Account Information definition

Account Information means any information relating to the Account including without limitation to the Account number, Account balance or value, gross receipts, withdrawals and payments to or from the Account.
Account Information means information provided by the Users in connection with the creation or administration of their Account, including names, usernames and email addresses associated with the Account.
Account Information shall have the meaning specified in subsection 2.02(b).

Examples of Account Information in a sentence

  • By providing Company with information, data and any other login information or other information regarding Customer’s cloud services accounts (the “Cloud Account Information”) Customer is expressly authorizing Company to store and use the Cloud Account Information only for the purpose of providing Customer with the Services.

  • Customer shall remain solely responsible and liable for, and release the Company from, any and all liability arising from, the Company’s authorized use of the Customer Data, Cloud Account Information and Additional Data (as applicable) as permitted herein.

  • Customer acknowledges and agrees that when Company is using the Cloud Account Information Company is using such information per Customer’s request and on Customer’s behalf.

  • Customer is responsible for the accuracy, integrity and completeness of Customer’s Cloud Account Information and for authorizing and enabling Company to use Customer's Cloud Account Information (including submitting Customer's username and passwords) to third party cloud services, websites or APIs that Customer will designate for the purposes of providing Customer with the Services.

  • The Online Services have, without limitation, the following functionality, which may be enhanced, modified or terminated at any time and in our sole discretion: Access Account Information • Access and download certain information and documents relating to your loan, funds held, and transaction history.

More Definitions of Account Information

Account Information means any information relating to the Account including without limitation the account number, account balance or value, gross receipts, withdrawals and payments from the account. 「帳戶資料」指關於帳戶的任何資料,包括但不限於帳戶號碼、帳戶結餘或價值、帳戶的總收入和收支。
Account Information means information about you that you provide to us in connection with the creation or administration of your AWS account. For example, Account Information includes names, usernames, phone numbers, email addresses and billing information associated with your AWS account.
Account Information means the type of account, the account number, whether the account is singly or jointly owned, and in the case of jointly owned accounts the name and address of the nonobligor account owner if available.
Account Information means any Content other than Customer Content and Inbound Content (including Customer Care Data). Account Information which includes Customer’s Personal Data (as defined in the Data Processing Addendum) shall be deemed to constitute Customer Content.
Account Information means any information relating to any account of a Customer with any of the RHB Group including without limitation the account number, account balance or value, currency denomination, gross receipts, withdrawals and payments to or from the account and the total gross amount of interest paid or credited to the account.
Account Information means all information necessary to open an account or register a verifier, including all information on representatives assigned to them;
Account Information means information pertaining to the Account(s) maintained by the Customer with Allied Bank.