The Issue. Alcohol misuse is recognised as a major social problem. It is a truly cross-cutting issue which pervades all sectors of our community and places significant and disproportionate demands on many Community Planning Partners – both in terms of budgets and operational resources. More importantly, it adversely affects the lives and opportunities of thousands of Glaswegians in terms of health, jobs, education, crime, violence, anti-social behaviour, fire and housing. The contributory role that alcohol plays in a wide range of adverse social consequences has been well documented in reports by the Director of Public Health, Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer. Given its cross-cutting nature, alcohol misuse can only be addressed through a strong partnership response. The CPP is ideally placed to bring additional collective resources to bear on the identified outcomes and deliver local solutions whilst also working with Scottish Government and other national bodies to influence the national policy, legislative, and cultural agendas. Specifically, the opportunity exists for a high level political, civic and multi-agency focus to the challenge of improving the city’s relationship with alcohol, and sustaining this focus and commitment for lifetime of the ten year Single Outcome Agreement. Glasgow has the highest alcohol-related hospital admissions rate to acute services in Scotland (1,488 per 100,000) and also the highest alcohol-related death rate (77.8 per 100,000). Alcohol- related mortality has nearly tripled since the early 1980s and alcohol-related hospital admissions have more than quadrupled in Glasgow. Glasgow has one of the fastest growing liver cirrhosis mortality rates in the world and has experienced a substantial rise in alcohol-related harm. Around 40% of Accident & Emergency attendances in Glasgow are alcohol related. The Mental Health in Focus5 report from Glasgow Centre for Population Health reports that mental health-related alcohol deaths are 23% higher in Glasgow City compared with Scotland. The harm caused by current patterns of use of alcohol is extensive, with negative outcomes ranging across health (increased mortality and morbidity), child development and child protection, family wellbeing (e.g. creating major burdens of care for family members as well as services), safety and criminal justice including social disorder and domestic violence, economic and employment related impacts, environmental (e.g. litter) and threats to community wellbe...
The Issue. Date must be a Business Day. For the purposes of this Memorandum, Business Day means a day which is:
(1) a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets settle payments and are open for general business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in London and any other place specified in the applicable Final Terms as an Applicable Business Centre;
(2) either (i) in relation to Notes denominated in a Specified Currency other than euro, a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets settle payments and are open for general business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in the principal financial centre of the country of the relevant Specified Currency (if other than London and any other Applicable Business Centre specified in the applicable Final Terms); or (ii) in relation to Notes denominated in euro, a day on which the TARGET2 system is open. Unless provided otherwise in the applicable Final Terms, the principal financial centre of any country shall be as provided in the ISDA Definitions (except in the case of Australia and New Zealand, where the principal financial centre will be Sydney or Auckland, respectively); and
(3) a day on which the ICSDs and any other relevant clearing system is open for general business.
The Issue. 2022-1 Start-up Loan Provider hereby acknowledges that (i) from time to time Funding may enter into New Start-up Loan Agreements with New Start-up Loan Providers and that the obligation of Funding to repay the Issue 2022-1 Start-up Loan and any New Start-up Loan will rank pari passu and will be paid pro rata between themselves; and
The Issue. Our immigration system locks up hundreds of thousands of immigrants unnecessarily every year, separating people from their loved ones and subjecting them to inhumane conditions of confinement.
The Issue and Paying Agent shall comply with the provisions set out in Schedule 9 (Duties under the Issuer-ICSDs Agreement).
The Issue. 1.1 The purpose of this report is to obtain agreement to the charges for School Admission Appeals, outlined in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) provided by Democratic Services for the year April 2023 – March 2027 for local authority schools (community and voluntary controlled) and those academy, foundation and voluntary aided schools that use the service. Last year there were 134 school admission appeals.
The Issue. 2. 1. Ownership and use of land, housing
2. 2. Subsidies and government support for domestic enterprises.
2. 3. From the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam shall: (i) does not impose these kind of prices, fees discriminatory nature new or more severe; (Ii) removal on December 31, 2005, discriminatory prices, charges all goods and services, including electricity and domestic air transport.
The Issue. 2. 1. Ownership and use of land, housing
2. 2. Subsidies and government support for domestic enterprises.
2. 3. From the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam shall: (i) does not impose these kind of prices, fees discriminatory nature new or more severe; (Ii) removal on December 31, 2005, discriminatory prices, charges all goods and services, including electricity and domestic air transport. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM AND THE GOVERNMENT of Korea OF ENCOURAGEMENT AND PROTECTION OF INVESTMENT Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as "the Contracting Parties"); Desiring to strengthen economic cooperation of mutual benefit to both countries; In order to create favorable conditions for investments by investors of this country on its territory Other ; and Recognizing that the encouragement and protection of investments on the basis of this Agreement will promote business initiatives in both countries; Have agreed as follows:
The Issue. 2007-1 Start-up Loan Provider hereby acknowledges that from time to time Funding may enter into New Start-up Loan Agreements with New Start-up Loan Providers and that the obligation of Funding to repay this Issue 2007-1 Start-up Loan and any New Start-up Loan will rank pari passu and will be paid pro rata between themselves. The Issue 2007-1 Start-up Loan Provider further acknowledges that the Funding Pre-Enforcement Revenue Priority of Payments and the Funding Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments set out in Parts I and III of Schedule 3 to the Funding Deed of Charge respectively will be amended to reflect the entry by Funding into New Start-up Loan Agreements and related agreements from time to time and agrees to execute such documents as are necessary or required by the Rating Agencies for the purpose of including the New Start-up Loan Provider and the New Issuer (and any other relevant party) in the Transaction Documents to effect those amendments.
The Issue. 2007-1 Start-up Loan Provider hereby undertakes to be bound by the terms of the Funding Deed of Charge and the Cash Management Agreement and in particular agrees that on enforcement of the security created by the Funding Deed of Charge, all amounts of principal, interest and any other amounts due hereunder shall rank in the order of priority set out in the Funding Post-Enforcement Priority of Payments.