Examples of Accompanying data in a sentence
Accompanying data sheets, catalogs, and brochures shall be identified in the same manner.
Accompanying data for each NMI instance that details the region, event time, outage job number and reporting category (planned, unplanned, momentary, excluded).3.
Accompanying data for each NMI instance that details the region, event time, outage job number and reporting category (planned, unplanned, momentary, excluded).2.
Accompanying data files, including road centerlines, name and address range, streams and ponds, and digital orthophotography, are also available.
Accompanying data suggest that this is more likely in patients with non-ischemic than ischemic cardiomyopathy.
Accompanying data for each NMI instance that details the region, event time, outage job number and reporting category (planned, unplanned, momentary, excluded).
Accompanying data likely to be available will be sample date, and patient age, gender and postcode (stem).
Accompanying data to show that all proposed structures, equipment and material is readily accessible of fire and police protection; that in general, the proposed use will be in keeping with existing development on adjacent properties; that the proposed use will not present a hazard or inconvenience to adjacent properties.
The rating is broadly based on two factors: how is the building performing annually against their peers, and how is the building 1 ND-NEED 2020, Accompanying data tables, Table 1, Coverage: England and Wales.
Accompanying data collection will be undertaken in order to obtain further information on the effects of cannabis.