Accounting district means the school district within whose
Accounting district means the school district within whose geographic boundaries an institute charter school is physically located.
Accounting district s per pupil on-line funding" means the minimum per pupil funding, as defined in section 22-54-104 (3.5) ON-LINE FUNDING, AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 22-54-104 (4.5), for any budget year DIVIDED BY THE ON-LINE PUPIL ENROLLMENT.
More Definitions of Accounting district
Accounting district s at-risk funding" means the amount of funding for at-risk pupils in the accounting district determined in accordance with the formulas APPLICABLE AT-RISK FUNDING FORMULA described in section 22-54-104 (4) PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 54 OF THIS TITLE 22.
Accounting district s at-risk funding" means the amount of funding for at-risk pupils in the accounting district determined in accordance with the formulas described in section 22-54-104 (4).
Accounting district s at-risk per pupil funding" means the amount of funding determined in accordance with the following formula:
Accounting district s per pupil funding" means the per pupil funding calculated for the accounting district pursuant to the formula described in section 22-54-104 (3).
Accounting district s per pupil online funding" means THE online funding as specified in section 22-54-104 (4.5), FORMULA DESCRIBED PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 54 OF THIS TITLE 22 for any budget year divided by the online pupil enrollment.
Accounting district s per pupil online funding" means online funding, as specified in section 22-54-104 (4.5), for any budget year divided by the online pupil enrollment.
Accounting district s adjusted per pupil revenues" means THE 15