges, restrictions on the type and amount of access to roadways, and use of physical controls, such as signals and channelization including raised medians, to reduce impacts of approach road traffic on the main facility.
Access Management means the control of street (or highway) access for the purpose of improving and/or maintaining the efficiency, safety and/or operation of the roadway far vehicles; may include prohibiting, closing or limiting direct vehicle access to a roadway from abutting properties, either with physical barriers (curbs, medians, etc.) or by land dedication or easement.
Access Management means measures regulating access to streets, roads and highways from

Examples of Access Management in a sentence

  • The University has recently developed an Access Management Plan for the Storrs campus.

  • Awarded parties will be required to adhere to the requirements of the Access Management plan; therefore bidders shall make themselves familiar with its requirements and agree to adhere to the same.

  • Additional details related to the University’s Access Management Plan can be found at

  • The Engineer shall coordinate and evaluate access management within the project limits in accordance with the latest State Access Management Manual or as directed by the State.

  • For knowledge management purposes, listed below are all previous revisions of this procedure, as well as associated correspondence with stakeholders, that have been entered into the NRC’s Agencywide Document Access Management System (ADAMS).

More Definitions of Access Management

Access Management means the systematic control of the location, spacing, design, and operation of entrances, median openings, traffic signals, and interchanges for the purpose of providing vehicular access to land development in a manner that preserves the safety and efficiency of the transportation system.
Access Management means measures regulating access to streets, roads and highways from public roads and
Access Management means a technique to improve traffic operations along a roadway and decrease the potential for accidents through the control of driveway locations and design.
Access Management means regulating access to streets, roads and highways from public roads and private driveways. Measures may include, but are not limited to, restrictions on the siting
Access Management means set of policies and procedures of the Responsible Entity for allowing Personnel, devices and IoT to securely perform a broad range of operational, maintenance, and asset management tasks either on site or remotely as laid down in Clause 5.2.5 of IS 16335.
Access Management means the systematic control of the location, spacing, design,
Access Management means the systematic control of the location, spacing, design, and operation of entrances, median openings/crossovers, traffic signals, and