Examples of Accrued Liability in a sentence
Accrued Liability Balance shall be distributed in equal monthly installments.
The foregoing amount shall be used to calculate an annuity payable on a monthly basis for a period of one hundred eighty (180) months, and by applying the Accrued Liability Balance Interest Rate.
The Accrued Liability Balance shall continue to accrue earnings at the Discount Rate until all monthly installments are completely distributed.
This benefit is determined by calculating a twenty-year fixed annuity from said Accrued Liability Balance, crediting interest on the unpaid balance at the annual plan discount rate, compounded monthly.
The Bank shall not otherwise add to, subtract from, or adjust the balance of the Accrued Liability Reserve Account except as necessary to conform with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as applied in the manner required by the Bank’s primary Federal Regulator.