Account Opening Information Form definition

Account Opening Information Form means the account opening information form set out in Schedule 3 hereto together with all other information of and relating to the Client provided to CAL at any time and from time to time;
Account Opening Information Form means the Account Opening Form including the notes and the statement thereto or, as the context requires, any amendments made thereto from time to time pursuant to Clause 1.2(c) to be completed and signed by the Client, and, where the Account Opening Form is to be accompanied by a statement of personal information of a shareholder or other person, includes all such statements and any relevant statement of personal information;
Account Opening Information Form means the information form which I/we completed for opening the Account;

Examples of Account Opening Information Form in a sentence

  • Unless otherwise stated the Client must supply the personal data requested on the Account Opening Information Form to the Company.

More Definitions of Account Opening Information Form

Account Opening Information Form means the Account Opening Form including the notes and the statement thereto or, as the context requires, any amendments made thereto from time to time pursuant to Clause 1.2(c) to be completed and signed by the Client, and, where the Account Opening Form is to be accompanied by a statement of personal information of a shareholder or other person, includes all such statements and any relevant statement of personal information;「開戶表格」指開戶表格(包括表格的附註及聲明),或(如文義規定)不時根據第 1.2(c)條就表格作出並由客戶填妥及簽署的任何修訂,以及倘開戶表格須隨附股東或其他人士的個人資料聲明,則包括一切該等聲明及任何有關的個人資料聲明
Account Opening Information Form means the Account Opening Information Form set out in the Main Agreement and any other information subsequently provided by the Client to CAL.
Account Opening Information Form means Schedule 7;
Account Opening Information Form means the account opening form executed by the Client for the purpose of opening the Account.
Account Opening Information Form means Schedule 7; 「協議」指本協議(包括開戶表格及附於本協議的各附表),不論是原先簽訂或隨後經不時修訂或補充; “Agreement” means this agreement, including the Account Opening Information Form and the various Schedules attached hereto, as originally executed or as thereafter from time to time amended or supplemented; 「抵押品」指當經紀根據本協議接受抵押品作為客戶履行義務的保證時, 客戶於現時或之後任何時間存放、轉移或促使轉移到經紀、其集團公司或聯屬人或被指定人、或由經紀、其集團公司或聯屬人或被指定人持有、或轉移至任何其他人士或由任何其他人士持有的所有款項和證券、抵押品包括為任何目的的由經紀或其集團公司或聯屬人不時管有、保管或控制的款項和證券 (當中包括任何附加或替代證券,及與任何該等證券或附加或替代證券有關的贖回、紅利、特惠、優先權或其他於任何時間產生的所有已付或應付的股息、權利、權益、款項或財產);
Account Opening Information Form means the form attached as Schedule 4.
Account Opening Information Form. “開戶資料表” means the account opening form entered into by me/us with you for opening of one or more securities trading account(s) on a cash settlement basis, together with any declaration, information, notes and statements thereto to be completed and signed by you and, as the context requires, any amendments made thereto from time to time; 指為開立一個或數個現金交易賬戶而由本人(等)填寫並遞 交予貴 司的開戶申請表,以及將由本人(等)填寫及簽署的與此有關的任何聲明、資訊、備註及陳述書,連同適用的 任何不時修訂的最新版本;