Accurate and consistent data definition

Accurate and consistent data means data that has been edited by the department and subject to provider validation and certification.
Accurate and consistent data means data that has

Examples of Accurate and consistent data in a sentence

  • Accurate and consistent data is not maintained to provide a trend analysis on youth in residential and non-residential placements.

  • Accurate and consistent data ensure that data capture correct information on service engagement and community resources, such as a participant’s assessment or the number of a community’s shelter beds.

  • Accurate and consistent data on investigations and prosecutions of cases of sexual abuse, violence or exploitation against children under the age of 18 were and still are incomplete or not yet available.

  • Accurate and consistent data collection is integral to our sustainability management process.

  • Accurate and consistent data is required for a service target performance incentive scheme to be effective.

  • Accurate and consistent data collection is necessary to assist in the elimination of DMC.

  • The System Administrator reserves the right to add reporting requirements if data quality appears to be decreasing or if reporting requirements change.Policy: Accurate and consistent data entry is essential to ensuring the usefulness of the NCFA HMIS.

  • With respect to information, below are needs to fulfill key-player organizations’ objectives and to do their jobs [3].• Access to data in useful format when and where needed • Ability to adapt to changing operational needs• Accurate and consistent data • Share data across the organization • Contain costs Actionable information for relief efforts must not be buried in a haystack of other, irrelevant data.

  • Accurate and consistent data collection is absolutely essential in the daily functions of local government.

  • Accurate and consistent data recorded in the PBM's on-line claims processing system that is appropriately transferred to DCH should help DCH perform useful data claims analyses to help maintain the integrity of Medicaid fee-for-service prescription drug payments; identify pharmacy providers with suspect or unusual billing practices; and determine the appropriate course(s) of action, including on-site reviews of pharmacy providers' billing records when appropriate.

Related to Accurate and consistent data

  • Historical data means any data collected by an ALPR system and stored on the statewide ALPR server operated by the Vermont Justice Information Sharing System of the Department of Public Safety. Any data collected by an ALPR system in accordance with this section shall be considered collected for a legitimate law enforcement purpose.

  • GLO Data means any data or information owned by the GLO, including PII or SPI as defined below, that Provider creates, obtains, accesses (via records, systems, or otherwise), receives (from the GLO or on behalf of the GLO), or uses in the performance of the Contract or any documents related thereto.

  • Green Tag Reporting Rights means the right of a purchaser of renewable energy to report ownership of accumulated “green tags” in compliance with and to the extent permitted by applicable Law and include, without limitation, rights under Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, and any present or future federal, state or local certification program or emissions trading program, including pursuant to the WREGIS Operating Rules.

  • Engineering Reports has the meaning assigned such term in Section 2.07(c)(i).

  • Books and Records means all books, records, board minutes, contracts, licenses, insurance policies, environmental audits, business plans, files, computer files, computer discs and other data and software storage and media devices, accounting books and records, financial statements (actual and pro forma), filings with Governmental Authorities and any and all records and instruments relating to the Collateral or otherwise necessary or helpful in the collection thereof or the realization thereupon.

  • Privacy Statements means, collectively, any and all of the Company’s privacy statements and policies published on Company websites or products or otherwise made available by the Company regarding the collection, retention, use and distribution of the personal information of individuals, including, without limitation, from visitors or users of any Company websites or products (“Individuals”);

  • Company Financial Statements has the meaning set forth in Section 3.6(a).

  • Input Material means all documents, information, representations, statements and materials provided by Customer or a third party on behalf of Customer, relating to the Services, including computer programs, data, logos, reports and specifications and inventories.

  • Subscriber Reports means the monthly Subscriber reports to be provided by Affiliate to the Authorized Representative in terms of Clause 11 of this Agreement.